Chapter 157 Jibu died tragically, his mind broke! (give a subscription support)

Although he has not officially played against each other, Jibu subconsciously clenched the blue hilt in his hand, which seemed to reduce the danger for himself.

Obviously, facing the unpredictable black ice platform commanders, he felt a great psychological pressure.

“Huh, huh, huh!”

Like an invisible reminder, every time a dull call sounded, a corpse must appear on the ground.

The so-called elite swordsman of Chu State seemed so vulnerable in front of Wu Zetian.

“Bao Qin’s minions are all commanders of the Black Ice Platform, and today they vowed to kill you!”

Watching his subordinates die one after another, without the slightest effort to parry, Ji Bu almost blushed, forgetting the previous pressure for a while.

“Trivial clown

Hearing this, Wu Zetian didn’t react too much, and said indifferently.

“Ni One Zero” Hhoo!”

He used to be a famous general of Chu State anyway, Ji Bu had ever received such a big insult, his whole body suddenly jumped, and the blue saber even hit the opponent’s front.


It has to be said that Ji Bu is one of the few famous generals in the Chu Kingdom. He only left an afterimage on the spot, and the speed was quite astonishing.

With the sudden outburst of killing just now, ordinary people can’t be defended at all, and they will be seriously injured if they are not killed on the spot.


In the face of Ji Bu’s lore, Wu Zetian took the long sword calmly, underlining and cutting into the weaker link.

Immediately afterwards, he easily cracked the seemingly fatal blow just now, and the blade flew from the right hand to the left hand, and then swung towards the opponent’s legs.

“What, how is it possible!”

Unexpectedly, the opponent was seriously injured, and the corners of his clothes could not be touched by the slightest. Ji Bu’s pupils couldn’t help but stare, and said in disbelief.


Just as Jibu took a step back, intending to find the next attack space, his legs were completely separated from the whole body on the same horizontal line.

But Wu Zetian stood on one side and couldn’t see how he shot it. The sword had returned from his left hand to his right hand.


Both legs broke at the same time, and huge pain swept through his body. Jibu was near the edge of passing out, representing painful sweat flowing down.

The iron-struck man couldn’t bear it either, and during the period, he couldn’t help but let out a wailing.

“A member of the backbone of Chu, one of the famous generals, haha, now he can’t reach the opponent’s round.”

In addition to suffering from inhuman torture, Ji Bu also has a deep weakness. Before, he tried to hold the other party in delusion, and now it seems that he is undoubtedly insulting himself.

Even if he didn’t notice when he took the shot, he lost all the capital to resist and became a lamb to be slaughtered.

“If you want to kill you have to be tough, come on, I’ll be a ghost and I won’t let you go.

Ji Bu, a hard-core supporter of the Chu State, did not make any begging for mercy, but said with a decisive expression on his face.

“Hei Bingtai has always been very kind, so, today will fulfill you.”

Under the mask of the mysterious bird, Wu Zetian’s peerless face was not angry, and instead said lightly.

“you you!”

Listening to these words, Ji Bu did not feel at ease, but also an inexplicable chill.

“Come here, drag the remnants of Chu State–Jibu directly into the sea water to soak. The wound must be kept fresh at all times.”

Now we have to deal with the other two small shrimps, Wu Zetian then turned around, not talking nonsense with each other.

Afterwards, I left a sentence that sounds plain and unremarkable, but actually represents the death method of capital punishment.

“Hey, all commanders.

It was heard that several members of the black ice platform stepped forward, and each should croak.

“Drag into the sea

The two members of the black ice platform were not polite and did not care about the bloody legs of the other party, dragging Jibu to the beach one by one.

“You must not die, you must not die!”

Speaking of sea water is undoubtedly the saltiest, Jibu cursed loudly at the figure when he thought of the scene where life is worse than death.

That looks exceptionally cruel, where there is the slightest bit of the famous general of Chu country, and the mainstay of the aura, at best it is a clown’s bargaining device.

“Ah, I’m a ghost and I won’t let you go…”

If the wound is not treated in time, it will produce pus, so that it is a serious infection. A slight movement will make it more painful, not to mention the terribly salty seawater.

Compared with the pain of just a moment, the torture brought by this time clearly conveyed every corner of the body, Jibu bit his teeth and dripped drips of blood.


And when the first wound is numb and does not bring much pain, a new wound will appear in time, repeating a new round of torture.

But the tumbling sea is constantly pounced, impacting the old and new wounds on Jibu’s body in all directions, and aggravating the original pain on the basis of it.

“Give me a pleasure, give me a pleasure, just beg you.”

Under one after another of torture, Jibu’s only remaining mind line of defense was completely destroyed, ushering in the final big collapse.

“The means of support is so vicious, and the powerful and unpredictable are all commanders, what kind of role is Emperor Qin??”

As the breath became weaker and weaker, Jibu’s wide-open eyes were filled with bloodshots that were clearly visible.

It was a kind of fear, and there was an extremely frightening emotion towards Emperor Qin who was standing behind!

It was proved that Jibu was completely dead, and the two members of the black ice platform did not drag him to the case, but allowed the sea to drift away, apparently intending to feed the fish.

“That, that is, the commanders of the Black Ice Platform!

Uncle Xiang, who was fleeing desperately, suddenly saw the figure blocking his way, and his heart sank into the abyss.

The other party appeared in sight, indicating that the force value was not low, and Ji Bu, a star of their Chu State, was killed.

“How is it possible, that’s what General Ji is like?”

General Ji’s force was obvious to all, and he couldn’t survive half of the incense time, Xiang Xiang trembled one after another when he spoke.

“Uncle Xiang, you go quickly, I will take them to postpone.”

Reluctantly restraining the fear in his heart, Xiang Xiang gritted his teeth and launched a vicious voice, 1.0.

You can’t walk together. It’s better to stay and delay the other party and buy more time to retreat.

“Take care of yourself!”

Knowing that this is not the time to postpone, Xiang Bo barely recovered from the horror just now, and then nodded heavily.

Whenever there is a delay of more time, it means that they are more dangerous. If not, they all have to confess to the deserted island.

Noting that there were remnants of Chu State who had been delayed, Wu Zetian was not in the slightest anxious, and a sharp eye suddenly flashed.

“Kill, avenge the dead brother!

The opponent easily killed Xiang Zhuang, Ji Bu, etc., the black ice platform that made people talk about it was all commanders, and the strength displayed was simply too powerful.

Even if there were only a few people, Xiang Xiang still didn’t dare to be careless, and ordered more than one hundred people to besieged and killed. .

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