Chapter 130 Unfathomable, true intentions! (give a subscription support)

“Since His Majesty became the throne today, Da Qin’s diplomacy has become more powerful, and the atmosphere has not tolerated the slightest deviation.

“Could it be that Prime Minister Feng hasn’t fully figured out the reason for this until now?”

Listening to the brief conversation between the left and right prime ministers Li Si and Feng Quji, Wang Jian shook his head.

In some cases, the minister can’t be too stubborn, otherwise he may fall into a dead end.

“For the Xiongnu who is against Da Qin and goes south to the Great Wall from time to time, perhaps, your Majesty’s decision is not wrong.

Seeing the painful Huns envoy, the little bloodstains left in the street, Li Xin suddenly understood the purpose of the emperor.

“To kill the Huns directly is only a deterrent. You can use such a method.”

“In addition to achieving a deterrent to the other forces, it also reflects the prosperity of Da Qin from the side. His Majesty estimated that he wanted to completely isolate the Xiongnu.”

I have to say that Guiguzi Wang Xu is still well-deserved, and he sees the true intentions of the emperor to some extent.

Because it was a very big game, Daqin’s world pattern was still relatively small, and it was not clear what it was.

“Before it gets dark, more than 20 Huns envoys should kneel before the palace gate. It’s time to start again tomorrow.”

Looking at the sky above his head, Wei Lian smiled instead, don’t say anything meaningful.

“Unable to save their Shan Yu 220, and the Huns suffer such a big humiliation, even if we don’t kill, someone will do it for themselves.”

At any rate, he has been in the court for many years, Li Si’s political vision is very good, and he can explain the key issues from it.

The Huns envoys are a bunch of idiots, and the emperor keeps them to build his power and give full play to the only remaining value.

“The first element of court politics is wisdom. Otherwise, like the Huns’ messengers, they would be ignorant of being played to death.”

Listening to the words resounding in the ear, Feng Quji’s thinking was suddenly awakened, and he secretly confessed to himself.

The Huns envoys not only endured a great humiliation, but also had to die in their own hands, which is undoubtedly the greatest sadness in the world.

“This is court politics. When I’m in the game, I don’t even understand how to die.”

Coming to the palace to explain the progress, Li You, who happened to hear those few conversations, refreshed his old cognition that politics can still operate like this.

It can make the other party bear the title of shame and deter the messengers representing the various forces, and it does not require the other party to take action, and someone will kill them on their own behalf.

“Your Majesty, the two princesses (agah) whom the general king advances to offer have all been arranged to a palace in Weiyang Palace, just…”

Gradually, when the night began to fall, the female officer who came to report wanted to speak but stopped.

“Just what, just say anything if you have any.”

After putting a few bamboo slips neatly, Ying Che raised his head and said.

“Back to your majesty, one of the princesses who contributed is not satisfied, which may affect your majesty’s rest. Only one princess is left to come tonight.”

Immediately, the female officer who spoke just now did not hesitate.

“It’s okay, just call him directly now.”

Only one of the girls came, and it reduced a lot of fun. Ying Che was not worried about it, and the days to come will be long.

The subjugated princess said it was a contribution, but in the final analysis, it belongs to one of the own trophies, just play it.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

After consulting the permission from the emperor, the female officer turned and left, and went to arrange related matters.

“Your Majesty, the staff of Huangmen left and right have something to play.

Standing outside the main hall of Weiyang Palace, Meng Yi arched his hand toward the inside and asked for instructions.

“Order the two to wait in the Lizheng Hall.”

Except for the imperial guards who served as guards, even the important ministers in the court rarely came to Weiyang Palace, which is the rule of the rules.

Therefore, Ying Che said directly without thinking too much.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

As soon as the voice fell, Meng Yi arched a military salute, leading the command.

“The ministers have seen your majesty…

“Two ministers and workers exempted the ceremony

“The ministers thanked your majesty.”

It didn’t take long for the three monarchs and ministers to arrive at the Nei Dynasty Lizheng Hall. After some necessary etiquette, they took their seats one after another.

“In the night, even so disturbing your majesty the holy driver, the ministers waited in horror.

I didn’t want to directly disturb the emperor, but had to come again, Xiao He and Chen Ping took the initiative to sue.

“It’s okay. In the military and political affairs of the country, the monarchs and ministers must not be lazy.

After listening to these words, Ying Che waved her hand a little, indicating that she didn’t need to care too much.

When he should relax, he never treats himself badly, and in the same way, there is still no ambiguity in handling.

“No, Your Majesty.”

In this regard, Xiao He and Chen Ping are more and more fortunate. They abandon everything they have worked hard in their hometown. Now it seems to be correct.

For their courtiers, having a wise king and having the opportunity to display their talents and realize their ambitions is the greatest gift of knowledge in the world.

“Your Majesty, the Huns envoys will kneel all the way to the palace gate around the evening, whether to announce that they have come to meet.

Without hesitation, Chen Ping first gave a gift, and then told.

“Tell me an oral message to tell Li You, Deputy Secretary of State Fengchang, that everything is too late.”

When it comes to the Huns envoys, Ying Che didn’t react much at all, but said indifferently.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Hearing that, Chen Ping suddenly felt stunned in his heart. He didn’t have any objections, and he went to convey it to Deputy Secretary Feng Chang.

Today’s Huns envoys were so ashamed that they finally knelt to the gate of the palace. It was just an interesting show. The emperor’s style is as decisive as ever.

“When I was stigmatized and stigmatized in Xianyang, and at the same time it was a deterrent to all forces, my fate would be very tragic after I returned.”

Although the current official position is not big, Xiao He’s insight into things is extremely first-rate, and he has become more and more aware of the emperor’s inscrutableness.

When they hadn’t thought of it, the emperor had already thought about it. When he really thought about it, he realized that the whole thing was nearing its end.

Noting the changes before and after the two courtiers, Ying Che was still expressionless, just a few small characters, there was nothing to be proud of.

The fundamental role is to isolate the Huns. In the early stage, the barbarians were used to weaken the barbarians as a strategy, and the late stage was to launch effective rule.

“Your Majesty, this is information about reforming the military system, and the minister has already prepared.”

With that said, Xiao He walked to a pile of bamboo slips with a dark circle around his eyes, which was obviously collected overnight.

“Very well, there was Lao Xiaoqing before.”

This kind of efficiency is amazing, Ying Che nodded for it, and the things that Xiao He told Xiao He were finished ahead of time.

PS: First!.

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