Chapter 132 One of the princesses, fragile heart! (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty, one of the princesses who have declared Jinxian now, or wait for a while?”

Knowing the principle of not being the master without authorization, the female officer stood in front of the temple and asked for instructions.

Along with the emperor’s exile of his opponent, Wang Shuo, and the expulsion of one of the founding civil and military officials, it is no longer as good as when he had just ascended the throne.


Hearing that, Ying Che didn’t react much, and still kept the gesture of writing in his hand.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

With the consent of the emperor, the female officer should scream and go to arrange for the subjugated princess Jidaiyun.

“If you want to live until the next day, how do you do it, don’t I need to teach it?”

Coming to the nearby hallway, the female officer glanced at the beautiful woman in front of her, and said with a point.

Even though the other party was a princess who had come to offer, there was only a paper omission, and he would definitely not be able to get rid of the relationship.

“Let’s put “two thirty seven” mind, I know how to do it.

Hearing the threat of shame, even though Ji Daiyun was very angry, his five fingers were tightly intertwined.

Before I knew it, I thought of the homeland where the country had been destroyed, especially when the city was broken, the scene of immense grief.

“That’s the best, don’t forget, and your own niece.

The emperor is not easy to get along with. The safety aspect can only be cautious and then cautious. The female officer gave another special warning.

“The emperor of Da Qin is really afraid of death.”

Listening to the warning ringing in his ears, Ji Daiyun lightly moulded his undecorated hair, and made a sarcasm in his heart.

“When I came to the strange land under my feet, and I was about to see the culprit who perished our country, I must hold back and hold back.

Thinking of his niece Ji Lan still in the palace, Ji Daiyun took a deep breath, but after all he endured it, restraining the very strong thoughts of revenge.

“Jizi (Zhaoyue) Xian’s sinful daughter-Ji Daiyun, has met His Majesty the Emperor of Da Qin.

After stepping into the main hall of Weiyang Palace, Ji Daiyun gritted his silver teeth and seemed to have made a lot of determination.

Then, in accordance with the etiquette taught by the female officer, he knelt down and leaned forward slightly.

For some reason, Ying Che continued to look at the bamboo slips in her hand.

“Emperor Qin is really deceiving people too much, now we must exercise restraint and restraint…

Even though he had been mentally prepared before, when Suan Dai Yun really met the Emperor Qin in front of him, his five fingers were clasped extremely tightly.

If you were alone, you would have died with Emperor Qin, but now you have to bear with everything.

“I want to kill me, right?”

In response to this, Ying Che looked through the information about reforms while looking for some temporary fun.

“Sin, the sinner dare not”

One word expresses the thoughts deep in his heart, and Jidaiyun, who is lying down and covered in hair, resembles a frightened bird, and his voice can’t help but tremble in reply.

Emperor Qin didn’t raise her head, and Own’s cheeks were covered with beautiful hair.How did she discover her emotions just now?

“Look up.”

With that said, Ying Che put down the bamboo slips after reading, and said very calmly.

Jizi (Zao Yue) Xian will only be the first to perish, sweeping the six kingdoms like the holy ancestor, and will be one after another in the future.

“Yes Yes.”

With the scene of the previous encounter, Ji Daiyun did not dare to look directly at Emperor Qin in the hall, for fear of exposing his own thoughts.

“I don’t have the habit of saying the same sentence a second time.

There was neither the slightest irritation nor the slightest reaction, Ying Che said in an unhurried tone.

Tonight, thinking of Chuanji Daiyun coming here, mainly for fun, and the spoils must look like spoils.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty”

There seemed to be an inexplicable magical power invisible, Ji Daiyun was not under the control of his own mind, and subconsciously raised Bai Zhe’s neck.

I saw the silky three thousand green silk lying quietly on his shoulders, showing a touch of extraordinarily soft beauty.

And the pair of phoenix eyes, which are strongly supported and dodge from time to time, add a sense of impulse (feet soft).

“This is the real king of the world!

Just a word that sounded very calm, it was impossible to raise the mind of resistance, and it brought a great psychological impact to Jidaiyun.

The previous king Jizhun, the new king Jizhun has half the size of the emperor of Da Qin, and will not end up in the end of the country.

“It’s kind of pretty

Compared with a woman of the same appearance, Ji Daiyun had the dignified temperament cultivated by the noble Xiantian, Ying Che couldn’t help but glanced more.

Of course, just look at it more, and it won’t cause much psychological fluctuations.

“Pour wine”

The wine is in the position in front of the wooden case, Ying Che obviously has no intention of doing it herself, waiting for the next service for a while.

“Yes, your majesty, Da Qin’s emperor.”

Except for a few specific words, Jidaiyun doesn’t speak other dialects, and speaks with a very wrong accent.

If you haven’t learned a few words of the Qin dialect before, now there are only a few words back and forth, and you can’t understand what the other party is saying.

“Next, I want to stay calm, so as not to directly harm Lan’er.

In the process of walking, Jidaiyun kept confessing to himself, his palms were still covered with drops of sweat.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty.”

Whenever one step closer to Emperor Qin, the hatred in Ji Daiyun’s heart also increases by one point, and anxiety is also proportional.

When he came to the front of Emperor Qin, his speech began to become uncomfortable, and his tone became more obvious.

All the emotional changes were in sight, Ying Che didn’t show much expression, not even a urge.

“Tick tick…”

Holding the bottle of fine wine in both hands, Ji Daiyun took Wang Yu’s hands, who was both uneasy and hated, and poured the wine tremblingly.

“I’m so useless, so useless.”

Obviously the culprit was close at hand, but he couldn’t do anything, and even poured wine for the other party, Ji Daiyun’s phoenix eyes couldn’t help but become hazy.

However, he was holding back the tears and didn’t want to show a fragile scene in front of Emperor Qin.

“Why, the palace didn’t teach you the rules 0.7, or the hometown taught you no rules.”

Seeing the wine falling on the wooden table, Ying Che didn’t even hand it to her. Ying Che looked forward and said slowly.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Sin Woman Sin Woman”

There are not many dialects of the Qin country that I have learned. Although Ji Daiyun, who is poor in words, could not understand it, he finally noticed his mistake.

Suddenly, a bead of sweat appeared on Qiao’s face, which contained extreme anxiety from it.

“Tonight, I will personally talk about the previous one, what is the rule of the palace, and I will not make such a mistake again in the future.”

Just at the beginning, Ying Che gave up his plan to let Ji Daiyun stay on, and said.

“Ah, tyrant, you are a tyrant!”

Immediately afterwards, a tender and painful sound from Ji Daiyun quickly spread throughout the main hall of Weiyang Palace.

PS: Third!.

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