Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

290 picked up a great deal and named it 10glong City! (Subscribe!)

Killing so many Xiongnu soldiers, the casualties on their own side can be ignored, and this big reward is doomed.

Not to mention the various joyous emotions in the military camp.

At this time, Han Xin and Meng Yi stepped into the city master's mansion together.

The city lord's mansion is heavily guarded.

These are the most elite existences among the Daqin soldiers, and they surrounded the entire city lord's mansion.

Although at this time, most of the Huns in the city had been completely captured and directly beheaded, Meng Yi was still very careful.

In the city lord's mansion, he almost dug three feet into the ground to search, and after confirming that there was no problem, he let Qin Huang settle in, and then dispatched his soldiers to take care of him.

Five steps, one post, ten steps, one post, this kind of configuration is the normal range.

Under such strict protection, let alone an assassin, even a fly would not be able to fly into it.

Qin Huang is very safe!

Meng Yi and Han Xin were naturally not the targets of these soldiers' guards.

All of them are generals under the Qin Emperor's trust, and these 11 soldiers are all trained by them, and they have only respect for these two generals and soldiers.

And when the two passed by this time, everyone also gave salutes one after another.

Han Xin and Meng Yi walked to the hall together, and the eunuch who had been with him ran to Emperor Qin's side to make a report.

Qin Huang heard that Han Xin pursued that Timur to the outside of the city, and beheaded all of Timur's soldiers, and brought back a considerable number of prisoners.

Timur was even beheaded, and when he was happy, he summoned Han Xin and Meng Yi to come in.

After walking into the hall, you can see that the inside of the hall is extremely bright.

The surrounding windows have all been opened.

Flowers are also placed by the window to make the air inside is very refreshing.

In addition, there were several eunuchs standing in the hall.

Other than that, there are no other decorations.

Qin Huang abruptly turned the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion into a courtroom.

At this time, Emperor Qin was sitting directly opposite the main entrance of the hall.

Here, a shadow just shrouded him!

Those who entered it, could not see his true face, adding a sense of mystery and majesty!

After Han Xin and Meng Yi entered the store, he immediately knelt on the ground and said loudly: "I see Emperor Qin, long live my emperor, long live!

He then looked at Han Xin and said, "I heard that General Han Xin killed the head of the Hun leader Timur this time, and he has done a great job!"

Han Xin immediately knelt down on the ground and said loudly: "This is all due to Emperor Qin's teaching, and his subordinates dare not take credit. Timur was not beheaded by his subordinates, but was killed by those soldiers who belonged to his subordinates when he was fleeing. I tripped with a tripping rope, then fell to the ground, broke my legs and couldn't move!

Then he was accidentally stabbed in the heart with a short knife by a soldier under his hand, and eventually died of blood loss.

Han Xin did not lie and took the credit for his own use, but told the truth.

After hearing his words, Emperor Qin nodded and said: "General Han Xin is indeed a loyal and righteous person, and he is down-to-earth and did not lie, I like it very much.

After speaking, he opened his mouth again and said: "Come here, immediately reward Tang Longjian!

Tang Longjian is a weapon in the Qin Emperor's arsenal. It is very sharp, and two dragon patterns are cast on it, so it is named Tang Longjian!

This sword is very famous among the Great Qin generals.

Although this sword was forged with cold iron and other precious ores, it can be said to be of alloy grade, very hard and sharp.

Ordinary swordsmen collided with this long sword, and they would be cut off immediately.

After hearing this, Han Xin immediately stretched out his hands excitedly and said loudly, "I will thank His Majesty Qin Huang for the reward! 39

As he spoke, he lowered his head and raised his hands high.

At this time, a eunuch came over with a pitch-black long sword in both hands and handed it to Han Xin.

This sword is very heavy, and when the eunuch walks, he can only hold it with both hands.

Han Xin raised his hands and sank slightly at this time, and he was very happy in his heart. After having Tang Longjian, when he was rushing to kill on the battlefield, he would definitely be more powerful.

Meng Yi also stood beside him and said with a smile: "General Han Xin, you got a big deal, your Majesty doesn't care about me so much."

Meng Yi's words fell into Qin Huang's ears, and Qin Huang laughed and said: "General Meng said this! I have given you a lot of rewards!

Meng Yi immediately smiled and didn't speak. Speaking of which, Meng Yi and Qin Huang also knew each other as teenagers, and both of them were very familiar with each other.

They really don't have to say much.

At this time, Emperor Qin said again: "How are the two generals dealing with the entire city now?"

Meng Yi clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, after entering the city this time, the three armies will sort out the entire city together. In addition, the last general will make a list of propositions and give out rewards, so that the residents of this city will begin to assist in searching for the traces of the Huns. Collect most of the Huns in the city, and push them directly to the street entrance to beheaded to show the public, as an example!

Under such circumstances, the chances of the Huns surviving are very slim!

In addition to being strictly guarded, the subordinates also set up the Daqin pavilion system, so that the residents of this city can spontaneously carry out strict defense, so as to prevent the power of the Huns from returning to the ground!""

After listening to what Meng Yi said, Qin Huang also smiled slightly.

Then he said: "Very good, so I can rest assured. Now that the city has been completely stabilized, I have an idea."

When his words came to this point, Meng Yi and Han Xin both looked up at Qin Huang.

At this time, Emperor Qin said: "Since this city has been taken down, I want to name it the city of Daqin and give him a Chinese name.

Han Xin and Meng Yi looked at each other, and Han Xin said, "I don't know what name Your Majesty is going to name this city?"

Qin Huang said: "I thought about it here for a while and decided on a name, and the two generals can listen to it.

After he finished speaking, he said: "I am going to name this city Tenglong City."

Han Xin and Meng Yi glanced at each other and immediately smiled and said, "The name given by Your Majesty is really very appropriate!

Tenglong City indicates that His Majesty has temporarily stayed here, and this place was shot down by my Daqin soldiers and soldiers, and the implication is very profound and perfect. "

The words of the two of them fell into Qin Huang's ears, and immediately made Qin Huang smile.

Then Emperor Qin said: "If that's the case, let's set the name down and let people rush to make plaques and hang them on the city gates overnight. In the future, this city will be my Daqin city!

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