Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

289 Return to the harvest, the arrangement of the court! (Please subscribe!)

And this incident, coincidentally, also makes people feel some faint want to laugh.

After all, before Timur was extremely conceited, he commanded the army to fight against the Qin army, and he had a basis for advancing and retreating.

This time it ended up like this.

After Han Xin looked at it, he waved his arm and said, "Cut off this man's head, then bring it back to the city, and present it to Emperor Qin, ask him to check it out!"

Han Xin issued an order, and the soldiers under his command immediately executed it!

Of those soldiers, some people were fast and directly pulled out their waist knives and slashed downwards.

With just one blow, Timur's head was chopped off.

Then the rest of the soldiers also aimed at those Xiongnu soldiers, showing some greedy expressions.

Each of these heads is a first-class military feat!

After cutting off the head, the Daqin soldiers happily carried the head, tied it in front of the war horse and put it on the neck, and ran back towards the city.

This time it can be said that it was a great victory, and the soldiers who got their heads were all elated.

Han Xin did not stop everyone's behavior.

At this time, he was still vigilant in his heart. Although after some sorting out just now, most of these Xiongnu soldiers have been caught, but there is no guarantee that these Huns still have other ambush in them.

Immediately, he immediately let the soldiers under him patrol the woods like a comb.

When I found that there was no trace of ambush by the Huns at all, I returned to the city!

At this time, Meng Yi just arranged the city defense work!

Meng Yi is a qualified general.

After he arrived at the city, he cleaned up all the Huns.

On the spot, the ordinary city defense troops who assisted in the attack were pardoned for their sins, and these city defense troops were naturally grateful to Meng Yi.

And Meng Yi took more care of them, and was more gentle than the brutal rule of the Huns. He was loved by these local defenders, and they returned to their hearts one after another.

Therefore, the punishment and prevention work has been carried out smoothly.

A large number of Qin soldiers walked up to the wall and defended the city with the local city defense troops!

Meng Yi stood on a wall and looked ahead.

He was looking at the direction that Timur fled earlier, Meng Yi was still worried about Han Xin!

Afraid that he would be counterattacked by those soldiers under Timur.

After all, here, Timur and his subordinates are more familiar!

Under his gaze, he saw a group of soldiers and horses running from the wilderness!

After seeing the direction in which the soldiers and horses were running, Meng Yi immediately frowned.

He could see that that was the direction Han Xin sent troops to chase.

Meng Yi immediately issued an order and said: "Everyone prepares for me to defend, be sure not to let the enemy come to the edge of the city!

After hearing his order, those Daqin soldiers clenched their weapons one after another.

The archers are also starting to draw their bows and arrows!

They do not lack the belief in fighting. If the number of soldiers on the other side is not large, even some Daqin soldiers dare to take the initiative to fight, and they will fight one-on-one!

Under everyone's close surveillance, you can see a cavalry soldier in the front, which has appeared in everyone's sight!

At this time, you can see that this cavalryman is wearing the armor of a Daqin soldier and wearing a bright red cloak.

His appearance is also very familiar.

Meng Yi immediately stood above the city gate and said loudly: "It's Han Xin, they are back! It looks like they should have won the battle!"

Meng Yi's face was full of smiles when he spoke.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Han Xin coming back, and Han Xin's expression was very calm.

Just when Meng Yi's thoughts were settled, he saw that a large number of cavalrymen behind Han Xin rushed in quickly.

These cavalrymen are all riding on war horses, and they are pulling more vacant war horses behind them, galloping wildly!

And on the necks of the horses that were being ridden, there were heads of people.

The heads of those people were clearly the Huns.

After seeing this situation, Meng Yi immediately said: "Open the city gate and let the soldiers in! 35

There was some joy in his voice when he spoke.

At this moment, the soldiers guarding under the city gate immediately ran to the side of the city gate and opened it.

With the sound of rumbling, the city gate was completely opened.

Han Xin led the cavalry behind him to the rear of the city gate, and after arriving, he stopped the warhorse he was riding.

Then he looked at the direction of the city head and said, "General Meng Yi, I'm back!"

Meng Yi had already come down from the top of the city wall at this time.

After he came down, he immediately patted Han Xin on the shoulder and said, "You did a great job! 35

After speaking, he looked at the Daqin cavalry behind him and said, "You have gained a lot today.

After hearing his words, Han Xin immediately smiled and said, "That's natural, and it's only a matter of time before the Huns are defeated! 99

Meng Yi smiled.

After that, Han Xin pulled Meng Yi and began to explain the various circumstances of the previous pursuit.

When he heard that Timur was killed by a soldier, Meng Yi was also sighed for a while.

After all, the one who can guard this city is definitely a high-ranking general among the Huns.

It was a complete surprise to be killed by a soldier now.

At this time, Meng Yi looked at Han Xin and said, "Since you have chased down these Huns, then now you will come with me to meet the Emperor Qin and show him this! 99

Han Xin nodded.

That's what he meant.

Immediately, he waved his arms, but saw one of the soldiers coming over with Timur's head.

Then he found a wooden box to put it in full bloom, and then Han Xin and Meng, together with the box containing Timur's head, quickly walked towards the direction of the City Lord's Mansion.

Behind them, those Daqin soldiers who went out with 1.4 Han Xin to chase and kill were also brought back to the barracks by their respective officials.

After the Daqin soldiers occupied the city, Meng Yi immediately divided a special military camp for his soldiers to use.

These military camps have already made the division of each branch of arms in advance.

Therefore, the soldiers who followed Han Xin out, when they arrived at the barracks, could directly find their own place.

The heads they killed were also registered by the recorder in the barracks.

If they go back to Daqin, they will be credited separately.

At that time, whether to improve his position or do other rewards, we must obey the arrangement of the imperial court.

The whole camp was full of joy.

Except for the Daqin soldiers who followed Han Xin to the outside this time and pursued the Huns, the rest of the Daqin soldiers also gained something.

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