Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

291 Rectify and explain, create a plaque! (Please subscribe!)

Meng Yi and Han Xin clasped their fists together, claiming that they were.

At this time, Emperor Qin asked Han Xin and Meng Yi to go down to rectify the entire Tenglong City first.

After Emperor Qin's order was issued, the entire city began to move.

Meng Yi first recruited local residents who were familiar with woodworking and asked them to build plaques according to Emperor Qin's instructions.

Of course, the words written on the plaque were all written by Da Qin.

After Teng Longcheng finished writing, Han Xin personally took his soldiers to hang at the city gate.

And the plaque of this city gate also had a small episode when it was hung.

The original plaque on the city gate, Han Xin, was going to find someone to make it himself, but Meng Yi went directly to Emperor Qin to ask for a set of characters. Using the characters written by Emperor Qin himself, local craftsmen enlarged it and hung it above the city gate. .

In this way, the honor is even stronger, and Emperor Qin is also very happy.

In this regard, Han Xin gave Meng Yi a thumbs up and felt that he had done a very good job.

When everything is settled, the plaque is hung on it.

Meng Yi called the three armies and assembled outside the city to form a huge plaque hanging ceremony.

Under the gaze of the three armies, Tenglong City immediately stood on this piece of land.

The faces of Daqin's soldiers were filled with pride and joy, which indicated that Daqin's territory had moved forward by a large part.

At this time, surrounded by several eunuchs, Qin Huang walked to the top of the city wall above the plaque.

He stood there and was seen by Da Qin soldiers.

Emperor Qin was bathed in the light and opened his arms to show a very majestic look.

Then he gave an extremely powerful speech, exhorting the three armies not to be impatient!

He also gave a lot of praise verbally. The specific implementation of these praises will not be able to be carried out until he returns to the Central Plains.

However, the soldiers of the three armies did not pay much attention to these, and Emperor Qin was synonymous with invincibility in their hearts.

Even if Emperor Qin did not give everyone a reward, everyone would follow His Majesty Qin Huang desperately.

After the three armies bowed down, Emperor Qin returned to the City Lord's Mansion.

At this time, Tenglong City was completely closed, and the entire city became the territory of Daqin.

After fully considering it, Han Xin sought the opinion of Emperor Qin and finally decided that the army would stay here for two days.

Then they quickly marched to the next city.

According to estimates, Da Chanyu's troops should not be very far from here, otherwise Timur wouldn't have sent his soldiers out to report the news, otherwise it would be delayed for a long time.

Since the distance is not far, Qin Huang is not in a hurry.

What's more, Qin Huang couldn't stand it all day long.

At the moment, the army settled down temporarily, and the residents of the entire Tenglong City also adapted to the situation controlled by the new occupier.

They lived their lives step by step, and the destroyed homes began to be rebuilt.

After Meng Yi got enough food and grass, he also distributed the surplus to the residents in the city.

And told them that these were all gifts from the Emperor Qin, and the residents of this city immediately became grateful.

The whole city became beaming with joy.

At this time, under the order of Emperor Qin, the city was filled with a relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Han Xin and Meng walked side by side on the street.

The residents who passed by along the way all bowed and saluted them at this time.

Neither Meng Yi nor Han Xin felt proud of it.

These are all foreigners, and they are very different from the native residents of Daqin!

They have different identities.

Pride is no different!

Looking at the people who took the food by the side of the road, Han Xin said, "Now that the army is about to start, I don't know what to do with the city lord's candidate.~?"

Meng Yi nodded and said: "It's really like this, Emperor Qin told me in private that I should make the decision myself, after all, a city like this is only easy for His Majesty to get.

At that time, as long as a permanent candidate is selected to bring him before the Majesty, it will be enough to recognize his face!

Han Xin said: "Then General Meng Yi, don't you have your own ideas?

Meng Yi shook his head and said: "I just arrived at the city side, and I don't know the situation here at this time. How easy is it for me to find the candidate of the city owner for a while?"

Said that he was quite distressed.

Look at Han Xin's side and said: "Brother Han Xin, the selection of the city lord is not a child's play. Although the Emperor Qin entrusted this matter to me to do it myself, if the chosen city lord is a tyrannical person, then the city of Tenglong will be destroyed. No, when the time comes, Your Majesty will question me too.""

Han Xin said: "This is indeed a matter, but there is always a way, and it will take some time to set off anyway.

Meng Yi nodded after hearing his words.

Then the two walked forward together.

At this time, Meng Yi suddenly heard some loud noises coming from nearby!

It looks like someone is beating!

He immediately turned his head and found that it was in a small alley.

At this time, a group of people was gathering around, and the sound was emanating from the crowd.

Among these crowds, there were some screams of pain, and it was obvious that someone was being bullied.

Meng Yi frowned and said, "Didn't I give an order not to gather people to fight in the city?"

After he finished speaking, several soldiers who followed behind immediately stood up and said: "My subordinates go and stop it! 99

After speaking, they immediately ran towards the alley.

After a while, he reached the edge of the crowd.

At this time, the crowd did not realize that some soldiers from Daqin came behind!

They were still shouting loudly.

At this time, in the middle of the crowd, there are two groups of people facing each other!

There are three of them.

But two are children.

The oldest one was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

On the other side, they are all young people.

The strength of the two sides is not proportional, and the young man is obviously much weaker.

At this time, the fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy (who belonged to Zhao) was vigorously blocking the beating of the young man on the opposite side, and protecting the children behind him!

The youth are powerful and numerous!

Although the young man tried his best to protect him, he was too young to resist. He was kicked on the body by the young man standing opposite him, and he knelt on the ground on the spot.

But at this time, he gritted his teeth and got up and said loudly: "You bastards, actually robbing us, these rewards are given by His Majesty Qin Huang!

A young man at the head immediately said loudly: "What reward! In this place, it is your turn to question our brothers!"

Another young man followed up: "Yes, whatever you get, give it to us now! Otherwise, you will be beaten! 35

After these years of words, the young man in the lead said again: "I will give you a chance to hand over all the food you got, otherwise, you will have to be beaten to death today.

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