Chapter 153 Apply for a country, establish a model! (give a subscription support)

“Take Loulan country as a model of a subject country, allow all forces to establish diplomatic relations, and obey all the military tunes of Daqin.”

“The rest of the matter shall be executed in accordance with the previous oral instructions, and judgments shall be made on the basis of actual conditions.

Picking up the written edict, Xiao He stood on the spot and read it out, speaking very clearly.

In terms of the strategic policy being launched now, once it is fully successful, Daqin will be the sole hegemon of the eastern land, and there is no need to say more about the hegemony.

“Fengchang Deputy Secretary Li You, ordered!”

Listening carefully to every font in the content, Li You can be said to have kept it in his heart and spoke out.

“Lord Li, say goodbye.

Now it is necessary to return to the Lizheng Hall to return to life. Xiao He did not stay for too long and said that he wanted to leave.

“Master Xiao, please.

In this regard, Li You was quite polite, without any arrogant attitude.

After all, the other party is one of the emperor’s close ministers, serving as the staff officer of Huang Menyou, and there is very little to deal with today.

“Can you be accommodating, let us meet Master Fengchang, we are all sincere.,

“Yes, you have already brought the Chinese book, and all conditions are easy to negotiate.”

“That’s right, as long as the two parties can sit down and talk, what conditions can still be proposed.

In the temporary yamen outside the palace, the envoys of various parties abandoned the previous idea of ​​wanting to meet the emperor of Da Qin, and were eager to establish diplomatic relations with Da Qin.

Suddenly, the whole yamen was noisy, and the babbles rang in my ears from time to time.

“His Majesty still has a vision. The review ceremony has a profound impact on the envoys of all parties and has witnessed the true strength of Da Qin.”

When he arrived at Fengchang’s temporary yamen outside the palace, Li You couldn’t help but sigh a few times, no wonder his father was loyal to the emperor from beginning to end.

Until now, I know a little bit more or less, and only with such an emperor can I have the opportunity to develop and seek more benefits for myself.

“Everyone, Shaoan, don’t worry, Shaoan, don’t worry!”

Before he could think about it anymore, Li You took back his thoughts, and then interrupted the envoys who were talking about it.

“Master Fengchang”

As soon as I saw the arrival of Daqin’s representative, that is, Li You, Deputy Secretary of State Fengchang, the envoys of various parties hurriedly stopped the request just now and said very politely.

“If you want to establish diplomatic relations with Daqin, you only need to meet a basic requirement. You all have the opportunity. Don’t be so anxious.

Looking at the messengers in the Yamen, Li You coughed and said with a smile.

“Master Fengchang, what are the basic requirements?”

Upon hearing that there was a possibility of establishing diplomatic relations, the envoys from all sides showed joy and hurriedly asked.

They are not afraid of any conditions. What is afraid is that Da Qin has not expressed his attitude, and they are more drumming in their hearts, and they are relieved when they say it.

“It’s very simple. When establishing diplomatic relations with Daqin, we sever all diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu.”

Without directly throwing out the statement of belonging to the country, Li You gradually reached the point of perfection.

“this ”

I heard that the envoys of the various parties were stunned one after another, but they did not expect the Daqin representative to say so.

There is no other reason. The Xiongnu is one of the two visions of Mobei in the grassland. The overall strength is quite strong, so if you can’t blame it, you won’t be offended.

“The continuous severance of diplomatic relations does not seem to affect us. The hateful Huns deserve to be cleaned up.

The contradiction between them and the Huns was not small. Compared with the rising Qin Dynasty, the envoy of Yu Fu suddenly had a wise judgment.

“I have the Xiongnu and Yueshi in the north of Wuheng, and the border of the Liaodong area in the south of Daqin. It will be easily destroyed if you are not careful.

Envoy Wu Heng is still very embarrassed as to which power to take refuge in. They have just been caught in the middle position.

But then again, once they really openly offend Da Qin, Bajiu will be directly attacked, it is difficult to escape the destruction like Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian.

“If it were to sever diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu, it would have no effect on us. On the other hand, if we offended Da Qin, Loulan would be at the brunt of it.”

Thinking of the geographical location of their country and the situation they are facing now, the Loulan messenger remembered the perishing Jizi (Zaoyue) Xian, and finally made up his mind.

Long before they came, the lord and ministers even confessed to themselves that they must become a vassal state of Da Qin, and they must hug the thighs of the powerful country no matter how good they are.

“If you don’t agree, it’s tantamount to offending Da Qin, and if you don’t agree, you offend the Xiongnu again.”

No matter which force they are, they can’t afford to offend, and Wusun envoy is caught in a difficult choice.

“Da Qin also had contradictions with my Yue clan, and even more contradicted with the Xiongnu. Such a comparison makes no difference.

Compared with the establishment of diplomatic relations, Yue’s messenger is worried about Daqin, will he settle accounts after autumn?

However, when the Huns and Yue clan fought against each other, the hatred between the two sides was undoubtedly the greatest, and there was no harm in establishing diplomatic relations with Daqin.

“Master Fengchang, we have established diplomatic relations between Loulan Kingdom in the Western Regions and Daqin.

For fear of letting the other forces take the lead, several of the Loulan envoys stepped forward and submitted a high-level application for credential.

“The Loulan Kingdom of the Western Regions was the first country to propose the establishment of diplomatic relations, and it was the first country to formally apply. This official, Da Qin, allowed you to become a dependent country.,

When the process of diplomatic relations developed to the present, Li You did not hesitate any longer, and said very timely.

To approve Loulan to become a vassal of the Great Qin Dynasty, it was precisely in accordance with the edict that the emperor had just communicated, and set up a typical slogan 237 for the envoys of all parties to see.

“Hey, after Loulan’s step, what do you think so much about just now, do you need to think about it again?

I heard that the envoys of all parties regretted it, and most of them beat (Yue Xiong) their feet and yelled out a pity.

“Master Fengchang, I, Wu Heng, must also apply to become a vassal state of Daqin.”

Having lost the previous opportunity, the envoy of Wu Heng gave up the last hesitation and said quickly.

“What qualifications do you Wu Heng have, Lord Fengchang, my Wusun following the Xiongnu and the Western Regions is undoubtedly the most suitable.”

Seeing that there are other forces wanting to fight, Wusun suddenly felt anxious, and immediately told of their advantages.

Although Wusun is relatively far from Da Qin, Loulan has already taken refuge in Da Qin. There must be a lot of neutral factions in the Western Regions, and they can use the way to attack them.

“It is not difficult to say that you want to become a vassal of Daqin. As long as all parties make some achievements, this official believes that there is no problem.”

Listening to the arguing envoys, Li You understood that he had succeeded more than half, and said slowly.

“Very good!”

Hearing such a sentence meant that there were still plenty of opportunities, and many envoys couldn’t help being ecstatic, with no regrets before.

Da Qin’s strength is not weak, and it is better to serve the Huns than to sell his life to the other side, and the rewards for each killing are estimated to be too many. .

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