Chapter 143 To make the decision for the people, Touman apologizes! (give a subscription support)

“Don’t be restrained, where are you from? How many people are there in the family?”

After questioning all the veterans present, Ying Che did not stop and looked at the Li people on the other side.

To say that the holy ancestor emperor is also well-intentioned, and does not want the Ying clan and the Manchu civil and military to forget some of the past history.

“Your Majesty, I am from Yuyang. When the Huns went south in the early years, there were eight people in the whole family, but now I am the only one left.”

While talking, the strong man who was eight feet tall actually cried on the spot.

The man doesn’t flick when he has tears, but he hasn’t reached the point of sadness!

“The Huns!”

Things like this are happening on the border from time to time, and the veterans are almost flushed with red eyes, looking murderous.

Before I knew it, I remembered the battle with the barbarians such as the Xiongnu Yueshi at the border.

“After all, in terms of the size of Daqin’s cavalry, it is still not large enough.”

Knowing why the people were crying on the spot, Zhang Han didn’t stop it, but frowned.

“Beijing hasn’t disappeared in a day. How can Daqin come to dominate the world, let alone a flourishing age.”

In terms of attitude towards the outside world, Wang Ben’s temper was the same as that of the others, fighting until one of them fell completely in 06.

“The best situation is to control the grassland of Mobei. No matter how bad it is, at least the Xiongnu and Yueshi must be cleaned up before Daqin can have real hegemony.

Jiang was still hot, and Wei Liao stood in Da Qin’s national interests, and undoubtedly wanted the rest to think more comprehensively.

“As long as there is a new conscription, I must kill the Huns on the battlefield and avenge my family.

“Your Majesty, you must be the master for us, and for all the people on the border.”

“If the barbarians are not settled for a day, the border will never be peaceful, Your Majesty!”

It may be because of the feeling of love and the only emperor that can be relied on. The people who moved from the border at the time knelt on the ground one after another.

Moreover, everyone shed tears, which were tears of extreme hatred and grief.

“The soldiers of Da Qin, the people of Da Qin, that bloody hatred, the court will never forget, and I will never forget it.”

“I, I will definitely call the shots for you!”

Listening to the choking that resounded in her ears, Ying Che’s eyes were still full of people’s grief, and her eyes were a little more awe-inspiring.

This is the purpose of Daqin since the founding of the country. Similarly, it is a blood debt that must be recovered. Whoever blocks it is an enemy to himself.

“Your Majesty is in charge of the border soldiers and civilians.”

When he heard this, the veteran could no longer restrain his emotions and cried bitterly like a child.

“All the soldiers and civilians on the border, none of them are showing off, they are good.

Although there were too many disputes over the court, Li Xin had not forgotten his identity before the big troubles, and he felt unhappy in his heart.

“It won’t be too far to attack the Xiongnu and Yueshi and recover that blood debt.”

Even if it was Wang Jian, who was calm in his work, he clenched his fists deeply, and then groaned, that was the soldier’s determination.

Regardless of what forces or interests are, their determination on external issues is not less than anyone else.

“If the North’s troubles are not eliminated, hegemony is hard to come by!”

Without the ability of a soldier to kill the enemy, he was still a civilian, and he still couldn’t stop Xiao He’s enthusiasm.

“Zhang Qing, escort the Xiongnu’s Shan Yutouman.”

It’s almost time to watch, Ying Che shifted her gaze to the right and said.


Now, Zhang Han vaguely guessed the intention of the emperor, and stepped forward to take his command.

“The Xiongnu Shan Yutouman?”

The two words Touman undoubtedly represent hatred, in addition to that, there is also an extremely strong killing intent.

All the veterans present, as well as the people from the border, unanimously, and then looked at the door of Nuo Da.

“You, you!”

He didn’t want to be soft in front of Da Qin at all. Tou Man directly maintained a tough attitude and never bowed his head to Da Qin.

However, a bunch of bitter auras enveloped the whole body, and only a wave of chill came to my heart.

Although the emperor was in Dongfang, the veterans and ordinary people hadn’t exploded yet, but those pairs of eyes were all staring at Touman.

“It turns out that, in addition to visiting, your Majesty also used Rang Touman to apologize to the soldiers and civilians on the border.

The actions of the emperor were undoubtedly very down-to-earth, and Wang, Xiao He, Wei Tong and others were a little more solemn.

That is an account that must be recovered, and must be recovered, starting with the apology of the Xiongnu Shan Yutouman.

“Today, on behalf of the entire central court, I will temporarily recover some necessary justice from all soldiers and people on the border.”

The common hatred of the veterans and the common people, the changes before and after a group of military commanders can be seen in full view, representing the indispensable integrity of the nation.

Immediately afterwards, Ying Che said slowly in a relatively calm tone.

“His Majesty

Hearing that the emperor wants to seek justice for them, it is equivalent to making the decision for everyone. The eyes of the veterans and the people are moist.

“Emperor Da Qin, you, what do you want to do?”

Hearing the meaning of dealing with own, Touman felt a wave of creeps when he thought of the murderous Qin people.

If it falls into their hands, then

“To every Da Qin citizen present, I banged my head three times, and confessed his own crime on behalf of the Xiongnu.”

As if looking at an ant, Ying Che was expressionless and said lightly.

“Wh, what, what crime do I have to confess to when I kneel down to them?”

With ears that couldn’t believe it, Touman’s eyes widened, and it was impossible to confess his mistake to the group of lowly people.


Anyway, after staying with the emperor for a short time, Zhang Hanlun, who immediately understood him, picked up a copper stick and slammed it towards Touman’s knee without a word.

At that moment, the pain in the heart swept through the whole body, the whole face was extremely distorted, and screamed 237.

“Smashed well, smashed, smashed!

How much pain Tuman endured, and how crazy the veterans and people present were, his eyes were almost bloodshot.

That hideous and terrifying look, surrounded by the people who had been on the battlefield, was unavoidable for a while.

After thinking about it carefully, when his family died tragically before his eyes, that moment was destined to become a bloodthirsty devil.

“I admit my mistakes, I admit my mistakes to them!”

Before the huge inhuman pain, it was even more terrifying than Death, but Touman was still softened after all, and said word by word while gritting his teeth.

“It’s so useless given the opportunity, so instead, everyone cuts three knives.

In the words that seemed to be calm, the emperor Daqin contained emotions that made Touman feel terrified, and a trace of despair came to his heart.

“The ministers have thanked your Majesty for being the master!”

“Cao Min thanked Your Majesty for being the master!”

As soon as the voice fell, whether it was the veterans present or the common people, they moved closer to Touman one after another.

“Ah, Emperor Da Qin, go around first, go around me, the Xiongnu are willing to surrender forever!”

Looking at the large number of people from the Qin nation, Touman could fully imagine that own would end up, and quickly begged the emperor Qin for mercy.

However, when the first knife began to fall and the first scream spread, Touman’s eyes were full of despair.

PS: Third!.

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