Chapter 173 Transfer from the Forbidden Army, Zhang Han takes office! (give a subscription support)

“From the beginning of the Holy Ancestor First Emperor, General Zhang has been escorting to the present. With an imperial order from his majesty, he is hereby appointed as the general of the Fifth Corps.”

Holding a bamboo slip about the appointment with the seal of the country’s jade seal printed on it, Chen Ping stood in place and read it aloud.

“Chen Zhanghan, thank your majesty for the grace!”

Towards the direction of the Lizheng Hall, Zhang Han, a clad in armour, jumped on her body, and then moved forward with cupped hands deeply.

According to circulated statements, the Fifth Corps belongs to the first sequence and belongs to the highest standard in the field regular army.

Next is the second sequence, followed by the third sequence of the field regular army, which represents the level of combat effectiveness and status.

“If Mr. Lao Chen conveys to your Majesty, there will be no loss of grace.”

After a while, Zhang Han turned around and said politely.

“General Zhang is polite. This is the duty of your subordinates. After you go back, you will convey it to your Majesty.”

With the status of a close minister of Huangmen’s staff and a typical official position with small powers, Chen Ping did not show any arrogant response.

The more you have no small rights, the more you are a close minister, the more you should keep calm at all times.

With the emperor now holding power, the positions of staff of Huangmen left and right have been targeted by many ministers, waiting for the two of them to make mistakes.

“This 07 is a partial general of the Forbidden Army of the North Ya, replacing the post of General Lang of the Forbidden Army of the South Ya.”

In addition to the necessary appointments, the other is the handover. Chen Ping then stood by and introduced.

“General Zhang, the last general of the original Beiya imperial army, Li Cunxiao.”

Before the handover was completed, strictly speaking, it was Li Cunxiao’s boss who gave a basic military salute.

“I have heard of General Li’s prestige before, instead of the emperor, he went to Lingnan as an envoy and brought a whole 200,000 army.”

The other party is a capable general, or one of the original team of the emperor, Zhang Han returned with a military salute, and said with some kind of closeness.

If the Sacred duty of guarding the emperor is handed over to the other party, it seems that it can be assured now.

“Everything is your majesty’s far-sightedness. A while ago, Fang Yu solved the Lingnan incident thoroughly with the fastest speed.”

The root of success lies in the emperor bypassing civil and military forces and withstanding the tremendous pressure from the DPRK. As one of the participants, Li Cunxiao is more clear than the others.

“Your Majesty’s vision is very long-term. With the 500,000 Lingnan army out there, it is always a hidden danger that cannot be dropped.

Zhang Han still knew a little bit about the specific internal situation at that time, and had always respected the emperor’s strategic vision.

“Fortunately, Your Majesty made it in time. Otherwise, it is estimated that you will have to wait until next year.”

The Lingnan Army issue is too much involved and has not been resolved for many years. The longer it is, the more dangerous it will be.

In this regard, Chen Ping admired the courage of the emperor, and soon after he became the throne, he withstood the pressure of the founding of the country.

“Not only that, it will also affect the progress of military reform.”

Although summoned by the system, Li Cunxiao has basic thinking and speaks out.

I heard that Chen Ping and Zhang Han nodded, feeling deeply impressed.

There are basically poisonous insects and beasts and miasma. They don’t have strong combat power, and they can’t beat the Lingnan pair at all.

What’s more, it is the most elite 200,000, which is not lost to the Northern Frontier Army at all, and is even better.

“The formation of the regular army in the field is imminent, General Li, now we will hand over the affairs of the Nanya ban.”

After a relatively short conversation, Zhang Han didn’t forget what was going on, and said quickly.

“General Zhang, no problem.

After the handover between the two parties, the responsibility of the guard was taken care of by himself, and Li Cunxiao did not forget and said without thinking about it.

Immediately, under the witness of Huangmen Left Staff Officer Chen Ping, Zhang Han and Li Cunxiao completed the handover ceremony.

Li Cunxiao succeeded the Nanya Imperial Army General Lang, while Zhang Han rushed to the reorganization site to form the fifth corps.

“My Fifth Corps, where do the recruits come from?”

When he arrived at the temporary station of the Fifth Corps, Zhang Han immediately asked the generals who had been assigned.

The Fifth Corps belongs to the first order and must be strict and then strict so that it can be worthy of its own responsibilities.

“General, the seedlings who came to the Fifth Corps were basically like elites from the frontier army or Lingnan, and some came from the people.

One of them came from a veteran nobleman who had once been a young prime minister Gan Luo, Gan Wu, a general of the Gan clan, replied.

Zhang Han felt quite satisfied when he heard that the source of the source of troops was so good, and then asked.

“There are many people who come directly to the door, as well as recommendations from local officials.

There was a lot of turmoil about the recommendation, and Gan Wu naturally had no reason to hide it, and said truthfully.

“How did you deal with it?”

Having said this, Zhang Han stopped and looked at Gan Wu and other generals.

“Please rest assured that the army has all refused. The source of troops has been selected through preliminary and strict selection.”

Hearing the general meaning of the words, Gan Wu shook his head and said decisively.

The family has explained to them in advance, everything is done in accordance with the policy, so as not to be unnecessarily involved.

Besides, they are the veteran nobles of Daqin, and they don’t lack any gold and silver treasures, so they can’t take risks at all.

“Very good, as long as there are people who dare to come again, they will be blasted away one by one.”

“If you don’t leave, let’s deal with it directly by military law!’

Not as if he was lying about the situation, Zhang Han’s serious expression relaxed a lot, and he added a military order against those people 210.

If you don’t think about relying on your true ability, but you want to join the field regular army by going through the back door, there is no need to be polite to those people.

“Hey, general, the general waits to comply.”

For this reason, several generals naturally had no opinion, leading the way.

“The order continues, the assessment of the Fifth Corps has officially begun!

From the few breaths that he had just taken office, Zhang Han quickly adapted to the identity of the master party and ordered.

Being able to become the general of the Fifth Corps is undoubtedly the emperor’s trust in own, doing his best to create the Fifth Corps, and he will be famous outside the Great Wall in the future.


As the voices fell one after another, Zhang Han continued to walk towards the depths of the station, accompanied by several main generals.

“Your Majesty, General Li and General Zhang have both taken office. In addition, General Li also said that there will be no loss of grace.

When returning to the Lizheng Hall, Chen Ping arched his hands and said to the emperor.

“Okay, I have written it down, Zhang Qing’s lofty ambitions are very high.

Upon hearing this, Ying Che put down the brush in her hand and spoke.

Zhang Han’s military talents are not bad, not to mention being at the same quality as Han Xin, but he is one of the few in the world.

In the future journey, a group of new and old generals, such as Chen Qingzhi, Meng Tian, ​​and Wang Jian, can completely control the army through them. .

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