Chapter 120 Take off the official hat, the prime minister pleads! (give a subscription support)

“Your Majesty, the minister is here!”

Hearing an imperial order from the emperor, Meng Yi directly skipped Wang Wan in front of him, and immediately arched his hand towards the emperor in front of him.

“A martial artist, Meng Yi, only knows how to fight and kill all day long. The officer wants to see how you will be punished.”

Seeing this, instead of realizing that something was wrong, Wang Wan wanted to witness the scene where Meng Yi was punished.

Next, if the emperor wants to develop Wenzhi, the cooperation of their civil officials is indispensable, and how do those martial arts know what.

“Pick off Feng Changqing Wang Wan’s official hat!”

Without too much nonsense, or enumerating the other party’s guilt, Ying Che picked up the bamboo slip in his hand and threw it on the ground.

“By your majesty’s imperial order, I took off Wang Wan’s official hat

The one who took off the official hat was the important minister of the Central Committee, one of the founding civil and military officials of the Nine Qing Dynasty. Need to go through the necessary ceremony.

Therefore, Meng Yi shouted toward the soldiers of the Imperial Army outside the temple.


Immediately, two soldiers of the Forbidden Army stepped into the hall, one left and the other pressed Wang Shu’s shoulder, making it impossible to move at all.

Behind him, there are several soldiers who are also the Forbidden Army, obviously preparing to take Liang Wang Wan away.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty, what the minister said just now is true, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, Your Majesty.”

Hearing that the emperor was about to take off his own official hat, Wang Wan was immediately dumbfounded, thinking it was Meng Yi’s complaint, and quickly dismissed it.

Until now, I still can’t understand why the emperor did this. The idea of ​​owning the country is not wrong.

“Your Majesty, listen to the minister’s explanation, listen to the minister’s explanation.

Seeing Meng Yi began to lift the official hat with both hands, Wang Wan was completely anxious, and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Is it true that the concept that has been advocated before is really wrong?

However, Meng Yi did not pay attention to the struggle of the other party at all, and immediately took off the official hat that represented the right.

Silent represents the fate that a founding civil and military will face.

“Your Majesty, the official hat is here.”

Holding the official hat belonging to Feng Changqing’s post, Meng Yi put it on the side of the wooden table and picked up the bamboo slips that the emperor had thrown on the ground.

“Your Majesty is so courageous. One of the nine Qing officials always said that he was removed from his name.

Witnessing the whole process happening in the temple, Xiao He intuitively saw the methods of the emperor, and felt awe as a bystander.

As the second generation of emperor, Wang Shuo, one of the founding civil and military officials of Feng Changqing, was removed in one fell swoop. It is impossible to do without courage.

“I thought that your Majesty would reform the military system and hesitate when encountering resistance. Now it seems that I am undoubtedly too pessimistic.

During this period, there was almost no pause, and it was not a walk of form. Chen Ping remembered his previous worries, and suddenly a wave of courtiers were ashamed.

“Your Majesty, please listen to the old minister!”

At this moment, Feng Quji, who hurried over, walked into the hall, and when he saw Wang Wei who had taken off his official hat, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Li Si, Wang Jian, Wei Liao and others were following them. The main officials of the central court were basically present.

“San Gong and Nine Qings, the representatives of the entire Central Committee, are all here!”

Seeing the scene in front of them, Xiao He and Chen Ping were shocked. Unexpectedly, they also alarmed the rest of the civil and military officials.

“Sure enough, Wang Jie died by himself today. It is completely finished.”

I glanced at the official hat in front of the wooden case, and several soldiers of the Forbidden Army in the hall, including Zhonglang General Meng Yi, were also present.

Among them, there is Wang Shu, who is completely immobile, and everyone has the same idea.

“The ministers have seen your majesty

Immediately, everyone who came would naturally not forget the etiquette, see Tao.

“The princes are free and take their seats.”

The Wang Wan incident did not bring any impact, Ying Che was still extremely indifferent, and said.

“The ministers thanked your majesty.”

With different thoughts, everyone sat down in the prescribed positions after watching the etiquette of monarchs and ministers.

“Prime Minister Feng, plead with your Majesty.”

Seeing Feng Quji as having a savior, Wang Jie didn’t dare to speak bluntly, but threw a signal for help.

And the other ministers of civil and military affairs, seeing that the emperor wants to revoke their own positions, they will not sit idly by.

“Success is less than success and more than failure, why don’t you know how to work around.”

Noting the look cast over, Feng Quji looked at Wang Wan, who had no official hat in front of him, and wished to slap the opponent on the spot.

Even if you want to promote the idea of ​​owning, in the current juncture, you have to collect it somehow.

“Your Majesty, Wang Wan’s thinking is too rigid, and he blindly follows the previous method. There is indeed a big mistake.

“At the end of the day, Wang Wei is entirely out of serving the country. It would be counterproductive to usher in the prosperity of Da Qin.”

After considering the appropriate words, Feng Quji arched his hands and said with a retreat.

“You old fox, it sounds like you are accusing Wang Wan, but you are actually protecting him.”

Just hearing half of it, Li Si couldn’t help but cursed the old fox secretly.

Immediately afterwards, looking at the emperor, the first sentence is attitude. As a courtier, it’s really hard to grab words.

What kind of attitude did the emperor give Feng Quji’s face to bypass Wang Xiao, or he was removed from the court, Wang Jian, Wei Liao and others could only wait for the next sentence.

“Up to now, I still can’t see the situation clearly, and all pleadings are useless.

Compared with the people waiting for the emperor to follow, Guiguzi Wang Xu’s thinking is much clearer, and he is not optimistic about Feng Quji’s coming forward.

Although the time of contact with the emperor is not long, but the style that has been shown from the past is not to say that it can be restored.

“Prime Minister Feng, let me ask you a question, why did Da Qin start his family?,

Listening to Feng Quji’s level of pleading, Ying Che still didn’t get angry, but asked indifferently.

“Old minister, old minister…”

Just about to answer, Feng Quji suddenly thought of something. Suddenly, he couldn’t say anything.

Because when the ancestors of Da Qin first established the country, an inch of land in Guanzhong was almost taken back from the barbarians.

“Judging from what your Majesty said just now, the attitude is already very obvious. All I need to do is to support and completely squeeze Wang Jie down.”

Hearing that, Li Si, who had been observing the situation in the hall, gave Wei Wei a glance.

“Feng Quji, you still accept it as soon as you see it. Wang Shu can’t keep it.

Mentioning the history of Daqin’s fortune, Wang Jian unknowingly remembered some pictures, so he thought of it in his mind.

No matter in any period, Da Qin never persuaded the barbarians, let alone pleased the other party.

“The failure of the diplomatic strategy is that the great Qin Guowei that has finally been built up is what blames it?”

Wei Zong was not sympathetic at all about the encounter Wang Shu was facing. It was obvious that the other party came to beg them, and he actually wanted to take the initiative to lower his posture.

PS: Third!.

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