Chapter 139 The ancient divine sword, then Xuanyuan! (give a subscription support)

“According to an oral order from me, I ordered Ji on behalf of the cloud to come to the Xianhe Pavilion under the Lizheng Hall

Although she was a subjugated princess before, she is now one of the concubines in the harem.

Therefore, Ying Che did not ignore it, and then spoke.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

After hearing the consent of the emperor in person, the female official who had never come to the palace, then returned with a verbal order.

“Ding, given that the host is in power, complete the previous road to power, now please receive rewards.”

“Reward an absolute power of punishment, and another chance to summon a peerless minister.

It may be that today’s military system reform has taken the first step to real power, and the long-lost Ascension sound of the system suddenly sounded.

“Absolutely God’s punishment!”

Compared with the reward for summoning famous officials, Ying Che is still more inclined to absolute punishment. From the literal meaning, at least it will be a destructive force.

“Open Personal Properties Panel”

In the column of the attribute panel, there is usually a brief remark. Ying Che, who closed his eyes and meditated, said silently.

Another one is to see if there are any obvious changes compared to the original data.

“Ding, the personal properties panel has been opened, please check it with the host.’

Host: Mr. Ying Zhao– Ying Che

Territory: From the Liaohe River in the east to the plateau in the west, Lingnan in the south, and Dayin Mountain in the north

Wenzhi martial arts: the idea of ​​ruling the country by law, the epoch-making national defense system, and the destruction of Jizi (Early Moon)

Death characters: Zhao Gao (five parts of the corpse), Hu Hai (beheading to show the public), Xiang Zhuang (chopping and feeding the dog)

Status: Emperor Qin

Special Institution: Black Ice Platform (Wu Zetian)

Props: Resurrection Card (resurrected once from the dead), Absolute Heaven Punishment (choose from thunder, flood, earthquake, etc.)

“The Absolute Punishment is strong enough and has no less effect than the resurrection card, and it can be one of the hole cards.

Looking at the simple markings on the panel, Ying Che is quite satisfied with the rewards for this task.

“From the east to the Liaohe!!

Not only that, Ying Che also noticed a detail, where the territory has been quietly changed.

That is the transition from Liaodong to Liaohe, which means that the territory of Daqin is much larger, about 300,000 square kilometers.

“Ding, release a real-time new task-to create a prosperous age in the Great Qin Dynasty, from top to bottom, to reach the level of a strong country and a wealthy people.”

“After completing the task, reward the long-lost ancient divine sword-Xuanyuan Sword, a detailed map of the geographical world.

When the original mission has ended, immediately afterwards, the system released new challenging missions, as well as new generous rewards.

“Xuanyuanjian, once it is in the world, it will be even more shocking than Guiguzi’s visit to Xianyang.”

Listening to the three words just now, Ying Che was still very interested. The beauty of Jiangshan already had it, and it would be great to have a peerless sword.

The Xuanyuan Sword is the yellow emperor’s saber, engraved with a sun, moon and star on the body. It is rumored to be a sword of the holy way, ranking first among the most famous swords in the world.

“Shut down the entire system”

Noting the sound of footsteps coming from a distance, Ying Che shut down the system for it, and slowly opened her eyes, and stopped closing her eyes to rest.

“The sinner Jidaiyun has seen your Majesty.”

Perhaps because of the extreme anxiety, Jidaiyun’s eyebrows were kept tightly locked, but he had to press it down and salute in a regular manner.

“Get up”

Seeing how anxious the lady was, Ying Che waved her sleeve at the female officer and looked at Ji Daiyun in front of her.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

As soon as the voice fell, Jidaiyun stood up, while the surrounding palace ladies stood far away.

“Your Majesty, there is a niece of the sinner who is not satisfied with the water and soil, and is still infected with severe wind and cold. Please help her.

With that said, for fear that the emperor Qin would not agree, Ji Daiyun just knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Moreover, the hands are still clasped together, and the forehead is knocked on the back of the palm, which is a very sincere courtesy.

“The other niece and princess of Jinxian, turned out to be infected with the cold.”

Hearing that, Ying Che, who rarely talks about the harem matters, immediately understood.

Correspondingly, I was beginning to plan that it was indeed necessary to find a concubine to manage the harem temporarily.

“Your Majesty, as long as you send someone to heal, the sinner is willing to do anything.”

Ji Daiyun, who thought it was the emperor Da Qin who didn’t want to agree, had lost his sense of measure, and there was a bit of choking in his voice.

Glancing at the pretty shadow close at hand, even if Ying Che didn’t speak directly, in the end he motioned the female officer to come over.

“It won’t be true, it won’t. You must ask your Majesty to save Lan’er, or she will die.

At this moment, Ji Daiyun bit his lip lightly, regretting what he did last night, if he cooperated, it wouldn’t be the case.

Their aunts and nephews themselves were subjugated princesses, and they were helpless in the Qin Palace. In the process of serving, they also acted against Emperor Qin.

“His Majesty..”

Soon, the female officer walked over quickly, waiting for the emperor’s word.

At this moment, Jidaiyun was undoubtedly so nervous that he wrinkled the corner of his clothes.

“In my name, a female imperial physician is told to go and treat another princess who is critically ill. If it’s time to take a rest, she will take a rest.”

Withdrawing her gaze on Ji Daiyun, Ying Che turned her head slightly and said slowly.

Although it is a trophie from the contribution, in the final analysis, they will eventually become a member of the concubine, and it is not their turn to decide on their own life and death.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

After carefully listening to every passage of the emperor’s son, the female officer repeated it in her heart, and this was the answer.

“Your Majesty”

Rather than failing to save the life in his imagination, he made a series of arrangements. Jidaiyun felt a deep shame for the thought just now.

Unconsciously, there was a bit less hatred and a bit more complicated emotions than before.

“The sinner Ji has thanked Your Majesty’s Holy Grace on behalf of the cloud. In the future, she will definitely make a fundamental change and will no longer have the previous (good Zhao) things.”

After the female officer left here, Ji Daiyun buckled her head again, from the last resort to the present willingness.

“I hope so, go back for the time being”

Listening to the very deep, more subtle words, Ying Che heard clearly and said indifferently.

Although the last night was full of resistance and no cooperation at all, it was full of wildness, which sounds good.

“Yes, Your Majesty, the guilty woman retaliated.

Hearing that, Ji Daiyun lowered his mind and couldn’t help letting out a relaxed exhalation.

As long as there is another chance to change, she can survive in the court, and her niece Lan’er can also be better off.

“The reform of the military system has begun, so it is time for Qin Sijun to be established.”

Thinking of Jizi (Zhaoyue) Xianxian, which had been perished, Ying Che did not continue to stay in the Xianhe Pavilion, and headed towards the main hall of the Lizheng Hall.

PS: Second!.

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