Chapter 140 Lower your stance and show your loyalty! (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty, Zhao Tuo, the commander of the Northern Returned Army, and Li Cunxiao, the former general of the Imperial Army of the Northern Government, are waiting outside the hall for an announcement.

Walking into the Lizheng Hall, Meng Yi arched his hand towards the emperor in front of him and asked for instructions.


When I heard that it was Zhao Tuo and Li Cunxiao, Ying Che didn’t have too many surprises, and said directly.

According to the current process, the 200,000 Lingnan soldiers returning to the north are unlikely to arrive in Xianyang today, only one possibility remains.

“Hey, Your Majesty, the minister will pass them into the temple.”

With the verbal message that the emperor personally said, Meng Yi turned around and went to convey the will of the announcement just now.

“Chen Zhao”

“Chen Li Cunxiao, Minister”

“I have seen your Majesty the driver together!”

Immediately afterwards, two generals wearing standard black armor and extremely steady steps walked in, and also saw the Tao in a bowing posture.

There is no need to say more about Li Cunxiao’s loyalty, but Zhao Tuo has not returned to Xianyang for many years, so he naturally needs a very grand etiquette.

“The two ministers are flat.”

Knowing the etiquette stipulated in it, Ying Che nodded after receiving the bow of worship.

“The ministers thanked your majesty.”

When the ceremony just finished 237, Li Cunxiao and Zhao Ta got up one after another and stood motionless.

“Come on, give a seat.

Seeing this, Ying Che moved her gaze to the palace lady on one side and said.

The courtiers in the central government have a fixed position, of course, there is no need to give special seats, but the generals in the frontier or the generals of the Forbidden Army are very different.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Immediately, the court lady who was allowed took the tufted futon and placed it next to the previously prescribed position for the seat.

“The ministers thanked Your Majesty for giving the seat.

Not in a hurry to sit directly, the two of them first thanked the emperor, and then sat on the Tuan Fu.

“Your Majesty, the minister and the 200,000 Lingnan soldiers are taking a rest outside Hangu Pass and are about to arrive in Xianyang, Guanzhong.”

He came here specifically to reassure the emperor, Zhao Tuo didn’t mean anything, but chose to go straight to the subject.

If you said that you were showing your position to the emperor before, now it means swearing allegiance to the death and you can continue to use yourself.

“At the time of Houtian, all of them went to the outskirts west of Xianyang and selected 30,000 soldiers to enter the city for inspection.”

One more official who wants to be loyal to his own minister, Ying Che did not abandon the truth, and said (agah).

Of course, as long as there is any rebellion, it will inevitably cause the opponent to be in a different place before the rebellion occurs.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Hearing such an ordinary remark, Zhao Tuo relieved his heart and replied with a particularly happy mood.

Although it is a bit inappropriate to come to Xianyang specifically, but I will definitely stay in the north for a long time in the future, and it is estimated that I will never have to go back to the Lingnan area.

Therefore, it is necessary to lower your posture, at least to let the emperor rest assured.

“Li Qing went to Lingnan on behalf of the central court, and the army returned from the north had arrived. I had a decision to go back to Day Camp with Zhao Qing.”

After defaulting to reusing Zhao Tuo, Ying Che looked at Li Cunxiao on the other side, and instead gave a few praises in person.

In addition, it was also said by the way to Zhao Tuo, adding a loyal minister, which is conducive to controlling the entire army.

“Hey, Your Majesty, this is what the minister should do.”

Regarding this, even if it was summoned by the system, Li Cunxiao was a man of flesh and blood after all, and he responded to it all the time.

“Leaving Xianyang for so many years, there is no foundation in the DPRK. Now it seems that swearing allegiance to your Majesty is the only way out.”

Seeing the emperor who is rewarded for meritorious work, Zhao Qi is even more determined to make his own decision, which is better than unrealistic ideas.

“Go, when Houtian led an army of 30,000 into the city, from the street in the direction of the north gate.”

There were not many Zhao Tuo who came here specially, Ying Che waved his sleeves, and then said.

Due to the long distance, the soldiers returning from the north are almost the elite of the Lingnan Army, and Zhao it can be used as a buffer.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

The 200,000 Lingnan army still needed someone to sit in. Zhao Tuo, who was completely relieved of worries, exited the hall with Li Cunxiao.

“It’s also time for Zhang Han, the Zhonglang general of the Nanya Imperial Army, to be trained in the army. Li Cunxiao happened to take over the original position with the merits of Lingnan.”

Thinking of Li Cunxiao who came just now, Ying Che’s thoughts quickly passed through her mind, preparing to strengthen her control of the army.

Throughout the hegemony of the Holy Ancestor First Emperor, he has always firmly grasped the military power in his hands, and even the post of lieutenant is vacant, which shows how important it is in the end.

“Zhuan Huang Menyou staff officer Xiao He, came to meet me.”

Recovering the thoughts that had flashed before, Ying Che knocked on the wooden case and raised his voice.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

Meng Yi, who had been guarding around the Lizheng Hall, arched his hands in return and led the way.

“The minister has seen your majesty!”

It didn’t take long for Xiao He, who was dealing with matters in another hall, rushed over in the first time.

“Free gift”

“Your Majesty Chen Xie”

After some brief and solemn courtesy, Xiao He sat in the prescribed position, waiting for the emperor’s new round of instructions.

“Xiao Qing, now I’m going to deliver an oral message from me, and order several important generals in the court to come to the Lizheng Hall immediately.”

After dealing with the things just now, Ying Che did not forget another one, which was dealing with the first Shan Yutouman of the Huns.

Whether it is a direct execution or a capital punishment, it will definitely be the final outcome that the other party faces.

It’s just that before that, I still owe the frontier veterans and the people of the frontier a bloody vengeance. Touman must apologize like them!

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

The emperor didn’t say it clearly, so Xiao He naturally wouldn’t ask more and was ordered to say.

Immediately afterwards, stepped forward to the yamen of Xuanzheng Hall to convey the verbal message the emperor had just said.

“Meng Qing”

When Xiao He was ordered to go, Ying Che did not stop, and continued to speak.

“Your Majesty, the minister is here.

In response, Meng Yi stepped into the hall, and then stood there waiting for the imperial order.

“Now hand over that Man to the Nanya Imperial Army. In addition, Zhang Han is ordered to gather 20,000 Imperial Army officers. Go.”

It wasn’t until Meng Yi stopped that Ying Che spoke slowly and explained.

The soldiers who retreated from the border, and the Li people who moved to Xianyang deliberately during the time of Emperor Sheng Ancestor, did not want future generations to forget history.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Upon hearing this, Meng Yi couldn’t help but immediately led the way.

“Using tens of thousands of forbidden army soldiers, it is obvious that they have to go outside the city, especially with a group of military representatives, as well as the headman of the Huns.

“After all, what is your Majesty’s intention?”

On the way to the Nanya Forbidden Army, Meng Yi had a big problem in his heart, and couldn’t figure out the real reason.

PS: Third!.

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