Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

325 Chase out of the city and get out of the way! (Subscribe!)

And the Duke relies on these Qin soldiers. If the Qin soldiers are gone, he will not take risks on his own.

In the same way, he will not let the cavalry left by his side take risks. These are the capital from which he started. With these soldiers, no matter where he goes, he can occupy a certain advantage.

Han Xin and Meng Yi took Qin's cavalry and rushed to the outside of the city!

When they reached the outside of the city, they quickened the speed of their horses and ran towards the road where they came!

Without the influence of the terrain on the other side of the city, the speed of the warhorse immediately increased.

They formed a black torrent and ran towards the rear, the horses hooves rumbled on the ground.

Qin Huang was chatting with Su Qing in the carriage.

When he felt the ground shaking, he frowned and said, "What's going on? Could it be that a cavalry is coming?"

Hearing Qin Huang's inquiry, the little eunuch who was waiting beside the carriage lifted the curtain and said, "Your Majesty, there should be cavalry soldiers here, and the guard soldiers at the forefront have already gone to check, and there will be information later. come.

Just as the little eunuch finished speaking, he heard a loud shout.

"It's not good, Your Majesty Qin Huang, General Han Xin 11 and General Meng Yi are leading the Qin soldiers to flee back in a hurry, and behind them are a large group of Huns cavalry!

After hearing the report of this subordinate, Qin Huang immediately frowned.

He stood up abruptly and said loudly: "What is there to be afraid of the Huns' cavalry, pass my order, and immediately let the soldiers start forming a formation, and I will kill all those Xiongnu cavalry here!

Qin Huang gave an order, and the entire team took action.

Most of the team were infantry, with only a few cavalry running back and forth, passing messages, and defending against the danger of ambush from the surroundings.

The advantage of these infantry is that they can quickly form an array!

Under Emperor Qin's order, they placed all the wooden carts pulled by the heavy soldiers in front of the battle.

At the same time, the spearmen put the spear in front of the wooden cart, forming a steel jungle 1

In the middle of the wooden cart, a wide passage was left for the people led by Han Xin to pass.

After the entire array was completed, the cavalry team led by Han Xin and Meng Yi just arrived.

They were familiar with all the battle formation methods of Qin soldiers, and when they saw the cracked passage in the middle, they rushed forward without hesitation, and came to the middle of the formation!

And spread out to both sides, giving way to the cavalry behind.

After the last cavalry returned to the middle of the camp, Meng Yi came first, and said loudly in front of the stacked wood: "Prepare the archers for me!"

Meng Yi is the combat supervisor of this barracks.

He is also the one who leads the entire army. Under his command, the archers walked out in neat steps.

These archers carry quivers with sturdy faces.

After they reached their designated fighting position, they drew the longbow away.

These longbows all point diagonally to the sky, increasing their range.

The rumbling of hooves from behind resounded again.

This is the arrival of the European soldiers led by the Duke.

The speed of their horses was not as fast as that of Qin soldiers, mainly because the armor they wore was too heavy, which affected the speed of the horses.

Because of this, they were robbed and killed by the Huns' cavalry, with heavy casualties.

In the rear of these cavalry, is a large number of Xiongnu cavalry.

The number of them was about 200,000, and the ground seemed to tremble when they flew.

Seeing that the European cavalry had reached the edge of the camp, and the Huns cavalry in the rear were about to catch up, Meng Yi waved his arm without hesitation and said, "The archer shoots me arrows!

When his order was issued, he saw the archer draw the longbow full.

With a bang, a large number of bows and arrows shot straight out and fell towards the distance!

Those Hun cavalrymen who rushed forward, did not expect to encounter a blockade on the way, caught off guard, the Hun cavalry in the front row were shrouded in sword rain and fell to the ground!

The horses and the corpses of the cavalry blocked the road ahead.

The cavalry in the rear rushed again, causing a series of rollovers.

However, more cavalrymen passed over the fallen corpses, and even stepped directly over the corpses.

The speed of the cavalry charging in the direction of the battle formation was very fast. At this time, they accelerated and rushed like an arrow.

The archer only had time to shoot two rounds of arrows.

Those Xiongnu cavalrymen had already arrived at the European cavalry on the edge of the formed formation, and at this time they had already run to the center of the battle formation along the cracked passage.

They were still in shock at this time.

At this time before, they were chased and killed by these Xiongnu cavalry, and fear had already been planted in their hearts.

For fear of being overtaken by these Xiongnu soldiers, it would cause great harm to them.

They finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the encirclement formed by the soldiers of the Qin State.

In the middle of the battle formation, the specially separated opening has been completely merged, and a wooden cart is stacked at the entrance.

There are some sacks with sand and stone locking devices stacked on the car. These sand and stones can prevent the cavalry from colliding, and increase the weight to form an effect similar to a low wall.

The Qin infantry in the rear can be defended, so that they will not be injured by the bows and arrows fired by the opponent.

The spearmen took their time and stood firm, forming a dense forest of spears.

The formation has been formed!

Just then the archer fired the second round of the bow.

After this round of arrow rain, a group of cavalry was killed and wounded, and then the cavalry of the Huns collided with the battle formation here.

The Huns' cavalry is very fast!

After reaching the edge, the cavalry in the front row, with a look of despair, roared and rammed towards the forest of guns protruding from the battle formation.

They naturally know what the consequences of these long spears are, and they will die!

However, there is no other way. Behind them are the galloping horses. If they stop, they will be trampled into mud!

At this time, he can only passively face the tip of the spear, hang his body above the spear forest, and try to win some space with his companions behind.

This process must be bloody, the blood splashes out, and it quickly spreads around!

A steady stream of Huns cavalry rushed in, and finally the entire formation stabilized!

The cavalry in the front who were sent to death lay down on the ground, forming an existence like a hill, while the cavalry chasing behind quickly turned their horses, forming a diversion effect, starting from both sides, surrounding the entire formation.

Nearly 10,000 troops disappeared directly in this battle.

This is the cruelty of battle.

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