Daqin: Ying Zheng Works for Me

288 Beheaded, search! (Subscribe!)

Several ropes are pulled up, even if thousands of war horses run over, they will all be tripped over.

And here is the edge of the woods.

Tighten the rope by wrapping it around the tree, so that even the horses can't shake the rope.

And these ropes are specially made and extremely hard, and cannot be broken by the speed of the war horse.

Just when the rope was just pulled up, Timur also ran to the edge of the tree-forest with excitement!

He turned around as he ran, and when he found that there were no pursuers behind him, he was completely relieved.

As long as there are no chasing soldiers, with these horses behind him, the cavalry can run to Da Chanyu's side in one breath!

At this time, they can survive.

As soon as this idea fell, he suddenly found several ropes running across the edge of the woods.

The ropes appear to have been specially prepared to deal with war horses.

After seeing this situation, Timur was immediately shocked.

He's ready to shout loudly for everyone to stop!

But because the speed of urging the war horses was too fast when they were running just now, there was no way for the entire group of horses to stop in an instant.

At this time, Timur could only roar loudly and lift the reins of the war horse.

The war horse raised its front hooves and broke through the first rope.

Timur breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the war horses that followed behind did not have the same speed of reaction.

They stumbled over the ropes one after another.

With the screams of the warhorses, a large number of soldiers were overturned!

They swirled with the air and fell heavily to the outside of the woods.

The number of these stumbled war horses is not small.

At this time, Timur also widened his eyes and came to the edge of the second rope.

He did not expect so many ropes to appear by the woods!

After escaping the first one, he was about to escape the second one. Just when he urged the warhorse to raise its front hooves and run over, the warhorse that was tripped over suddenly flew up into the air and fell towards him.

Just when Timur wanted to mobilize the war horse, he was smashed to the ground by the flying rear war horse, and then rolled and fell into a gourd.

At this moment, Han Xin also led his soldiers out of the woods.

They came to the place where the war horses were being guarded, then turned on their horses and charged forward along the way to the edge of the woods.

The army circled an arc and quickly charged towards the direction where the Hun soldiers fled.

The rumbling sound of hooves stepped on the ground and quickly passed to the distance.

At this moment, Timur vomited out blood, and he was stabbed by a machete at the position of his heart. This was when he fell down just now and was injured by an unknown Xiongnu soldier who accidentally threw out the weapon in his hand. .

At this time, Timur died very embarrassed.

He did not expect that one day he would eventually die at the hands of his own people, and he was a little-known soldier.

He was a little regretful, if he had just been dealt with by Han Xin, at least he would be able to leave his name in the history.

Now it looks like it probably won't work.

He wanted to stand up, but his legs were crushed by the corpse of the warhorse. The warhorse had already crushed his legs the moment he fell, and he had to use his arms to support him if he wanted to get up.

Then lean back against the other objects supported, and regain your position.

At this time, there was no way to meet his conditions, and he could only spit out blood and struggle violently.

The situation of the rest of the Xiongnu soldiers was similar. Some of these Xiongnu soldiers were directly crushed to death by war horses, and some fell to their death on the spot.

After all, when the war horse was tripped just now, the impact was very large.

A little careless, the knights on horseback will be overturned and then fall to the ground. When they are overturned, their heads will hit the ground, and their necks will be broken immediately.

And these fallen Xiongnu soldiers became the killers of the horses in the rear.

It can be said that the damage caused by the front horse is only part of the damage, but the corpses of these fallen horses caused more damage to the cavalry in the rear.

So that none of the cavalry running over could stand up!

They all lay on the ground.

Those with minor injuries were still screaming.

The seriously injured person passed out immediately, with a large mouth spitting out blood, the entire ground was completely filled with blood and screams.

When Han Xin rode his warhorse to the rear, the cavalry who set up the traps all arrived.

When these cavalry soldiers saw Han Xin, they immediately said: "Report to General Han Xin, after seeing the order, the subordinates immediately set up an ambush here, forming a tripping rope, and finally waited for the Huns to come and stopped them all. General please decide! 35

・・For flowers.....

After hearing the words of his soldiers, Han Xin nodded, and then he waved his hand.

At this time, he saw the other soldiers following him, rushing up quickly, and came to the battlefield to search.

These soldiers all had swords in their hands, and if they saw anyone dying, they would be hacked to death on the spot!

Mainly for those without any salvage value.

In this day and age, being seriously injured awaits death.

Only minor injuries are worth saving, but in this battle, Han Xin did not want to be captured.

Therefore, when the soldiers under his command saw that there were soldiers who were struggling but could not get up, they would immediately kill them at this time, and less than 10% of the people were saved!


Most of these people suffered minor injuries. They were pulled to one side and squatted on the ground. They were covered in wounds but no one treated them, so they had to carry it on their own.

Just wait for the blood to stop bleeding, and live your life well.

They were all pointed at by weapons and could not resist, and now they can only kneel on the ground and wait, God bless them.

At this time, Han Xin was also holding the hilt of his sword and walking among these dead people.

After he had walked some distance, a surprised shout came from in front of him: "That general of the Huns! Here!

After hearing the shouting, Han Xin immediately looked up.

At this time, it was found that in the front, among the Huns lying on the ground, a Huns general wearing luxurious armor appeared!

It's Timur!

After Timur vomited blood, his vitality was completely exhausted.

He stared at the sky with round eyes, and the sky was dark at this time, which just reflected his eyes, showing a gray look.

He looked a little unwilling, and a little unwilling and lightly attached.

But all of this is completely frozen at this point.

Han Xin glanced at him and knew that Timur was completely dead. He originally wanted to catch up with Timur and fight him for dozens of rounds, and then find an opportunity to kill him righteously.

Unexpectedly, when Timur was so lucky, he was stabbed to death on the spot by one of his soldiers, which is embarrassing.

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