Chapter 141 The emperor is on tour, full of suspicion! (give a subscription support)

“Generals, your subordinates are here to deliver your majesty’s verbal message, and I will go to the Lizheng Hall now.”

Coming to the Yamen on the right side of Xuanzheng Hall, which is known as the gathering place of military representatives, Xiao He corrected the tone and conveyed it verbatim.

“A trip to the Lizheng Hall as a group?”

I heard that Wang Jian, Wei Liao, and other military leaders, looked at each other, and you can basically see the confusion in the other’s eyes.

With Daqin’s relatively strong national power, especially after today’s military system reform, it is unlikely that major things will happen.

After all, the emperor is not an emperor who has no rights, but now he has great power.

“Master Xiao, who else did Your Majesty declare?’

The collective announcement of them is equivalent to the entire military, Wang Jian thought for a while and said tentatively.

“General Wang, your majesty only ordered his subordinates to come and deliver an oral statement, and the rest of the news is not clear~”

Despite being one of the emperor’s close ministers, Xiao He was not complacent about it, neither humble nor overbearing-said.

Naturally, facing so many heavyweights, there will be no stage fright.

“There’s Lord Luo Xiao

In this regard, not only Wang Jian, who was questioning just now, but also Li Xin, Wei Liao and others beside him, the puzzlement in my heart increased a little.

It’s just that, after all, the verbal message sent by the emperor is important, and you can naturally know everything after arriving at the Lizheng Hall.

“Generals, please

“Master Xiao, please”

Immediately, Xiao He and a group of military leaders went to the Lizheng Hall to meet the emperor.

“Your Majesty, all generals have been brought here.

“The ministers have seen your majesty

The Yamen on the right side of the Xuanzheng Hall was not very far from the Lizheng Hall. Xiao He and the courtiers stepped into the hall one after another.

“All the officials exempted the courtesy”

The main figures of the military were basically there, Ying Che waved his sleeves and said something.

“The ministers thanked your majesty.”

Immediately, Wang Jian, Wei Liao and others were seated on the right side, according to seniority.

“What’s the matter, Feng Quji and Li Si didn’t show up?”

Seeing the empty civilians on the left, everyone couldn’t help but be shocked.Could it be that the emperor only announced them?

According to common sense, in any country’s military and political affairs, important civil and military officials have been present, and this has always been the case since ancient times.

“Zhuqing, now follow me to the Nanya Forbidden Military Academy.

Without explaining too much to the courtier, Ying Che took the Tai’a sword in her left hand and walked towards the outer diameter of the hall first.

Because, in Dongyang, the old capital of Daqin, there are soldiers who have retreated from the border, and there are also some people on the border who have moved here.

“The campus of the Nanya Forbidden Army, is it possible that your Majesty wants to patrol outside Xianyang?”

Upon hearing this, even the scheming Wang Jian and Wei Liao, who had a long-term vision, felt that they were getting more and more confused.

So, what is the intention of the emperor, and how can he announce their military alone?

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Seeing the emperor walked out of the temple, everyone had no time to think about it, they could only suppress their doubts and follow behind them.

“Your Majesty, the 20,000 Nanya Forbidden Army soldiers have basically assembled.

Seeing the emperor appearing in front of him, Zhang Han hurriedly greeted him and said.

As early as the first time he received the emperor’s verbal order, the soldiers of the imperial army were ready to wait for the next imperial order from the emperor at any time.

“Zhang Qing, drive in the direction of Biaoyang.”

The steps under her feet did not stop, Ying Che boarded the six-horse imperial car while confessing.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Hearing the sound of Liyang, Zhang Han felt strange as well, and said in response.

Speaking of Liyang, it was the old capital before Qin Xiaogong’s period. It was not very far from Xianyang, and the emperors rarely passed by.

“Generals, and Master Xiao, please.”

Coming to the front of the crowd, Zhang Han ordered several soldiers to bring the horses and speak out.


The route of the emperor’s patrol cannot be asked casually. Strictly speaking, it belongs to another sensitive topic.

Therefore, everyone including Xiao He was puzzled and could only talk about it after arriving at the destination first.

“The emperor’s holy driver, get up

Accompanied by Zhang Han’s loud shout, the Nanya Forbidden Army generals turned their directions and began to take their steps.

Immediately afterwards, the guards were responsible for the simple clearing of the road, providing the emperor’s patrol road to the outside of the city.

“Step on”

A soldier named the Nanya Forbidden Army, stepped on a fairly steady pace, when the armour piece echoed a burst of collision, and then formed an invisible breath of killing.

“Today is such a big battle, wouldn’t it be the emperor who is going on tour?”

The entire street was cleared with a width of more than 20 meters, and Xianyang’s guards were also used, as well as a large number of forbidden troops guarding the palace.

0……Look for flowers 0-

Seeing this, the people and nobles near the side of the street couldn’t help but speculate.

“Look, the driving of six black horses is definitely the holy driver of the emperor.”

Da Qin admired black, and Peng Yue noticed the car of Nuo Da, and said confidently.

“Should I be like the Holy Ancestor First Emperor, preparing to patrol the entire world?”

Seeing a familiar scene in front of him, Yingbo remembered the time of Emperor Sheng Ancestor, and said with uncertainty.

It didn’t take long for Zi to ascend to the throne today, let alone half a year, not even three months.

“I shouldn’t be. If you really patrol the world, there will be a little less imperial guards, and there will not be a large number of guards gathering outside the city.”

Hearing what the brothers on the road said, Peng Yue shook his head and said a completely different point of view.

According to the circulated news, the imperial court’s 500,000 army in Lingnan has returned 200,000 people, and there is no shortage of troops.

“If it weren’t for patrolling the world, then, where is the emperor going, wouldn’t it be for hunting?”

Thinking about the possible situation, Yingbo turned his head to look at Peng Yue, but his previous doubts became even greater.

The court did not see the maids in the team, nor did the eunuchs see them. The all-inclusive imperial palace has almost zero chance of going out to play.

Regarding this, I don’t know why Peng Yue knows it, and just like the rest, he is speechless.

“We are the Huns envoys and have the right to meet the Emperor Da Qin. You can’t stop them.”

The six-horse-driving car and the same emperor of Qin appeared, and the Huns envoys who were unwilling to leave, under the leadership of Shan Tuji, wanted to attack the guards.

“It’s best to be honest with me, smash into your majesty’s holy driver, and kill you directly on the spot.

Facing the barbarians who wanted to attack the Qingdao team, the near-work guard was not polite, and the handle of the spear was a sea of ​​flat.

“How can I meet the Emperor Da Qin face to face?”

Seeing the tragic condition of the Huns’ envoys with my own eyes, it can be said that the nose and face were swollen. Loulan, Wusun and other envoys shuddered, thinking about reasonable countermeasures.

They stayed in the Qin realm for a long time, and they still haven’t seen the emperor of Qin, so don’t they have to wait until the year of the monkey?

PS: First! Seven.

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