Chapter 151 Strategic policy, isolate the Huns! (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty, Loulan, Wusun, Yu Fu and other envoys all want to apply for the status of a dependent country.”

After the reviewing ceremony, Xiao He received the news from Deputy Qing Feng Chang, and immediately informed the emperor.

After today’s review ceremony, the envoys went crazy and kept submitting documents for establishing diplomatic relations or applying for a dependent country.

“Go to Fengchangqing’s Yamen and tell Li You directly that he wants to establish diplomatic relations with Daqin and sever all diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu first.

Isolating the Huns is an important part of the strategy. Ying Che’s steps did not slow down, and one side said lightly.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Hearing the underlying meaning in the words, Xiao why couldn’t help but shake his whole body, and happily said.

“Your Majesty, what do you need to do with the vassal status requested by all parties?”

Thinking of one more thing, Xiao He didn’t rush to leave the Lizheng Hall, but continued to speak.

Originally, the establishment of the Sect Leader and the tributary system of the vassal state was a matter of normal scope, but the emperor’s mind was really pondering-not clear.

Upon hearing this, Ying Che did not immediately answer, but instead knocked on the wooden case.

The basis for isolating the Xiongnu is the prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty and the coming of the various forces to facilitate the mobilization of their forces in the future and adopt the early stage strategy of using barbarians to control barbarians.

“Xiao Qing, you convey to Chen Ping, the left staff officer, that several important civil servants from the court came to the Lizheng Hall.

When one person communicated back and forth, the efficiency was still a bit slow, Ying Che said after a little thought.

“Hey, Your Majesty, the minister will go immediately.

The last time it was announced to the military, this time it was to the civilian officials. The intention is not that simple.

In addition to this, Xiao He can’t help but feel a sudden, won’t something happen again, right?

“The ministers have seen your majesty!”

The main civil officials of the Central Korea came, nothing more than Feng Quji, Li Si, Nei Shiteng, and representatives headed by Guiguzi Wang Xu.

As for Li You, Deputy Secretary of State Chang Chang, he should be promoted to the principal position first, at least for now, he has no qualifications at all.

“The officials waived the courtesy, and

Glancing at the courtiers present, Ying Che waved his sleeve slightly and said slowly.

“No, this time only our civil servants?”

Turning around, a few people noticed that the Tuan Fu on the right side was empty, basically there was a brief moment.

Last time I saw the representative of the military alone, the Xiongnu was in a different place in the head of Shan Yutouman, but today it is their turn, what will be the heavyweight event?

“Your Majesty’s intentions should be the same as last time. The difference lies in the distinction between one literary and one military, and the idea of ​​unifying civic and military before the rule of culture.

I have to say that Guiguzi Wang Xu does have a set, and he is the first to see the core point from it.

Staring at first, then the courtiers with different thoughts, Ying Che would not reveal her own thoughts.

“For countries such as Loulan, Wusun, Yu Fu, etc., the envoys of various parties filed applications for vassalization. What do the officials think?”

When the main civil servants took their seats, Ying Che spoke with one of them, throwing out the important topic of Sect Leader and the subject of the country.

“Emissaries from all parties apply for the status of the country of origin?”

Unexpectedly, the emperor would ask this question, and several people felt very strange.Isn’t it normal for a tributary system like this to say it?

After all, adding one more vassal country will give you more assistance and avoid some wars in the frontier.

“Your Majesty, the veteran thinks that it does not lie in the number of vassals, but in which power to eliminate first.

The emperor asked directly on the spot, and the courtier had to answer. Guiguzi Wang Xu took the lead to leave his own seat and go out.

“Could it be that your majesty wants to isolate the Huns directly?

The people present were basically the founding elites, the biggest representatives of Tianwenguan officials, Li Si and Feng Quji had their inspirations, and suddenly they wanted to understand something.

The first is trampling on the dignity of the Huns, the second is the beheading of Shan Yutouman, and the third is specially summoning them to the Lizheng Hall. All signs have been clearly shown.

“Your Majesty, the Western Regions and the grasslands of Mobei are too vast, and the minister thinks that the Xiongnu should be isolated first and one of the two major forces should be eliminated.

“The remaining Yueshi will either perish or be willing to obey. The grassland Mobei is just around the corner.”

As soon as he figured it out, Li Si quickly played for fear of being preempted by others.

Whether it is distant diplomatic relations and close attacks, or the diplomatic tactics of continuity and continuity, as early as the Warring States period, they had been used thoroughly.

“This old fox, Li Si, is too fast!”

Almost immediately behind Wang Xu, Feng Qu couldn’t help but cursed a few words secretly. If this continues, sooner or later, he will need to surrender the position of Prime Minister Zuo.

0……Look for flowers 0……

“Your Majesty, today’s Great Qin is ascending as the day, and the vassal country can only set up a model as a placard for the rest of the forces.”

After a series of things, Feng Quji, who had awakened somewhat, said with very clear thoughts.

Only by following the trend can we go further, otherwise, sooner or later, letting Li Si directly replace him, it will be the tragic end of Wang Wan.

“very good!”

Looking at Li Si, who was desperate for meritorious service, and finally figured out the old stubborn Feng Quji, Ying Che nodded a little. The external thoughts must be highly unified.

“Your Majesty, just now the prime minister said that it is not bad, but he can add one more

“In the name of diplomatic relations, we can find out which ones are close to the Xiongnu, which can be used to kill a hundred people and further develop isolation strategies.”

Without knowing what Xiao He said, Wang Xu from Guiguzi still pointed at the core and said sharply.

“The Lord Wang said that who is neutral and who is close to the Xiongnu, you will see some clues if you try it.”

Knowing the truth that needs to be flexible all the time, even if the old boss Feng Quji makes changes, Neisten will naturally not follow the truth.

“The words of the Qing Dynasty’s talents are in line with my original thoughts and are very good.”

Listening to the wonderful remarks made by several civil servants, especially the surprisingly consistent thoughts, Ying Che revealed his own idea.

It is better to take the Huns first. It is very in line with the national conditions and has a radiation-like deterrent after being eliminated.

In addition to this, it can also consume the strength of the surrounding forces along the way to lay a solid foundation for the comprehensive victory of the grassland Mobei and the entire Western Regions.

“Step by step, entering the game unconsciously, Feng Quji is one of them…”

Thinking of the die-hard Feng Quji before, Guiguzi Wang Xu glanced at the other person, and the reaction before and after was simply far worse.

It is precisely because of knowing something that this makes the word terrible more clear, and the uninformed person has no pressure at all.

“The ministers, please follow your majesty’s holy will!”

I heard that the courtiers standing in the middle of the hall each had cupped hands and said.

“All the officials are seated.”

Listening to the response that came to her ears, Ying Che raised her hand and said something.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

PS: Third more! Seven,

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