Chapter 138 The wave is not flat, and the battle is up again! (give a subscription support)

“In my opinion, the field regular army-the general, will be served by Meng Tian, ​​and the Zhe Chongjun-the general will be served by the old general Ren Xiao.”

Looking down at a famous courtier in her sight, Ying Che gradually deepened her original tone and said in a relatively calm tone.

For the recommended Meng Tian and Renqi, as early as the previous anticipation, it is more in line with the fundamental interests of the imperial power.

“Your Majesty Shengming!”

After listening to the official appointment from the emperor, the civil and military sides really relaxed, and they said in unison the four words of His Majesty Shengming, extremely loud.

“retreat ”

Today’s North Korean meeting is basically over. What is worse is the full promotion. Ying Che did not stay any longer.

“Hey, the ministers will send you your majesty.”

I heard that the civil and military officials who continued to stand on the spot raised a bow toward the emperor as a respectful ceremony.

“Yu’er, what will you gain from today’s dynasty?”

Today’s civil and military dispute is considered to be a tie. Li Si, who is in a good mood, walks on the side of the palace road back to the Yamen, and wants to ask the eldest son.

After all, it is useless to rely on oneself alone, and there is still a need for successors, and their Li family can’t be decimated.

“Through today’s imperial meeting, the child understands one thing. As an official in the Central 06, he must not be too greedy, and he must know how to judge the situation and weigh the situation.”

After thinking about it, Li You did not exaggerate, but said the sentiment brought by the DPRK.

After observing the entire process of the court meeting, I realized more about the deficiencies of own. The local means were placed in the court, which was not enough to see.

“It’s not bad, my son has made a lot of progress, and I know what I just said.”

Listening to the eldest son’s answer, Li Si stroked his long beard and was still very satisfied.

It doesn’t matter if the political level is not high. What is not saved is that you don’t know how to repent, and you will die sooner or later.

“Father, the child will listen more and talk less, and strive to reach Dad’s current Realm as soon as possible.”

Li You, who has been specially trained since he was a child, has a very high level of consciousness and understands that his own political level is far from enough.

“Aren’t you still dealing with those diplomatic matters? Go ahead, go to the Yamen and take care of them.”

When he reached the junction of palaces and roads, Li Si stopped and ordered.

“Father, please rest assured that the child understands what to do and becomes the official Feng Changqing as much as possible.”

Knowing what Dad wanted to say to himself, Li You nodded heavily and promised.

After the Huns envoys, the position of Deputy Secretary Feng Chang initially stabilized, but there are still many problems before us.

“General Wang, General Wei, it was so easy to miss the opportunity just now, it is too cheap for them.”

As a representative of the military, several people stood side by side, and one of them, Li Xin, turned his head and was still brooding about this.

“In today’s first match, we can be regarded as a complete victory without suspense, and in the second match we can only make concessions.”

“Don’t forget, besides being a soldier, you also have the status of a courtier.”

Knowing that Li Xin didn’t see it, but was not reconciled, Wei Liao smiled and explained the key to it.


It was not wrong to think about it carefully. Some things were not overstepped, and Li Xin was shocked in a cold sweat, without the unwillingness he had before.

The holy ancestor emperor, including today, has not changed the strategy of reusing the military, but blindly showing the limelight will bring great troubles.

In the case of the Holy Ancestor Emperor, the commanders of the Great Wall and Lingnan Legions were basically the original civil and military squads, and some clues can be seen.

“Fortunately, General Wei’s reminder, otherwise, I almost committed a big taboo.”

Until now, Li Xin finally understood Wei Lian’s abnormality and thanked him sincerely.

“Being the same soldier, it’s just a matter of effort.”

Seeing Li Xin wake up, Wei Liao was still very happy, waved his hand and said.

Because they must form a monolithic piece, and they can’t let the other party take advantage of it.

“General Wei is right. Sometimes a proper step backward is not necessarily a bad choice.

Thinking of the contention that had just ended, Wang Jian agreed with Wei Liao’s starting point, so that he could go further.

We must know that with the full establishment of the regular army in the field and the all-round establishment of the Zhe Chong army, there is no room for development at all.

“The words of General Wang and Lao, General Wei, this is the correct way of development for our side.”

When he figured out what was at stake, Li Xin had no emotion at all, and he felt a sense of fortune.

“The half-million field regular army indirectly affects your majesty’s authority. You can’t make a move based on this alone. One move is tantamount to death.”

Before he knew it, Wang Li recalled some sensitive topics his father had said, and thought deeply.

Meng Tian and Dae Wang Jian are recognized famous generals, the two most prestigious men in the army, the former is even the first civil and military team of the emperor.

“When I go back from the yamen today, I ask you all. After all, it has been a long time since I got together.

There was a lot of gain today, and Wei Lian was equally in a good mood and sent an invitation to everyone.

“Hahaha, that’s a nagging general.”

It is not something that is particularly taboo, Wang Jian, Li Xin and others naturally did not refuse, haha ​​laughed.

“Then go, there are still a lot of things to be busy today.”

Immediately, a group of heavyweight representatives of the military disappeared to the side of the palace.

It is no joke that the brand-new national defense system involves the front line of 1.5 million, including the second line of troops.

“From now on, tell the other ministers to be more careful. If you violate the current political rules, there will be no good fruit.”

Walking by the 237 passage to the Yamen, Feng Quji deliberately ordered out of caution.

Political rules are bad for them, but there are also certain benefits. Punishment and gain are proportional.

“Prime Minister Feng, the next official understands that he will never repeat the retreat.

In this regard, Nei Shiteng, who served as the order of Xianyang, had no objection and readily accepted the Tao.

“In the following Wenzhi, we must show our political achievements, so that the military will not be underestimated.”

Today’s battle has not really ended. Feng Quji, who wanted to crush the opponent, continued.

“Half of the military expenditure is directly saved, and the extra money and food are sufficient for initial development. Once the flourishing age begins, the central finance will undergo earth-shaking changes.

Hearing what Prime Minister Feng meant, Nei Shiteng clenched own fist, and wanted to let out a sigh of relief.

The military has a brand-new national defense system policy, but they have a policy based on the rule of culture, and the struggle between each other is not over.

Furthermore, they definitely have an advantage in the benefits brought by the success of Wenzhi.

“My Majesty, one of the princesses who served in bed last night, Jidaiyun wanted to ask to see your Majesty several times.”

After the current dynasty, Ying Che, who had not yet arrived at the Lizheng Hall, heard the female officer’s request for instructions.


Thinking of Ji Daiyun who refused to cooperate last night and forbeared his fragility, Ying Che made a soft voice. That was interesting.

PS: First!.

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