Chapter 129 Kill as many as you find! (give a subscription support)

“Wang Qing, who else knows about this matter?”

There was not much emotional change, Ying Che hit the wooden case and said calmly.

Either it will not be published in the courtroom, once it is spread, it will surely crush the kingdom established by Xu Fu in one fell swoop, otherwise it is better not to say it.

“Back to your Majesty, only the minister, General Chen and Han Xin, and the other generals have no knowledge until now.

Even if he didn’t understand the intention of the emperor, Wang Li suppressed the doubts in his heart and answered truthfully.

“This matter doesn’t have to be publicized everywhere, I have a conclusion of my own.”

As soon as the closing was to punish Xu Fu, Ying Che nodded slightly and said.

“Hey, your majesty, the minister understands.”

When I heard this, Wang Li, who understood the truth a little bit, responded.

The spread of the news means that the second war is on. With the current financial situation of the central government, it is already on the verge of being dragged down, and it is in an embarrassing situation of not being able to get better.

“Your Majesty, the minister has one more thing to play.

The third matter has not been reported yet, Wang Li thought for a moment, and finally decided to play the role.

“What’s the matter, but it’s okay to say.”

Seeing the hesitation of the courtier’s hiding, Ying Che put his sleeves up and said instead.

As long as the courtier did not commit the crime of treason, or behave like Wang Wan, there is nothing that can’t be said directly.

“Successful Jizi (Early Moon) is fresh, the daughter of the previous king Jizhun-Ji Lan, and the sister of the new king Ji Nori-Jidai Yun”

“After repeated investigations by the maids, the two women are both complete bodies and are hereby dedicated to your majesty to serve as the harem.

Jinxian’s aunts, nephews, and princesses, what the emperor thinks, Wang Li really can’t guess, but he is still a little bit ambitious.

“Wang Qing has the heart. I have accepted this gift.”

Using the subjugated princess to fill the harem was just a symbol of the spoils, and Ying Che didn’t have the slightest dislike for it.

“This is the duty of a minister. His Majesty praised him so much that he felt extremely ashamed.”

Hearing that the emperor didn’t feel disgusted by this, Wang Li’s last worry disappeared, and he confessed to the extreme of shame.

After all, Jinxian subjugated princess, especially with a relationship with aunts and nephews, some kings are still more disgusted with that escape.

“Go back to the palace first and have a good rest, by the way, report peace to General Wang.”

I understood that Wang Li had rushed to Xianyang all the way all night, and had not rested for a whole day, and I already knew what I had to ask just now.

Therefore, Ying Che didn’t leave the other party anymore, and said like the trend.

“Hey, the minister thanked your majesty for his holy grace, so the minister retired.”

Seeing that the emperor was so sympathetic to them as courtiers, Wang Ben showed a sense of support, and then he said with cupped hands.

“The next force that must be destroyed is Xu Fu who rebelled against the holy ancestor, and rebelled against Daqin

With a Jizi (Zhaoyue) in the extinct area, Ying Che’s ambitions were not satisfied, but instead set their sights farther.

Not only to destroy the kingdom of Xu Fu, but also to take the entire Western Regions and the grasslands of Mobei, and then enter the Maurya Dynasty from Lingnan to establish a real hegemony in Central Asia.

“Wu Zetian”

After thinking about it, Ying Che opened her eyes slowly and called out a soft voice.

“Heibingtai are all commanders, Wu Zetian sees your Majesty.”

I don’t know if he is around or has any special feelings, Wu Zetian appeared quietly, seemingly without a trace.

“A part of the members of the Black Ice Terrace were sent to the area south of the Samhan area to find the accurate location of the country of Japan and mark the general geography of the local area.

Without a modern accurate map, Ying Che pondered for a moment, and gave a rough idea of ​​the nearest location.

“Hey, Your Majesty, the minister will make arrangements immediately today.

I heard that Wu Zetian did not ask why, but said directly.

There is only one purpose of the Black Ice Terrace, that is, the emperor will execute what he says, and clear all obstacles ahead.

“Your Majesty, the Xiang clan of Chu State is very cautious. Only a part of them are sent out to explore the sea, and the other part is to wait and see the changes.

“Then, do you want to lead the snake out of the hole?”

Thinking of the matters concerning the remnants of the Six Nations, Wu Zetian paused, then said.

“The part that went out to sea as a pathfinder will all be beheaded for me. Don’t leave a living mouth.”

Gradually, Ying Che stopped tapping Mu Jian’s fingers, and the temperature in her tone dropped suddenly.

Heibingtai’s influence overseas is not strong. When I heard that Chu State was thinking of uniting with Xu Fu, it was just right.

Furthermore, for the remnants of the Six Nations who conspired to rebel, they kill as many as they find, and there is no element to lead the snake out of the hole.

“Meow, your majesty, the minister will arrange to kill that part of the remnants of Chu State who are used as pathfinders today.

Listening to the words just now, Wu Zetian opened a smile. She thought about it the same way, killing as many as she found.

“Go on, the next time you come, Lian will hear the news that Chu’s remnants have suffered heavy losses. ‘

Whether it is to eradicate the remnants of the Six Nations, or to stabilize the situation of Proton (Early Moon), the number of people killed is not important to Ying Che, what is important is the final result.

Just as the holy ancestor first emperor destroyed the six kingdoms in the world, as for own words, it is to eradicate the six kingdoms fundamentally and sweep them into the dust of history.

“Hey, your majesty, the minister retires.

Immediately, when the voice just fell, Wu Zetian’s Jiao Ying had disappeared.

“Your Majesty still has a foresight. The Hun envoys really knelt over, and the atmosphere cannot be changed easily, and it will be difficult to recover once it is changed.

Hearing the news of the Huns’ envoys kneeling from the street, it attracted the attention of the Manchu civil and military, and then began to watch it.

And Wei Liao, who was standing above the palace, was one of the ministers of civil and military affairs, and said with a smile.

“It’s great, Yuer, I did a very good job this time, and I can take the post of Deputy Secretary Feng Chang firmly.”

Seeing the Huns who worshipped and knocked on the ground three times, Li Si did not mention how happy he was. It can be said to be full of smiles.

“This is not in line with conventional etiquette, right?”

Looking at the little blood stains on the side of the street, the envoys of various forces around the two sides, and a large number of Li people, Feng Quji couldn’t help frowning.

Although he no longer opposes the emperor’s imperial order, it is too much to leave no dignity to the other party.

“Prime Minister Feng, you see that the Hun Envoys did not oppose it, and we did not force it. Where did it not conform to etiquette?”

Hearing this, Li Si, who was happy, turned his head and said to Shen disapprovingly.

Da Qin and the Huns have fought for many years. How good is it to treat them in the current way? Is it possible to treat each other with courtesy?

“this ”

It was right to think about it carefully. The other party was willing to kneel down. Feng Quji was speechless for a while and couldn’t find any refutation.

PS: Fourth!.

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