Chapter 128 What’s wrong with multiple Xu Fu? (give a subscription support)


Whenever they knelt down on the ground, each of the Huns envoys must squat their heads, and from time to time there was a clear cry.

It was far from kneeling down to the gate of the palace, and a little blood was stained on the front of their foreheads, showing their stubborn stubbornness.

“Squirting, if you want to kneel before the palace gate, you have to go around in a circle. Then there will be Huns who can bear it.”

Looking at the Huns envoy who had knocked his head, Peng Yue smiled and wondered how long the other party could support him.

Because, it is not halfway to reach the gate of the palace, it is estimated that the head will be dizzy.

“Hahaha, today is really the right time to meet such a good show.

I heard that Imbhaha laughed, and he could hear how happy he was now.

“The two of you are too right. Next, it will be better for the Huns envoys, hahaha.”

In response to this, the people of the Li people who were on both sides of the street laughed loudly on the spot.

“I can’t stand it 06, I can’t stand it anymore!”

The laughter was undoubtedly the biggest trampling, stomping their last dignity severely, and many of the Huns envoys who were kneeling on the ground were full of cruel treatments.

Obviously, it was a prelude to the inability to bear the humiliation, and the accumulated wretchedness was near the edge of the outbreak.

“Hold it on me, you must hold it back for me, it’s even more embarrassing to start all over.”

Even though he wanted to leave the insulting street, Shan Tuji barely managed to endure it, clutching the bricks laying on the ground with both hands.

As a result of trying to restrain his emotions, drops of blood have overflowed from the side of the nails, demonstrating the current aggrievedness.

“Sure enough, the decision to become a vassal of Da Qin is undoubtedly a very wise decision.”

The Huns, one of the two major forces in the grassland Mobei, had to choose to kneel down in Qin, completely subverting the previous cognition of the Loulan Envoys.

In my heart, I made up my mind that even if I can’t become a vassal, I must have a good relationship with Daqin.

“It’s still the clever leader who sent us to Daqin, otherwise, if he accidentally offends Daqin

Even the Huns envoys had to succumb, showing the terrifying strength of Daqin, Wusun envoys thought with lingering fears.

“The last time I sent troops to assist the operator (Zao Yue), I don’t know, will Da Qin ask me to settle accounts with Yueshi?”

Seeing this, the Yueshi Envoys couldn’t help thinking of themselves, and their faces were full of worries.

“Stop for me, stop, don’t keep knocking down!!

Can only watch what happened in front of him, Touman realized that he could not stop it at all. Suddenly, a deep sense of powerlessness surged.

The most desperate thing in the world is that I have witnessed what can be called a useless process, but I can’t do anything.

“Kneel, kneel from the east of the city to the west of the city, and then go back to the west of the city in a circle until you kneel in front of the palace gate.

Seeing the Huns envoys who wanted to leave directly and had to endure, Li You naturally would not have any sympathy.

What the emperor had previously explained, the only thing he had to do was to carry out the imperial order perfectly, and nothing else.

“I really, really can’t take it anymore, it’s worse than death.”

Those eyes and laughter filled my ears, constantly torturing every Huns envoy, and beating the ground in pain.

“Persevere, hold on a little longer, and it will pass soon. Don’t let your previous efforts go to waste.”

Behind it is the Xiongnu, a powerful tribe that dominates the grassland, but they ended up in such a fate. Shan Tu is very sad and couldn’t help crying directly.

“Tick Tick Tick Tick”

Hearing something that made people want to cry, the rest of the Huns continued to kneel step by step, and the ticking of tears contained too much shame.

All of a sudden, blood and tears mixed together, forming a scene of a heavy price of blood and tears.

On this day, the main forces in Central Asia, as well as the people gathered in the streets, went to witness with their own eyes. It is destined to be the most humiliating day for the entire Huns.

“The minister is responsible, I have seen your majesty.

After confessing to his subordinates, Wang Ben went to the Lizheng Hall to meet the emperor the first time he entered the city.

“Wang Qing exempts the ceremony

Knowing that Wang Li led the army to return, Ying Che waved his sleeve to indicate that he could get up now.

“The minister thanked your majesty.

After a basic set of emperor and ministers’ etiquette was completed, Wang Gui was sitting on his own position from the right side.

This time, there were more things reported to the emperor, and there were three things before and after.

“Wang Qing, Jizi (Zaoyue) is fresh in one place, what is the overall situation after all?”

The last time it was only a rough report, Ying Che wanted to know the latest situation and said.

“His Majesty, our army killed more than 8,000 soldiers, annihilated more than 90,000 enemy soldiers, and captured about 100,000.”

“Members of the royal family including Ji Zhun and Ji Ze, including all ministers, have been punishable, and no one has escaped.”

“In addition, with the presence of General Chen Qingzhi, I believe that the early stage situation will be stabilized soon.,

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind, Wang Li paused first, and then elaborated.

“very good!”

Listening to such a result, Ying Che didn’t fluctuate much, but simply said a very good sound.

As long as the overall situation can be stabilized, even if someone wants to rebel, then, don’t mind killing a few more at all.

“Your Majesty, when the minister led his army back, he found a bamboo slip about Xu Fu, which is very likely to betray the Holy Ancestor First Emperor.”

Thinking that there was another important thing, 220 Wang Ben would not delay himself, arched his hands and said again.

“Xu Fu rebelled against the Holy Ancestor First Emperor, didn’t he…”

Upon hearing this, instead of being angry, Ying Che’s tone seemed very calm.

In the dictionary of the royal family of the Ying clan, the mutineers will never tolerate, especially those who betray Daqin, they will definitely live better than die.

On the basis of dealing with the remnants of the Six Nations, what’s the problem with multiple Xu Fu?

Taking a look at the emperor who has no joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, Wang Ben has experienced a lot of battles, and I can’t help but feel the message in my heart.

Before I knew it, I couldn’t help but think of Zhao Gao’s tragic situation, and he died directly on the Weishui River in Huhai, a Hun envoy without any dignity.

“Submit it”

Condensing the breath just now, Ying Che paused and said out of her eyes.

“Hey, Your Majesty.”

Seeing this, Wang Zhi quickly stood up and submitted the bamboo slips to the wooden case.

“The Holy Ancestor Emperor was alive and sent Xu Fu overseas to search for the New World. He disappeared for so many years. It turned out to be self-reliant.

Seeing the last line of fonts, Ying Che’s eyes were already quite dignified. It was a prelude to a big murder.

That’s right, according to the brief record of the secret scroll, the Holy Ancestor Emperor declared to the outside world to look for the elixir, in fact, he wanted to find the New World.

PS: Third!.

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