Chapter 142 Daqin army soul, disabled veteran! (give a subscription support)

“The emperor’s holy driver, come down!”

Under the speculation of a group of military tycoons, the people of the Li people and the nobles in Xianyang, the emperor arrived at the original old capital-Yiyang.

“Zhang Qing, arrange now to go to Dongfang in the city immediately.”

Before arriving at the very ancient city, Ying Che didn’t avert her own eyes, as if she had seen the initial rise of Da Qin.

In addition, inheriting the will of the holy ancestor, the first emperor, will bring Da Qin to a more prosperous period, and will never forget some history.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

In this regard, Zhang Han, who was always guarding the surroundings, stepped forward and said.


I heard that Wang Jian and the others who followed the emperor were all startled.

As we all know, in the Dongfang of the old capital city of Liyang, most of them are disabled veterans, as well as some “two thirty seven” surnames who have specially moved from the border.

“Could it be that your majesty wants to visit them, but such a big posture is unlikely.”

When the idea of ​​visiting appeared, Wang Ben immediately denied it again, which was not in line with common sense.

“If the guess is not wrong, the Xiongnu Shan Yutouman is still in the team, plus a trip to Dongfang, your majesty’s intention is not that simple.”

I have to say that Wei Liao’s thinking is quite clear, and he can see the most critical part of it.

If it is a pure visit, obviously you don’t need to bring them here, but if you just want to use capital punishment to kill Touman, you don’t have to be so troublesome.

“Is it possible that your majesty wants to use today’s actions to warn our military not to forget history?

Even though he thought so, Wang Jian always felt that something was wrong and some details were missing, and he couldn’t help thinking about it.

If this is the case, it is not in line with the emperor’s style at all. To be precise, it will not deliberately create false appearances.

“Although he is one of the courtiers of the emperor, what is your majesty’s plan, I still can’t think of any clues, and all rely on oral instructions to execute.

When talking about the fact that he couldn’t see the mind of the emperor at all, Xiao He smiled bitterly. Many times he didn’t understand the intention, so he was quite negligent.

“Zhongqing enters the city and heads to Dongfang.”

After guessing what everyone was thinking, Ying Che still couldn’t explain, turned around and boarded God’s drive again.

And the direction is naturally to go straight to Dongfang!

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

The emperor came down with a verbal call, and everyone had no choice but to continue to follow the emperor’s car with full of suspicion.

“The Huns who are sons of a bitch will beat them down sooner or later!”

“One day, my Da Qin Bingfeng will go straight to Mobei, and destroy all the barbarians of the Xiongnu Yueyue!”

“Yes, if this hatred is not reported, how can you be worthy of the word soldier? Da Qin has never been bullied. His mother’s bird is a barbarian.”

Before I walked in, in many buildings in Dongfang, there were echoes that contained anger and were full of strong fighting spirit.

“Your Majesty Saint”

Originally, I wanted to shout in accordance with the etiquette. Before Xiao He finished speaking, the emperor made a gesture, and the second half of the sentence just stopped.

“Hey, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, I can’t go on the battlefield anymore.

Perhaps thinking of his own disability, Dongfang fell into a moment of silence, and began to permeate a silent and heavy atmosphere.

It was also a Great Qin soldier, everyone could understand the pity they were telling, and they could not help clenching their own fists.

It’s a pity that he couldn’t bring back blood feuds for his comrades-in-arms and the dead people on the border, and lost the opportunity to make meritorious service.

For the soldiers of Daqin, it is undoubtedly the most difficult, it is better to die on the battlefield.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty”

As soon as I saw General Wang Lao and others coming, there were also figures in dragon-patterned uniforms.


Immediately, those veterans who had broken their legs or lost their arms wanted to stand up and give a military salute.

Of course, it also includes the people from the border who have experienced the experience of the barbarians going south.

“You don’t need to have so many ceremonies. They are all meritorious officials of Da Qin, so sit down.

The veterans present were all hard-working for Da Qin, and likewise, they were hard-working people.

Therefore, Ying Che did not stand still, and personally stepped forward to signal that everyone did not have to bow.

“The ministers have seen your majesty!”

Despite this, all the disabled veterans still maintained the posture of military salute and paid high respects to the emperor.

“Even though the whole body has varying degrees of disability, the will is always the same. This is Daqin’s soldier.”

Even if it is a civil official, it does not hinder Xiao He’s admiration at all, and he is still thinking about killing the Huns.

“The body is crippled, but the spirit of the army is still the same!

Looking at the veterans who insisted on saluting in front of them, but have not forgotten that they were soldiers, Wang Jian, Wei Lian, Li Xin and others were quite touched.

“Sit down without a gift.

Finding a place close to her, Ying Che sat down directly, without the slightest shelf.

From the first generation of ancestors, Daqin started as a soldier until now, no one can ignore their existence.

“Here, sir, your majesty.

Despite the disagreement between Yu and Li, the veterans sat down just because of obedience to military orders.

For Daqin’s second generation of emperor, there is a clear preliminary understanding, not a hero, but also a more wise emperor.

“In the past few years, the Great Qin frontier has been stabilized, and you have contributed a lot. The day when we are here, the court will not forget you.

Looking around all the veterans around, Ying Che gradually raised her voice, and the court will not forget their previous contributions.

“Your Majesty, the ministers have died without regret.

Hearing such a promise from the emperor, the veterans who were once iron-blooded soldiers, the eyes of the tiger can be described as hazy.

There is no other reason, it is the touch that breeds after the physical disability.

“For many years, the disabled veterans who have been discharged from the army really need to make proper arrangements for 0.7.”

Listening to the conversation between the emperor and the veterans, Wang Jian felt gratified for Da Qin. At the same time, he admired the vision of Emperor Sheng Anshi.

The king of a country came to visit the veterans, which can be regarded as one of the rules of the Ying clan, and it is relatively rare to throw a promise to the veterans.

“Whether it is the holy ancestor emperor or your majesty today, there is really nothing to say about our soldiers.”

At this moment, Li Xin filled with gratitude and deep support.

Compared with the people who came to Dongfang, the veterans are undoubtedly more excited, not being forgotten by the court is tantamount to a great affirmation.

The emperor’s words gave them the last honor of the soldiers. Even if the body was injured and killed, it was worth it.

PS: Second!.

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