Chapter 174 Strict selection, the best of the best! (give a subscription support)

“According to the order of the general of my Fifth Corps, the new round of selection of officers and men will officially begin now!”

Standing on the makeshift high platform, Gan Wu led the army general Zhang Han’s general order, shouting loudly on the spot.

“The soldiers of the entire Fifth Corps, even if the selection is over, are still not full, but they must meet the standard of the best in order to be worthy of the prestige of the first sequence.

Listening to the orders of the generals at hand, Zhang Han can be described as looking like a torch, and he must not waste the trust of the emperor.

Precisely because the Fifth Corps is subordinate to the first battle sequence and is supplemented by high-quality troops, they must implement strict military discipline to the end.

“Boom boom”

Accompanied by the sound of dongdongdong war drums, it spread to every corner of the barracks, and the rumbling echo was endless.


There seemed to be some kind of intangible sense of ritual, and the candidates on the scene couldn’t help but straighten their backs, and no one was making a noise here.

It is not surprising to think about it carefully. There are many people who have come to have retired, so that they are active soldiers.

“Peng Yue”

“Which business”


According to the order in the list, several middle-level generals spoke loudly and said one by one.

Regardless of whether it is retired or active duty, or people from the private sector, there are basically no exceptions, and they are all good players who have undergone preliminary selection.


In order to complete the selection to become the Fifth Corps in the shortest time, the first batch of conscripts consisted of 2,000 people.

“Everyone receives a set of equipment, including a necessary weight of 20 catties

When the first batch of conscripts came out, the grassroots officers in charge of related undertakings ordered.

I heard that Yingbo, Lishang, and others looked forward together with their subconscious movements.

I saw a large number of armored weapons placed in an orderly location in the north of the barracks, and there were actually a considerable number of stones.

“No way, in addition to receiving armored weapons, you have to carry twenty catties of stones,?”

Suddenly, not only the first batch of applicants, but the others’ complexions changed drastically.

“The lightest leather armor is less than ten catties, the conventional weapons are also twenty catties, and there are almost ten catties of curved bows and arrows.

“Plus the 20 catties of stones, let alone six to seventy catties!’

With a little psychological preparation before Rao, and knowing that the selection will not be too easy, Peng Yue was still surprised.

“It seems that the field regular army formed by the imperial court is not so easy to enter. Originally, I thought too much.

Regarding this, Li Shang had many thoughts in his mind, and his heart was sinking.

Judging from the current posture, it is obvious that they are required to run with such a load, and then evaluate the rest of the projects.

“The exemption of corvee and taxation depends on the strength after all.”

Years of martial arts training does not mean that his head is not bright, Yingbu clenched his own fist, but he has to join for half his life.

With such an extremely generous treatment, he can’t show his true ability, so he can only watch it.

“Hurry up, the speed is so slow, how will we fight in the future?”

Unsatisfied with the speed at which the conscripts received, the officer in charge of supervising on the side urged one after another.

“With their respective equipment and loads, they ran to the valley in front of Yixingxiang and completed the archery project of ten consecutive shots.

“Once the time is exceeded, it will be deemed to have lost the qualification for selection, do you understand?”

I glanced at the applicants in front of him, and when it came to the last Ganwu, his tone was a little bit heavier than before.


After receiving their own equipment and load, Na Shang, Ying Bo, Peng Yue and other two thousand people responded loudly.

“Time for a stick of incense, start!


When a stick of incense braved the light and gradually began to burn, the first batch of applicants rushed forward carrying heavy equipment and a load.

“At the moment, unhappiness doesn’t work at all, but the speed increases one by one, how to deal with the next assessment.

Without the slightest pause, the Shang ran at the fastest speed and smiled bitterly.

If it’s a stick of incense running into the valley, it’s more than enough to save energy a little.

However, after arriving at the destination, he had to complete ten consecutive archery, and the time became very urgent!

“Brother Peng, don’t save any physical strength. Run as fast as you can. Run to the valley first.”

At present, the new round of selection is undoubtedly a race against time. A slower step determines the future of own. In the beginning, Yingbu made full efforts.

“Brother Ying, I understand what you mean.

It was not clear what the other party was referring to. Peng Yue gritted his teeth, but he speeded up his feet again.


The applicants who were running, did not have to talk again, and tried their best to keep running forward.

Without talking about the weight of sixty or seventy, he was still running at the fastest speed. In just a few minutes, there was a scene of exhaustion and breathlessness.

“”I must join the Fifth Corps, get exemption from corvee and tax treatment, and make a breakthrough in my hometown!,

With heavy lead and mercury pouring under his feet, Peng Yue only felt more and more strenuous, thinking of his unknown life, full of obsession with wanting to change.

“I am no longer the former Li Shang, no longer!”

Compared with Peng Yue, who is desperately running at speed, Nashang’s belief is also not bad, and he doesn’t want to miss such a good opportunity.

Because I deeply know that the 500,000 places exempted from corvee and taxes, the determination of men from all over the world is not much less than that of them.

“The quality of the source of soldiers is quite good, and Banzhuxiang has only passed a little, and many people have already come to the valley.

Although the army had been banned in Beiya before, Zhang Han, a general of the Corps, was very qualified and ran to the valley to check the progress in person.

When I saw a lot of figures appearing in my line of sight, especially the three people rushing in the front, the tone contained a little praise.


The first time he came to the valley, Yingbo didn’t have time to rest, so he quickly took up the bow in his hand.

The whole body suddenly worked hard, buzzing softly, and the arrows echoed with howling.

“Hurry up, hurry up”

When Yingbo ejected the first arrow, the rest of the people who arrived were unwilling to fall behind, and immediately assumed the basic posture of archery.

“Dang! Dang!”

At that moment, an arrow was in different directions, nailed to the side of a target 100 meters away, or due to lack of strength, it fell to the ground.

“Fortunately, I used to insist on martial arts, otherwise, I might have gotten down early.”

Just finished running with a load of sixty or seventy catties, and all of a sudden, he had to put in ten consecutive archery assessments, and the strong Li Shang couldn’t bear it.

I think so, but the action in his hand is not slow, shooting the assigned arrows in the emergency.

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