Chapter 119 The emperor shot, the court was removed! (give a subscription support)

“As the Prime Minister Zuo of Da Qin, he should share worries for the country and the emperor. Are you right, Prime Minister Feng?”

Pretending not to see the glaring glaring of his old opponent, Li Si changed his yoyo look just now, and said with awe-inspiring righteousness.

Not only showed the own attitude to the emperor, but in the same way, it can also hit the old opponent, which is the best of both worlds.

“Prime Minister Li, you!”

Having made it clear that he wanted to go to the Lizheng Hall to fight against himself, Feng Quji was furious. If it weren’t for business affairs, he would definitely stop talking about Li Si.

“Please, Prime Minister Feng, don’t waste time, otherwise you may be a step late.

It’s been a long time since I saw the other person angry, Li Si has an unspeakable mood, and the second half of the sentence is hard to pronounce.

“Looking back, you will feel better, Li Si, Prime Minister Li!”

Knowing that it wasn’t about being motivated at the moment, Feng Quji restrained the anger in his heart and could only let go of a cruel remark for the time being.

To be honest, if it weren’t for being afraid of being a step late, Wang Wan might have been punished by the emperor 06, and would have turned around to find Li Si to settle the account.

“Feng Quji, Feng Quji, my old opponent, what can you do if you ask your Majesty for mercy?”

Seeing Feng Quji, who was holding back his inner anger and walking quickly by the side of the palace, Li Si shook his head, not optimistic about the so-called plea of ​​the old opponent.

You must know that Wang Shu, as the so-called Huns messenger, blatantly violated the emperor’s verbal order, and his mind was probably convulsed.

“I hope it’s still too late!”

When thinking of Wang Wan, who was oblivious to the rules and didn’t adapt to circumstances, Feng Quji let out a sigh of relief and muttered to himself.

“To your majesty, when the minister delivered the oral message, Feng Changqing Wang Wan objected, saying that he was coming to meet his majesty.”

Entering the Lizheng Hall, Meng Yi, who had come earlier, arched his hands and did not fan the flames, but expounded the words in a relatively objective way.

“Oh, objection

Upon hearing this, Ying Che said blankly as if she hadn’t heard it.

The Huns were one of Da Qin’s important enemies. They often went south to invade the border. Now they are still thinking of adopting a gentle method. This wind cannot be long!

“Then Feng Changqing Wang Wan, why do you openly oppose your majesty’s oral instructions?”

To some extent, the oral order was an edict, and Chen Ping, who was assisting the emperor with state affairs, was shocked.

“It’s a rebellious thing to oppose your majesty’s verbal order, and the content of the verbal order is still aimed at the Huns envoys, and there is no room for recovery.”

When Wang Wan came to find the emperor in person, Xiao He was shocked, and then made a final evaluation.

Daqin now has all-round advantages. On the other hand, the Xiongnu specifically came to beg them, and it was the stage where the first declaration of war ended.

Therefore, how should diplomacy be implemented, is there no base?

“Call in, but I want to listen to what the minister of the Nine Qings has any ideas.”

Ying Che, who doesn’t have too many expressions, can’t appear at all, is there any anger at all.

“Hey, Your Majesty.

The original Xuanzi was directly transformed into a calligraphy, and Meng Yi was aware of the changes in the words of the emperor, and he responded more powerfully.

That Wang Wan blatantly violated the oral order, and still thought of coming to the Lizheng Hall to persuade him. At present, only the emperor can rule the other party.

“Then Wang Wan, there is still room for confession in time. If he really comes to persuade your Majesty, then.”

When thinking of this, Xiao He and Chen Ping glanced at each other, and they could see the reaction in each other’s eyes, and they couldn’t escape today.

“The minister has seen your majesty!”

Arriving in the middle of the hall, Wang Wan stopped and bowed to the emperor in front of him.


However, the response to Wang Wan was silent, without any exemptions in the past, and no oral instructions such as giving a seat.


Without the exemption from the emperor’s own mouth, Wang Wan couldn’t help but start playing drums in his heart wherever he dared to sit down.

Could it be that the emperor got angry because of the conflict between himself and Wu Fu Mengyi?

“I heard that Wang Qing has important things to play

Looking down at Wang Shu, who was still holding a bow, Ying Che’s tone was very calm, so calm that people could not feel anything.

“Back to your Majesty, the minister does have important things to play.”

Upon hearing the tone of the emperor’s usual tone, Wang Wan’s worries that had been hanging in his heart finally could be put down.

“I am one of the founding civil and martial arts, and I have also followed the Holy Ancestor First Emperor. How can your majesty go to anger me?”

The emperor wanted to have an attack a long time ago, and Wang Jie still feels quite content with it where he would wait until now.

It is true that the emperor initially grasped the power, but he is a member of the founding civil and military, and in the end, he has to rely on them?

Besides, the talented and roughly ancestor, the first emperor, treated their courtiers well, let alone the emperor today?

“Well, what’s important to say straight.

The mood changes before and after the other party can be seen. Ying Che still doesn’t have too many expressions, but speaks in a non-salty or indifferent tone.

“My Majesty, the minister thinks that the current rule of law is that the first condition is absolute peace in the surrounding area.”

“The Huns’ envoys coming to Daqin indicate that they are sincere and should be treated in the same way as before, otherwise it will be easy for war to break out.”

Hearing the emperor’s direct question, Wang Wan believed even more firmly in own speculation and expounded hard.

“Fengchang, one of the nine princes, Wang Wan, a heavy minister of the Central Committee, will probably be removed from the court from now on.”

When he heard this, Xiao He deeply understood that the other party was completely finished.

Relying that he was a civil and military person who participated in the founding of the country, such a domineering move of 203, the right prime minister Feng Quji could not be guaranteed.

“It’s a pity, your majesty is extremely wise, you missed the last chance instead.”

Seeing that Wang Wan still didn’t know how to repent, but instead moved out of that set of theory, Chen Ping could say nothing but a pity in secret.

“Such a man, An dare to talk nonsense in front of your majesty, it is really a mistake of the country!”

There was no eruption at Feng Changqing’s Yamen before, and Gang Yu forced Meng Yi from the other side, and immediately shouted on the spot.

It’s all about opposing the emperor’s oral order today. It’s really unbearable to be blinded by the holy people here and say some words that are wrong for the country.

“General Meng, you are too serious, so be careful when you speak.”

The emperor is near in the temple, this is not a Fengchang Yamen, Wang Shuo can’t speak too badly, but it is a counterattack not to be outdone.

At the same time, I thought to myself that I really couldn’t work with Takeo, because it was too difficult to communicate, and it seemed very arrogant.

“Meng Qing”

After listening to the remarks just now, Ying Che’s tone was suddenly raised, slowly.

“Your Majesty is going to make a move!”

Hearing such a call, Xiao He and Chen Ping understood very well that the emperor had decided to take action to remove Wang Wan, one of the founding civil servants, from the court.

PS: Second!

In addition, because the author often stays up late recently, he needs to adjust first, and the outbreak will continue in a few days.

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