Chapter 175 Yingbo fell and faces elimination! (give a subscription support)

“An order from this general will start the final part of today’s selection!”

Looking at the open area not far from him, many figures were shaking constantly, Zhang Han retracted his thoughts and said.

Sixty or seventy kilograms of load ran all the way down, and then there was a ring of ten consecutive archery, and the assessment was still the last fire.

“Hey, general.”

In this regard, after a leader took a few steps forward, he took his command.

“Boom, boom, boom”

There was another echo of drums playing, but it seemed much more hurried than before.

“No, that is, that is the prelude to the attack!

In recent years, Li Shang has a little bit of insight, and said with a strange expression.

Judging from the sound of the war drums, it was the most obvious prelude to an army’s imminent attack on the other side.

“Start the offense and defeat them.”

Holding a wooden simple weapon, he has been waiting for a long time, becoming the first batch of soldiers of the Fifth Corps, rushing to the exhausted conscripts.

“It is estimated that the time left for us is running out. If we go, we have to rush over anyway.”

Originally thought that the assessment was almost over, but never thought that there would be such a hand, Yingbu said calmly.

After the fast running just now, as well as the urgent ten consecutive arrow shooting, they exhausted most of their 210 energy, where is the opponent to intercept the soldiers.

“Brother Ying, we must not disperse next, and rush over together.

Taking out the equipment that he had received before-the wooden long Ge, Peng Yueqiang endured the exhaustion on his body and said crudely.

With the current extremely intense selection, ordinary people can’t stand it at all, especially the shooting skills that are related to elimination or not. Both are indispensable.


The conscripts who had just arrived from the shooting range were exhausted and had to grab wooden weapons and rush forward.

“Make a phalanx and stop them!”

When the distance between the two sides was less than 100 steps, the soldiers of the Fifth Corps who were in charge of the interception stopped and quickly formed a defensive phalanx.

“Aside from the treatment given by the court, joining the field regular army is not necessarily a mistake. You must know that the elites of the whole world are concentrated.”

Noting that the phalanx formed quickly in front of it was almost speedy, dragging the exhausted candidates into the battle, they all thought together.

“Those guys really did it.”

After the wooden weapons were polished in advance, and then wrapped with a layer of grass that acts as a buffer, there is no need to worry about the scene of death.

However, a wave of it is still lethal, and it is quite painful to hit it, and it makes people utter a whine.

The first batch of soldiers to become the Fifth Corps undoubtedly passed the military literacy, and many of them came from the Lingnan and the Great Wall.

Every swipe is a direct hit to the point, and avoiding it contains a certain pattern, blocking the applicants who want to attack.

“Come on, leave me alone, go one by one!”

During the impact, Yingbu’s legs could not help but tripped directly to the ground.

When I saw my brother Peng Yue returning on the road, I felt anxious and discouraged Dao loudly.

“But ”

Since they were brothers on the road, they still came to sign up together. Peng Yue suddenly hesitated and said the word “but”.

“It’s about love and righteousness, let’s help you.

Seeing the returning figure, surrounded by the phalanx again, was a touch of loyalty that Li Shang valued.


Blocking the weapon swinging from the side, Nashang pulled up the figure that fell to the ground, and his right hand frequently wielded the wooden spear, engaging in fierce fighting.

However, judging from the dripping sweat, he is almost facing the end of the situation.

“go ”

Thanks to a moment of neutral, Yingbu, who turned up, waved his weapon again to block the attack from behind them.

When he turned around, he just smiled with the Shang Xiang who shot in time. The former is a kind of heartfelt thanks, and the latter is a sympathy.

“Very good!”

Seeing the thrilling scene that happened just now, Peng Yue let out a sigh of foul breath, and finally he can put his mind down (ahba).

“Rush over together,”

The three people’s actions resonated with the rest of the applicants. They abandoned their only hesitation for a while, and rescued their familiar companions, or a scene similar to Yingbu appeared.

“Yes, yes, the second batch of troops is relatively good, knowing how to rescue nearby companions as much as possible.”

With a panoramic view of everything just now, Zhang Han nodded in response, feeling quite satisfied.

At the end of the selection process, the help between comrades-in-arms and comrades-in-arms deserves to be promoted in the army.

“Crush together, rush!

Roughly out of the line of defense blocking the soldiers, and seeing that they are about to reach the final location, the exhausted candidates shouted, and a new force poured into their bodies.

“Anyone who crosses the white line is deemed to have passed the final assessment.

Upon hearing this, Yingbu, Li Shang and others, who had crossed the white line far away, were lying on the ground and breathing as if they had relieved all their strength.

Since there was no new military order to pass, and perhaps because they were too tired to move anymore, everyone did not unload a piece of equipment, but still chose to continue wearing it.

“The time for Yixingxiang has come, and those who have not crossed the white line stop.”

I don’t know how long it has been before, a row of soldiers in armor stood in front of the white line and stopped the conscripts who were about to step into the range.

“Everyone, just a little bit, let us be a soldier of the Corps.”

The burning of a surname means losing the opportunity to join, and the follow-up rushed in, even the applicants who were a few steps away from the white line, trying to win the last hope.

Joining the regular army in the field, the opportunity to get generous treatment is close at hand, how can it be easily given up?

“This is a unified rule for the selection of the Corps. The first batch and the second batch are the same, and no one can easily violate it.”

Perhaps reminiscent of the assessment they have gone through, the generals in front of the white line said in a slow tone and patiently said.

The most intuitive of the active military personnel from northern Xinjiang and Lingnan is the word military discipline, and it has been implemented into their bones.

In the end, due to the basic duty of a soldier, he still didn’t say anything in the end.

“They came here after many trials, and they were even a few steps away from the white line. It would be a pity to eliminate Weitu directly. It’s better to hire them out of order.”

Compared with the thinking of the active soldiers, Peng Yue’s concept has not changed, and he speaks for those people with regret.

It’s just a few steps away, and now it is enough to prove their strength, it should be appropriate to open the net.

Regarding this, that part of the applicants, who was indeed a pity, glanced gratefully at Yingbu, who had never met.

Faced with the similarities that have appeared in the major corps, what will Zhang Han, as the general of the corps, deal with?

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