Chapter 150 Daqin soldier, the sword of the country! (give a subscription support)

“The emperor is mighty, the emperor is mighty, the emperor is mighty”

Generals such as Wang Jian, Wei Liao, and Li Xin, and civilian officials such as Feng Quji, Wang Xu, and Li Si all stood in place and shouted.

Suddenly, the mighty sound resounded through Chengtian Gate, then Chengtian North Street, until it spread to the entire Xianyang.

“This is Da Qin’s true strength!

Whether it is the first level of the Xiongnu Shanyu, the destruction of Jizi (Zaoyue) in a flash, or the dignified atmosphere of the whole nation.

Undoubtedly, it brought an unforgettable impression of fear to the envoys of Loulan, Wusun, Yu Fu and others.

“From today, no matter what method is adopted, we must establish diplomatic relations with Daqin.

At this moment, the envoys of all parties stopped wanting to meet the emperor of Da Qin, and then talked about the idea of ​​diplomatic relations, and changed their countermeasures by appointment.

If you can’t become a vassal of Daqin, you must build a good relationship between the two parties, and never offend the other party.

“The big order is over, and so are we. From the beginning, the emperor of Qin hadn’t planned to announce us at all.”

At the present time, Shan Tuji was able to wake up, and the whole person knelt on the ground like a decadent, and the shame they paid was completely wasted 237.

No, it’s just self-infuriating to be exact, adding a big joke.

“It’s over, everything is over!”

In this regard, the rest of the Huns’ envoys felt powerless, maintained the same posture as Shan Tuji, and kept talking about it.

“This is Da Qin, Da Qin!”

When I saw the head of Touman up close, the entire distorted face was clearly visible. Peng Yue felt a sense of pride and couldn’t help but yell out directly.

“Da Qin has such an emperor, why can’t he become strong?”

Recalling the release of the civilians serving in Lishan, Yingbo, who was once a member, was full of unprecedented confidence.

“Da Qin, it is still the same Da Qin.”

Most of the Li people in Xianyang are Guanzhong elders. Compared with the rest of the world, the feelings are undoubtedly the most profound.

“Da Qin!”

It was from the Manchu dynasty civil and military, 40,000 troops participated in the inspection, tens of thousands of Li people, and the envoys from all sides.

Looking from above the palace building, Chengtian North Street swept over, Ying Che spread her hands to the left and right, accepting the cheers from top to bottom.

“(Agah) Anyone who violates my great Qin prestige will be punishable even if it is far away, just like Jizi (Early Moon)

“Anyone who commits a crime on the Daqin border, apologizes with death, just like the Xiongnu Shanyutouman.”

Still standing on the spot, Ying Che gradually raised a loud voice and said in a long voice.

“Anyone who violates my great Qin prestige will be punishable even if it is far away!”

The twelve simple fonts all express the confidence of a country, the self-confidence of a country, and the domineering of a country.

Although it was known in Xuanzheng Hall before, it was the first time that the declaration under the attention of the public had aroused strong resonance among the civil and military of the Manchu dynasty.

“It’s a very good point. The man of my generation should carry the three-foot sword for himself.

After hearing that, Peng Yue and Yingbo looked at each other, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of belonging to Da Qin.

“Anyone who violates my great Qin prestige will be punishable even if it is far away!”

Directly igniting all the blood on the body, Zhao Tuo and Wang Ben led the reviewing officers, constantly waving the weapons in their hands.

Those who dare to offend Daqin, even if they are thousands of miles away, then they will begin to destroy them. This is the mission of Daqin soldiers.

“Although it is far away, it will be punishable.”

As if their country had been wiped out thousands of miles away, the envoys from all sides trembled all over, and they all stammered.

“The Huns, shouldn’t the Huns be destroyed?”

There was no doubt about the strength of Da Qin, Shan Tuji and other Huns envoys used trembling voices to ask the rest of the people, or himself.

The Baiyue tribe in Lingnan, with 200,000 Jizi (Zaoyue) fresh, how long can they last for the Huns?

“Da Qin, Da Qin, Da Qin

Along with the declaration that although far away must be punishable, the entire review ceremony entered the climax stage, welcoming a strong response from the top down.

“Lingnan Army Corps, minister Zhao Tuo led the army to come, please review

“Zhe Chong Army, the king is responsible for leading the army to come, please review it…”

In front of the phalanx of 40,000 soldiers, Zhao Ta and Wang Ben knelt on one knee, with their hands arched in a standard arch, paying tribute to the emperor with the relatively lofty etiquette in the army.

“With such bravery to Daqin soldiers, why can’t I worry about everything, and why can’t I build the glory of Daqin”

“Now it’s up to the soldiers of the three armies to answer, telling Lian, can you be the sword of the country?

When talking about this, Ying Che’s voice suddenly aroused and raised an unexpected question.

“As long as your Majesty gives an order, immediately, the ministers will be transformed into the sharp blade of the country!’

During the period without any hesitation, the soldiers of the three armed forces responded with all their might, and gradually, they gathered into a Dao heart sound.

“Daqin soldiers, the sharp edge of the country, are very good.

Witnessing the ups and downs of the military for decades, Wang Jian was quite touched, and he is very happy with the current development and growth.

After all, the people who had just started the Daqin ancestors were just the military-dominated system, which made a gorgeous transition from nothing to something.

“After a review today, Your Majesty has gained a lot of military support and his prestige has been further deepened.

The emperor never missed any opportunity and maximized the benefits. Li Si squinted his eyes. Fortunately, he made a very wise choice.

“In this way, your Majesty has made progress in the court, and the army has initial prestige.”

When reviewing the army’s propaganda about the prestige of the Great Qin State, Guiguzi Wang Xu felt more and more that he did not come to the wrong place without forgetting to establish prestige.

“Next, your majesty’s imperial majesty will gradually deepen. It seems that the countermeasures need to be changed.

The rapid change of the court situation forced Feng Quji to change his strategy. It is totally impossible to blindly act brutally.

You know, Wang Shu’s lesson is still vivid, so it’s better to spend more time thinking about gaining some benefits.

“It is undoubtedly a great honor for the soldiers to serve for your majesty.”

Zhang Han, who led the Nanya Forbidden Army to guard, straightened her waist as she listened to the cheers that echoed through her ears.

Although Yuan Bizhu is not shouting slogans, but using Jizi (Zaoyue) to destroy, the Xiongnu Dan Yutouman’s head in exchange for it.

“It seems that, as Dad said, my opportunity is coming.

Looking at the frightened and slumped messengers from all sides, Li You recalled his father’s explanation and made up his mind to do as much as possible.

“Not only did he fail to save Tou Man, but he also suffered such a great humiliation. The Huns were already dishonored and became the biggest laughing stock in the grasslands of Mobei.,

Witnessing the whole process of reviewing the ceremony, Wei Tong smiled, almost thinking of the Huns who were anxious and depraved and lost their prestige.

PS: Second!

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