Chapter 131 Chess in the world, a thousand years of national luck! (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty, this is the basic duty of every courtier, and it is also the responsibility of the Huang Clan staff. It should not be praised.”

Hearing a compliment from the emperor, to be exact, it was a positive recognition. Even though Xiao He was a little excited, he still seemed not arrogant or rash.

Taking a look at the courtier on the right, Ying Che retracted her gaze and did not continue.

On the road to the establishment of imperial hegemony, it will certainly be worthy of great use in the future and serve as a good seed for the next round of prime ministers.

“When I returned to the mansion earlier today, the country’s major events were not accomplished in one go. There is still a long way to go in the future.”

The pre-preparation before the reform of the military system has generally come to an end, Ying Che said without any reason to stay.

“The minister thanked your Majesty…”

He didn’t even look at it, the emperor undoubtedly trusted himself very much, and Xiao He was more or less moved.

To be able to work for such an emperor, even if one day he dies, it is considered to have died well.


Take a picture of the bamboo slips piled up in the hall just now. Ying Che, who has not looked back, wondered what was thinking.

The only certainty is that the plan to influence the land of China, at least for thousands of years, is related to the position of the top of the world.

“Master Li, sirs, your majesty came to pass on an oral message from your majesty, everything is too late.”

When he came to a palace, Chen Ping took the emperor’s verbal order and repeated it verbatim.

“Master Chen”

In the same way, Wang Jian, Feng Quji and others said it politely without exception.

“Excuse me, Master Chen, what does your Majesty want to explain to us?”

The other party’s official position is much smaller than his own, but he can’t stand being a close minister to the emperor. Li You asked with a little bit of enthusiasm.

You know, the last encounter with Wang Shuo Feng Changqing is still vivid.

Listening to Li You, who was the first to ask, and a group of courtiers who had not left, looked forward at the same time.

It is directly related to the attitude of the emperor to the Huns. Whether it has been strong to the end or not has the meaning of letting go.

“Only the verbal statement just now, other than that, His Majesty didn’t explain anything.”

Faced with so many heavyweights, Chen Ping is still quite pressured by the collective eyes cast.

“In this way, the Xiongnu Danyu-Touman will end up not much better than Zhao Gao.”

Seeing the blood-stained Hun envoys below, Li Si suddenly thought of Zhao Gao’s tragic end.

“After Wang Shu’s exile in Lingnan, we will correct the gradually changing temperament and prevent Da Qin from losing his determination and forge ahead.”

“The matter of the Huns envoys is to set an example for future generations of the world. It is not handled in a gentle way, nor can it cede the land for compensation.

When thinking of this, Wei Liao couldn’t help but sigh. The great figures of the Ying clan of Daqin have come out in large numbers.

“Perhaps the old man should indeed change his strategy.

After watching a whole circle of civil and military courtiers, Feng Quji found that no one opposed it. On the contrary, he was still active with a lot of thoughts, secretly saying that he was old.

Especially one of the hard-core supporters of the camp, such as Nai Shiteng, not to mention opening his mouth, and even the footsteps did not reach half a point.

“In that case, the previous guess is not wrong. Your Majesty is about to isolate the Huns.”

Compared with other people, Guiguzi Wang Xu’s vision is more long-term, confirming some of the previous views.

It’s just that until now, I still don’t understand the intention of the emperor.

“It can be seen that a new era is coming quietly. It is not a prosperous and prosperous era, but the military is used to the extreme.”

With the eyes that he had accumulated for most of his life, Wang stroked his long beard, and a bright light flashed in the tiger’s eyes, which contained the old cunning calculations.

“It’s too late. Where did you come from, please go back to where.”

When he came outside the palace gate, Li You didn’t say anything nonsense, and when he came up, he conveyed the emperor’s verbal order.

“Wha, you, what did you say!”

The amount of information brought was too large, and the Huns envoys headed by Shan Tuji and others did not react for a while.

After experiencing the shame of trampling on dignity, what is waiting is not hope, but complete despair, which makes people subconsciously unwilling to believe.

“You are only allowed to leave Xianyang now, otherwise, the officer wouldn’t mind blasting you out.

Without repeating it a second time, Li You then raised his hand and made the final announcement.

0……Look for flowers 0……

The other party has lost the value of use. Now, it is time to go back to the Xiongnu and be killed. When will I wait until I get on the road earlier???

“Didn’t you promise us that you can kneel all the way and meet the Emperor Da Qin?”

She didn’t dare to believe the cruel facts, Shantu managed to squeeze a smile, still thinking that the other party had forgotten.

The emperor’s verbal order has been issued, and Li You, who has a very thorough understanding, can be said to be quite resolute in execution, and ignores the other party.

“Master Fengchang, Master Fengchang, please stay, please stay!”

Suffering a shame that was more painful than death, in exchange for such a result, the Huns envoys including Shan Tuji felt extremely anxious.


However, due to the prolonged three worships and nine knocks, he was already unstable and fell to the ground one after another.

“Dear generals of Da Qin, as well as adults, please, let us see the emperor of Da Qin.

Tolerance for a whole day today is not just to redeem Shan Yu, Shan Tuji did not say anything cruel, but said in a low voice.

However, everyone did not pay attention to it, but walked down the palace one by one.

Even Feng Quji, who was relatively stubborn before, didn’t say anything anymore, and was undoubtedly much more honest than before.

“I beg you, please ask the emperor Daqin for some kindness. Just meet one person. My Huns are willing to donate a lot of war horses.”

Seeing everyone began to leave one after another, pleadings sounded one after another, and the anxiety could be heard even more in words.


In response to the Huns envoys, the figure of the Manchu civil and military forces leaving the palace, and the atmosphere that Da Qin could not change.

“Hahaha, we can’t meet the emperor Da Qin face to face, saying that we will redeem Shanyu, we have suffered all the humiliation, hahaha.”

Except for the Shantu pole, the rest of the Huns’ envoys who were on the verge of collapse couldn’t bear it completely, and stopped on the spot and laughed wildly.

Kneeling back and forth on the ground lasted more than half a day. Shan Tuji and others could no longer stand up, and in the end they could only crawl.

On the basis of trampling on dignity and discrediting the Huns before, there is an extra humbleness.

PS: Second more! Seven,

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