Chapter 149 The emperor is mighty, the emperor is mighty! (give a subscription support)

“The ministers have seen your majesty

When the review ceremony just started, Manchu Wenwu noticed the figure of the emperor, and immediately greeted them one by one according to the size of the official position.

“All the princes are free

When she came to the palace building next to the gate of Chengtian Palace, Ying Che stopped and waved her sleeve a little.

This time, the review is extraordinary. One is the last wish of the Holy Ancestor Emperor, the other is the envoys of all parties, and the third is the prelude to isolate the Huns.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

As the voice fell, the Manchu civil and military divisions were divided into two sides, leaving a relatively spacious passage in the middle.

Whether it is the generals themselves, or the civil officials such as Li Si, Feng Quji, etc., they all felt a sense of pride, maybe even they didn’t notice it.


When Ying Che sat in a relatively high position of the palace building, the civil and military officials sat down one by one, with the angle of view facing the entire street.


An elite from Lingnan, stepping on an extremely calm step under his feet, gave a wave of echoes, giving people an inexplicable sense of oppression.

Whenever the footsteps fall, the armor pieces will inevitably collide with each other, thus forming a sense of killing.

“In addition to the famous elites on the border, it is unexpected that Daqin still has such an army!”

Seeing the Qin army, Loulan, Wusun and other envoys marching forward from the North Gate of Xianyang, I felt that (Yue Xiong) was dull in front of him, as if he was facing invisible great pressure.

“This is the elite from Lingnan?

Even if it is a bystander, Yingbu has the same passion, Daqin man should be so brave.

“It deserves to be the army that put down the Baiyue tribe. The momentum is indeed extraordinary.

As a martial artist since childhood, Peng Yue can intuitively feel the amazing killing intent they hide.

You know, the Lingnan Army is faced with a lot of ferocious beasts, poisonous insects and miasma, which is not conducive to the mountainous forests where they are fighting.

As long as the elites from Lingnan passed by, the Li people on both sides of the street held their own breath.

The black iron currents in front of Gein’s eyes were overwhelming, and there was an illusion of choking his neck.

“The soldiers who survived from Lingnan are indeed rare elites, and they are not much better than the Great Wall Legion.”

Looking at the problem from a purely military perspective, Wei looked at the Lingnan soldiers on the street and said sincerely.

The combat environment in Lingnan is quite harsh, and the Baiyue tribe is even more difficult to deal with. In the early stage, a commander-in-chief died directly, which shows how difficult it is.

“General Wei said quite incisively. After the Great Wall Frontier Army, Daqin has another elite.

I heard that all the military leaders nodded their heads and agreed with the statement just now.

“It is precisely that in the next military system reform, most of them are expected to become regular troops in the field.”

Although he didn’t understand military warfare, Li Si had some basic common sense and spoke out.

Needless to say, the Great Wall Frontier Army is a fierce battle in every battle, and Lingnan soldiers are even more so, facing bad conditions from beginning to end.

“If it’s like this, it’s not bad. Wang Jian and the others have no chance to intervene.”

Lingnan soldiers had no foundation in the north. Civil officials such as Feng Quji and Nei Shiteng were bright in front of them, and they began to calculate in their hearts one by one.


What Ying Che didn’t say was that the combat consciousness of Lingnan soldiers was tenacious to a new height in history. Looking at Daqin, it is definitely second to none.

“That is, that is the first level of the Xiongnu Shanyutouman!”

When all Lingnan soldiers entered Chengtianbei Street, followed by the Ten Thousand Zhe Chongjun, the leader of a flag-holding soldier actually hung the head with a spear.

When Dingqing saw that it was Hungarian and Danyu, the envoys from all sides took a breath, and did not dare to breathe.

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s over!”

At first glance, it was really Shan Yu, Shan Tuji and other Huns envoys were not aware of the blackness in front of them, and the sound of the words that had finished speaking one after another showed their inner despair.

Having suffered so much humiliation before, and still unable to save Da Shanyu himself, after returning to the Xiongnu, they will definitely die.

“Directly beheading the head of the Xiongnu Shanyu, this is the real powerhouse, Da Qin is really terrible!”

Clearly seeing the head of the Xiongnu Shanyu, extinguished the only suspicion of the envoys from all sides, and ushered in a deeper level of horror.

One of the two great forces in the grassland Mobei, Shan Yutouman, who founded the Huns, ended up in such an end.

Everyone was almost in sync with each other, and the pupils couldn’t help but shrank inward, unable to speak a word.

The only thing left was the fear in my heart, the real fear that Da Qin deeply penetrates the bone.

“Too, too unexpected, that man died like that!”

Due to the shocking world, Peng Yue couldn’t help but stutter, and could not say anything else.

“”Since today’s son became the throne, one thing is bigger than one. For us ordinary people, it may not be a good era. ”

Recalling the first time Daqin declared war to the outside world, Jizi (Zaoyue)xian was destroyed, the Dazexiang rebellion was put down, and Touman’s head was directly beheaded.

After a series of incidents, Yingbo couldn’t help sighing. The emperor could be described as step by step.

“The emperor is mighty, the emperor is mighty, the emperor is mighty!”

Compared with the despair of the Huns’ envoys, they could not return to the gods’ envoys for a long time, and everyone cheered.

That was the first Shanyu of the Huns. It was not a cat or dog. It undoubtedly raised the ambition of the Chinese people and let out a sigh of relief.

“The emperor is mighty!”

Suddenly hearing the cheers of the people on the street, Zhao’s thoughts turned extremely fast, and he was the first to shout loudly in the name of the Lingnan army.

“The emperor is mighty!”

It was the moment to show absolute loyalty. To this, Wang Ben’s reaction was not slow, and he raised his arms and shouted.

“The emperor is mighty, the emperor (a good Zhao) is mighty, the emperor is mighty!”

Suddenly, the 30,000 Lingnan Army and the 10,000 rushed into the army, with their highest respect, carrying forward the achievements of today’s son.

Under the layers, one wave of sound overwhelmed the other, and finally reached the clouds thousands of miles away.

“This this ”

The deafening and mighty sound constantly impacted the hearts and minds of the envoys of all parties, as if they were substantively awe-inspiring.


With a soft cry, the envoys from all sides fell to the ground, and the whole person lost the sense of the past.

“This big, Da Qin”

The last half sentence could not be said, Shan Tuji and the other Huns’ envoys couldn’t help shaking his whole body, and an inexplicable chill surged up.

“The emperor is mighty!

Feeling the blood of the Daqin man, Yingbu and Peng Yue’s emotions were immediately mobilized, and they forgot to say the four characters of the emperor mighty.

PS: First!.

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