Chapter 158 Horrified, massive snake tide! (give a subscription support)

“Kill, avenge the dead brothers, kill

Thinking of what they were facing, the more than one hundred Chu Kingdom swordsmen waved their weapons with hatred to besieged them.

“I hope we can delay it a little longer!”

With the absolute advantage in the number of people, Xiang Xiang is basically a rare elite. Xiang Xiang, instead of having the slightest joy, appears worried.

You must know that Ji General Ji Bu’s force is not low, and he has a place in the Chu State camp.

In the face of the siege of as many as hundreds of elites, Wu Zetian still did not panic, and slowly lifted the long sword in his hand, that is, the commander’s sword-Chunjun!


At any rate, it was the elite swordsman remaining in the Chu Kingdom. A long sword with a long handle was swung towards the figure in the middle from the angle of the knife.

Immediately after them, dozens of companions were placed behind them, and they made a volley assault, eliminating all the possibilities of the absolute side’s counterattack.

. i and.

Looking at hundreds of elites’ amazing attacks and extremely tight coordination, Wu Zetian was not moved at all.

Immediately, with a light wave of the Junjun sword in Jade’s hand, it suddenly appeared that there was a murderous cold light.

“Puff, puff, puff, puff”

It is as colorful as art, the pure name sword turns into a flower of swords, and then it keeps falling from the midair.

Whenever one fell, a dead body would inevitably fall and die quietly without warning.


Not only that, but what is creepy is that the fallen corpse began to drop pieces of meat, and the floor was full of alcohol with severed limbs and arms.

And in their eyes, there was no imaginary panic, but a series of stunned reactions.

“Black Ice Terrace commanders are so strong, Qin, where did Emperor Qin get it!”

The swordsman carefully trained by Chu State didn’t even have time to react. He didn’t know why he died on the spot, and Xiang Xiang couldn’t help trembling.

“You, don’t come over, the most, it’s best to lay down your weapons…”

More than 30 people were killed in an instant, almost one-third of the staff was reduced, and they still haven’t figured out anything.

Therefore, the remaining Chu Kingdom swordsmen barely kept calm, said in a strong manner.

However, what silently responded to them was that there were more sword flowers than just now, and the falling speed was exactly twice as fast.


There was no other counterattack at all, and the remaining Chu Kingdom swordsman fell to the ground with a thud, and any one of his limbs separated from his body.

It was only two attacks. All the elite swordsmen of the Chu Kingdom who were present were killed in battle, and they couldn’t even make a splash of waves.

“This, this, this…”

The swordsman who spent a lot of energy training was worse than the end of mowing. Xiang Xiang collapsed to the ground, unable to raise the slightest determination to resist.

“Step on…”

Stepping on the corpses all over the scene, as well as the extremely dazzling blood, Wu Zetian lifted the pure sword and walked forward.

“you you!”

At this moment, Xiang Xiang basically forgot his own belief in the restoration of the country, as well as his past persistence. All that is left is fear.

“call out!”

Only when his whole body was shaking, Xiang Xiang realized that he was flying upside down, and there was a pinnacle rock as thick as a fist below.

“No, no, go around me!”

The falling position of the entire front body was almost aimed at several natural rock barbs, and he could only watch the tragic encounter happen, but he still couldn’t do anything about it.

Naturally, the panic in Xiang Xiang’s heart reached its extreme, and he begged for mercy as a child of the Xiang family.


The sharp and hard rock barbs easily penetrated Xiang Xiang’s body, and hot blood spurted all over the ground.

“Good, good or bad, vicious”

The whole body was already unable to move. When Xiang Xiang uttered a word, he was bound to spit out a thick turbid blood.

The black ice platform that came first was commanding envoys. In addition to their unpredictable strength, the methods were too vicious, and they ended up worse than death.

It is completely predictable that the opponent will end, Wu Zetian did not stop, and continued to solve another small shrimp.

“Chu and Qin Di Ying Che are against each other, are they really right?”

Every action is a failure, and his own strength has weakened time and time again, Xiang Xiang’s inner belief in rejuvenation has exploded, muttering to himself.

Now he has suffered several fatal wounds. If he fails to treat in time, he will lose too much blood and die.

“Go, go!”

Hearing the screams that loomed behind him, Xiang Bo, who was carrying less than ten Chu swordsmen, said hurriedly like a frightened bird.

Xiang Xiang, together with more than one hundred elite swordsmen of the Chu Kingdom, could not survive a few rounds, how strong should the opponent be?

“Chu remnants, no one can run away.”

Stopping the way the opponent was going to return, Wu Zetian, who had just landed, once again purified the Junming Sword, and directly picked up the rock weighing Baijin.

“Quickly, work together to protect Master Xiang.

Seeing the huge boulder rushing towards his face, less than ten Chu Kingdom swordsmen gritted their teeth and had to hold their long swords to stand in front of them.

Once they let go, Master Xiang Xiang Bo will be smashed to death, no matter how optimistic, he will be directly injured.


The weight of the boulder itself is as high as 100 jin, not to mention that it also contains a lot of strength, and it is easy to fly a few swordsmen of the Chu Kingdom.

Being affected by the scope, Xiang Bo himself was not immune, and flew out with him.



Compared with the Chu Kingdom swordsman who smashed into a ball of meatloaf, Xiang Bo only suffered a little skin trauma, and overall it was not a major problem.


I don’t know where it broke into, but a sizzle of hiss can be said to be one after another, and then resounding in Xiang Bo’s ear.

“this ”

After the short inverted flight just now, Uncle Xiang had obviously not recovered, but he subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound.

“That’s snakes, a lot of snakes!

The snake (Jun Yang) spitting out the letter appeared in the line of sight, and Xiang Bo’s expression changed.

If it is a mere ten snakes, or hundreds of them, it is not scary, but there are layers of snakes in front of you, the number of which can be said to be thousands.


It’s okay for Xiang Bogang to withdraw step by step. Now as soon as there are signs of fear of escaping, a large group of snakes straighten their bodies and quickly leap on them.

“Leave this place of right and wrong while the snakes have not yet gathered.

Knowing the reason that you must leave immediately, or you will be buried in the snake sea, Xiang Bo waved a long sword to kill the nearest snake.

Although he is a scribe who specializes in literature, he still has a bit of martial arts.

However, Xiang Bo, who was about to leave the snake tide, seemed to ignore the commander of the Black Ice Platform. .

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