Chapter 156 The so-called resistance, dying struggle! (give a subscription support)

“Great, I finally came to a hidden island overseas, and there is nothing left to track down on the Black Ice Terrace.”

Looking at the islands getting closer and closer, Xiang Bo’s last worry disappeared, and he smiled relievedly.

The overseas area is the weak point of the black ice platform. It is not within the scope of the original penetration. It is not easy to find them.

“What the lord said is that no matter how shrewd Qin Emperor Ying Che is, no matter how high the penetration of the black ice platform is, you can’t think of it anyway~”

Xiang Xiang also felt deeply convinced of the statement just now, and he was even more excited than before.

“It’s just, why do I have an unknown hunch?”

Compared to the two people’s relaxed and freehand brushwork, Ji Bu frowned, wondering what was wrong.

Although it is not clear what it is, but subconsciously telling myself that a great invisible danger is approaching.

“Jibu, if you think too much, what else can happen? It should be due to overwork recently.”

Now that it’s half done, Bo Xiang patted him-he lowered his partner Ji Bu’s shoulder and said comfortingly.

“may be ”

After hearing this from his partner for many years, Ji Bu gave a wry smile. He has been a little tired recently, maybe he is too sensitive.

“General Ji, you can rest assured that you won’t go wrong.”

Similarly, Xiang Xiang didn’t think there would be new changes, so he joined the queue of comfort.

If they were above the original six countries and nine lands, they might not be able to avoid the black ice platform’s eyeliner, but they could not help them in the vast and boundless overseas.

“That’s right, maybe I think too much, it is absolutely impossible for Bao Qin to find out.”

Glancing at the dense woods ahead, Ji Bu relaxed his mind a little, there still remained the marks they made specially.

This is a step for the Chu State to preserve its strength and thus develop and grow, and it is also the only hope for overthrowing the Qin Dynasty.

Because, in the face of Qin Di Ying Che’s successive blows, they could no longer afford to lose.

“Wait for us to have a foothold overseas, then, we must make Bao Qin pay a heavy price.”

Hearing Ji Bu stepping out of the sensitive thinking before, Xiang Bo and Xiang Xiang smiled, full of endless expectations for the future.

“Shoo, hoo, hoo!”

At this moment, a sharp sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, spreading across the long shore of the island.

“No, there is an ambush on the black ice platform!”

Hearing the humming sound that resounded in his ears, Ji Bu suddenly changed his face and lost his voice.

The military’s goal is too big, and it lacks the necessary intelligence. Only the black ice platform with strong penetrating power can do it.

“How can the ambush of the black ice platform be possible?”

I heard that Xiang Bo and Xiang Xiang’s inner half-belief was even greater than the shock caused by the news.

Unless the other party already knows it at the beginning, or has received the news temporarily, then send someone to intercept them.

“Puff puff..”

In the face of a sudden and impossible attack, five hundred Chu elite swordsmen and five hundred ordinary soldiers had no time to react.

On the side of the beach with a wide view, they couldn’t avoid it at all, and fell to the extremely moist sand one after another.


At that moment, the dazzling blood directly stained the shore, and the blue water washed away from time to time.

“Quickly, retreat to the woods!

Before he could understand how the black ice platform was discovered, Jibu couldn’t help waving his big hand, urging the members on the shore to retreat.

“Go, evacuate to a safe place first.”

When talking, Uncle Xiang’s face is so ugly, that’s how ugly.

You can quietly come to the island where you are, and control their latest trends, only the hateful black ice platform.

Just holding the last fortune, the appearance of the Gein Black Ice Platform meant that they were about to face a desperate situation and completely ruined the way out of Chu State.


In this regard, Xiang Xiang’s expression was as ugly as it was, and the excitement just now disappeared.

“Kill all the remnants of Chu State on the island, without leaving a living mouth, go up.”

The swaying figure in front of him was getting closer, Wu Zetian moved his hand behind him, and commanded coldly.

“Hey, all commanders.”

It was originally hidden in the dense forest and motionless. As soon as the voice fell, the shadows flew forward one after another, killing the remnants of Chu Kingdom.

“Black Ice Platform!”

When I saw the unique costume of Black Ice Terrace, it undoubtedly shattered all of Xiang Bo’s last fluke, and I felt a sense of powerlessness.

Their carefully prepared plan to go to sea, which they considered to be very concealed, turned out to be impossible to hide from the Black Ice Platform.

0……seeking flowers-0

“Xiang Xiang, you take Bo Xiang to withdraw first, and you must take the news out.”

Obviously the Black Ice Terrace came prepared, Ji Bu said promptly without hesitating too much.

According to the circulated news, the newly appointed commanders of the Black Ice Platform are quite strong in their own strength, and masters like Xiang Zhuang and Tian Heng are all dead in the hands of the opponent.

“Jibu, you must hold on, I will bring reinforcements.”

Knowing how serious the situation is, Xiang Bo knew not to waste too much time, gritted his teeth and said.

“General Ji, be sure to hold on until the reinforcements come.

When the members of the Black Ice Platform are not vegetarians, let alone acting as heroes, Xiang Xiang can only guarantee Ji Bu.



The longer time dragged on, neither of them would be able to leave. Ji Bu, who knew the truth in the matter, raised his weapon and said loudly.

“let’s go ”

Having seen the tragic death of intelligence members of the Six Nations and the complete destruction of the Wei State, Xiang Bo and Xiang Xiang dare not say a word.

Obviously, the Black Ice Platform came prepared, and made a special trip to wait for them to be sent to the door and then intercepted, avoiding the fish that slipped through the net to the greatest extent.


Seeing that a member of the Black Ice Platform did not do anything, but stood still, and Bajiu was the leader of the other party.

Therefore, let alone the ten elites of Chu State who rushed forward, wanting to kill the opponent on the spot in one fell swoop, with the intention of fighting for the chance of survival.


Without even doing too much dodge action, Wu Zetian just waved a few beautiful sword flowers, and ten Chu State elites then fell to the ground.


Immediately afterwards, dull echoes rang out, representing the appearance of ten corpses.

And what is shocking is that there is no blood on the body, and it is still the usual sword seal!

“Black ice platform is commander, so strong!”

Witnessing the scene just now, even if he hadn’t played against the opponent, Jibu still produced a great pressure, and he couldn’t help sighing in his heart.

“Next, start from the remnants Jibu of Chu

For Xiang Bo and Xiang Xiang, who stayed to block Own Jibu, and who were running away, Wu Zetian did not have much fluctuation.

All resistance was in vain, and the final dying struggle.

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