Chapter 152 Looking to the Western Regions, plotting the grassland! (give a subscription support)

“Which power is the model, Zhu Qing can give me any suggestions.

Glancing at the several important officials in the hall, Ying Che then retracted her gaze and said slowly.

“Your Majesty, the minister thinks that Yu Fu is more suitable, close to the border of the new Daqin territory, and has a lot of hatred with the Huns.”

After thinking about it seriously, Neisten straightened his back and suggested.

Compared with other forces, Yu Fu is relatively easier to control, and there is a high probability that there is not so much resistance.

“Yu Fu and the Huns are too far apart and deviate from the main dispute site, which is not of great significance.

“Therefore, the officials thought that Loulan, which was close to the Daqin and the Xiongnu, was the most suitable. It was weak and relatively easy to control.”

Immediately, Guiguzi Wang Xu gave a cupped hands to the emperor in front of him, and said with a rather unique vision.

“Among so many people, only Guiguzi can see through the “two thirty seven” key, and really deserves its own name.”

After hearing this explanation, Ying Che was quite satisfied. The more capable ministers, the more prosperous the Great Qin.

Daqin has a good civil and military minister, and then there are rising stars, who can certainly create unmatched imperial hegemony.

“Your Majesty, the Yue family is one of the two major forces in the grassland and Mobei.

After thinking about it carefully, Feng Quji still has a certain insight, but is limited by a lot of limitations and lacks a strategic view of the overall situation.

“No, Yueshi’s strength is not weak, he is still one of Da Qin’s mortal enemies.

“It is true that Lord Wang said that Loulan is easy to control, and will not deviate from the border of Daqin. There was no conflict with us in the past.”

After being reminded by the passage just now, Li Si’s thoughts quickly turned back, leaning towards the suggestion of the doctor Wang Xu.

“The Loulan Kingdom will be a springboard to attack the Western Regions in the future to estimate and isolate the typical vassal country of the Huns.”

Hearing that, Ying Che didn’t express his own opinion, and looked lightly, as if everything was under control.

“However, I always feel that something is still missing, what exactly is Lou Languo related to?”

Looking ahead calmly, without revealing any emotions at all, Guiguzi Wang Xu couldn’t help thinking, he seemed to have missed something.

The faintly missed point is exactly the key to understanding, which is related to a larger chess game.

“Your Majesty, sir…”

Xiao He, who had finished reading the oral statement, came from Feng Changqing’s Yamen and saw the emperor and the big-time representatives among the civil officials.

Only when external factors become stable can the basic conditions for the rule of culture be provided. A long-term strategy is indispensable.

“Xiao Qing, now draft an edict.”

Seeing Xiao He’s figure appeared, Ying Che did not stop, and continued to speak.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Before he could take a breath, Xiao He came to the own seat, soaked in ink, and lifted the brush.

“Take Loulan country as the model of the subject country, allow all forces to establish diplomatic relations, and obey all military adjustments made by Daqin.”

“The rest of the matter shall be executed in accordance with Fang Oruo’s order, and judgments shall be made in accordance with the actual situation.”

With that, Ying Che made a straight tone and explained briefly and in detail.

“Yu’er, you must seize the opportunity. It’s up to you to make it happen.”

Listening carefully to every sentence just now, Li Si couldn’t help worrying about the eldest son, and looked forward to the next perfect performance.

With the political achievements made before, and after solving the current issues, it is not impossible to be promoted directly to the official position.

“In this way, your majesty did not deliberately suppress our civil servants, but sent a signal that the status will not be much lower than that of the military.”

Up to the end of the current small dynasty discussion, Feng Quji had a lot of thoughts flashed, and he was a lot more relieved than before.

After all, if it weren’t like this, the emperor wouldn’t have to announce that they were coming. He just called a few heads of civil servants to come.

“In this way, I still have the capital to contend with the military. Perhaps, your Majesty wants to tell us this.”

At any rate, after having been on the court for many years, Neisten probably thought of the key to it, and couldn’t help thinking secretly.

“Your Majesty, the edict has been drawn up.

After all, it is to determine the direction of Da Qin’s external affairs, and it is still necessary to draft the edict, and Xiao He then stepped forward and said.

“With the edict prepared just now, go and pass it to Li You.

When stamped with the seal of the National Jade Seal, Ying Che put down the edict and spoke.

Between the county’s short-lived rule and the everlasting rule, it is natural to prefer the latter.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

With the consent from the emperor, Xiao He took a few steps forward and took the edict with the highest execution power.

“Zhuqing returned to the Yamen to perform their duties.”

Immediately, Ying Che looked at the others and said 0

“Hey, your majesty, ministers, etc., please follow the holy orders.”

Regarding this, Li Si, Feng Quji and others had no opinion, and stood up and agreed.

In their view, the emperor alone announced the representatives of their civil officials, everything is enough to explain the problem, that is, the combination of civil and military.

If it weren’t like this, why couldn’t I see a military person, who were all civilian members.

“A bamboo slip from the Black Ice Terrace”

Noting that there was an extra bamboo slip on the side of the wooden table with the Xuanniao on one side, Ying Che knew that Wu Zetian sent it to him.

Immediately, Ying Che opened the red line on the edge of the bamboo slips, and then flipped through it.

Generally speaking, the remnants of Chu are more cautious. Some of them go out to sea temporarily, and the other part is still missing.

In addition, we are also preparing to start the third shift today. The elite swordsmen members of the Black Ice Platform have already set up ambushes on the designated islands in advance.

“Three shifts in the morning tonight

After reading the contents of the bamboo slips, Ying Che has an indescribable calm, and there is not much psychological fluctuation.

Regardless of the remnants of any country, as long as they dare to oppose Da Qin, even Xiang Yu in history is fine.

Immediately, I walked to the lamplight stand in the hall, threw the bamboo slips in, and was instantly surrounded by the fire.

” La ”

When it came into contact with the fire, the bamboo slips made a clear crackling sound, and quickly turned into a ball of charred 0.7 carbon blocks.

“Meng Qing…

When the bamboo slips were more than half burned, Ying Che said slowly.

“Your Majesty, the minister is here.

Hearing the call from the emperor, Meng Yi appeared in the temple, waiting for the following.

It’s a great honor to be able to become a general in the Imperial Army of the Beiya, guarding the palace and the emperor, and experiencing some passionate things.

“The representatives of the civil and military sides are ordered to work out a complete set of reform plans. Which of the first reform of the field regular army or the foldable army conforms to the national conditions.

Upon hearing this, Ying Che paused first, then said slowly.

The general policy has been set. As for which is better to start first, the founding civil and military will definitely handle it.

“Meow, Your Majesty.!

After carefully listening to every word just now, Meng Yi arched his hand and said.

PS: Fourth!.

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