Chapter 118 Is it dead or convulsive? (give a subscription support)

“Feng Changqing–Wang Wei, and Meng Yi, the prince in the Imperial Army of the Beiyao, how come there is a conflict today?”

Brother Mengyi is the emperor’s civil and military team, and he is also a close minister of the emperor. If one is not careful, it is easy for something big to happen.

Feng Quji, the prime minister on the right, who learned of the situation, rushed over to the headquarters of the headquarters and asked quickly.

“Prime Minister Feng, according to the news learned by this official, General Meng took his verbal order and went to Feng Changqing Yamen to read it.”

I don’t know if it’s because of gloating or wanting to watch a good show, Li Si kindly reminded.

“So what kind of verbal was it that caused a conflict between the two?”

Hearing that it was the conflict that the emperor spoke of, Feng Quji’s eyes widened, and he asked again, ignoring the surprise in his heart.

“The specific content is not yet clear, but it involves the Huns envoy, so I quarreled with the Beiya “203” Forbidden Army Zhonglang General.”

Li Si naturally didn’t have the courage to talk nonsense about the emperor’s verbal statement, but just gave a general idea.

And when it comes to this, don’t take a deep look at Feng Quji, I am afraid that I will lose a helping hand in the future.

“What, it involves the Huns envoy!”

I heard that Feng Quji, who was originally quite calm, suddenly changed his face.

Right now is the first time Daqin declared a war and won a great victory. It also coincided with the annihilation of 50,000 Huns cavalry, especially the special period when Shan Yutouman was captured alive.

Under such circumstances, because of the Huns’ envoys, who openly opposed the emperor’s verbal order, isn’t it just dying?

“This time, even if you go to intercede, what can you do? Wang Wan can’t escape this disaster.”

Seeing the startled old opponent, Li Simi squinted. To blame, I can only blame Wang Wan for not being able to see the situation clearly.

“In the old days, maybe something might not happen. Now, the whole person’s official career is over, why bother.”

Listening to the conversation between the two, Wang Jian stroked his long beard and shook his head again.

The Huns’ envoys came to obviously want to redeem their Shan Yu, and they greeted the other party with the same set of treatment before, and for this, they openly opposed the emperor’s verbal order.

Is it possible that if you really think that you have the identity of the founding civil and military, the emperor will be helpless???

“This Wang Wan is too bold. He directly clashed with Meng Yi for the sake of the Huns’ envoy to blatantly oppose His Majesty’s oral statement.”

Hearing this, Li Xin couldn’t understand at all, and he wondered if Wang Shu was convulsed.

“Then Wang Wan is probably confused. For such a serious political mistake, it is estimated that there is not much room for recovery.”

In this regard, Wei Lian, who knew about the conflicts that occurred today, seemed to have seen the final outcome of Wang Wan.

The current situation is that the Da Qin takes the initiative, and the Huns specifically come to beg them. Wang Shuo’s diplomatic strategy is too incompetent.

“If Feng Quji goes to intercede, then your majesty can directly take advantage of the situation and establish the prestige among the founding civil and military.”

Seeing this, Guiguzi Wang Xu could somewhat foresee the next scene.

The founding civil and military is undoubtedly synonymous with elites. Without a little skill or necessary prestige, they can’t be restrained.

“No, now I have to go to the Lizheng Hall and pull down my old face to intercede with your Majesty, otherwise I’m afraid it will be too bad for you.

Knowing the stakes, Feng Qu took a sigh of relief and decided to go to the Lizheng Hall to save Wang Wan.

After thinking about it, Feng Quji didn’t even say goodbye, and hurriedly stepped out of the Yamen where he was, and hurried to the Lizheng Hall where the emperor was.

“Since Prime Minister Feng is here, as Prime Minister Zuo, there is no reason to be absent.”

In today’s court, who does not know that he is one of the emperor’s civil and military team, Li Si will not choose to fall behind.

On the contrary, he was there to support the emperor, and also to beat the old opponent Feng Quji.

“It’s a matter of going to the Huns’ messenger, and blatantly opposing the emperor’s verbal order, it can be said that the matter is very important.”

Just a few days ago, he had just been loyal to the emperor, and he couldn’t be absent at the critical moment. Wang Jian made a straight voice and then said.

“No way, General Wang has always maintained a neutral position. It is unlikely that he will step on Naze Junshui.”

It’s normal for Li Si to go to establish the palace, but Li Xin was surprised that General Wang Jian, the old general, stepped out of the Yamen without hesitation.

“Could it be that Wang Jian, who has always been a scheming man, has already expressed own allegiance?”

Upon seeing Wang Jian’s unusual behavior, Wei Tong’s expression was startled.

If this is the case, the emperor’s mind is too, too unpredictable. 0

“Finally, it didn’t come in vain, there is indeed something extraordinary.”

Seeing that figure leave, in the old eyes of Guiguzi Wang Xu, then there was a gleam of light.

“Yes, Wang Jian estimates that he has officially loyalty to His Majesty, and he will stay in the same position.”

Hearing the disciple’s blurted sigh, Guiguzi Wang Xu nodded and said in a positive tone.

This time, he came down to Xianyang deliberately to assist the emperor of Canglong’s fate, and his wrist was really eye-opening.

“Even General Wang also went, why not, I will follow Li Si and them.”

I have been in the court for a long time, Li Xin instinctively noticed the difference, and after thinking about it, he decided to go.

“Teacher, we will go to the Lizheng Hall together, and we must always support your Majesty.,

Noting Li Xin who was starting to leave, Wei Tong looked at his own teacher again and said.

“Perhaps, you don’t need the solidarity of your masters and apprentices, your majesty is sure to win.”

Thinking of Wang Jian’s official loyalty to the emperor, Guiguzi Wang Xu smiled and said confidently.

If you want to say something, that is to directly support His Majesty the emperor in the last link.

“That’s true!”

Almost thinking of going with her teacher, Wei Liao suddenly laughed, feeling that she was still a little unfounded and worried.

Wang Jian will not mention it for the time being. For Li Si alone, it is obviously impossible for him to miss the opportunity of 0.7 to hit his old opponent.

“Prime Minister Li, if you want to send me off, then there is no need.

Walking by the palace road leading to the Lizheng Hall, Feng Quji only felt that his eyes flashed, but Li Si was following up, thinking that his old opponent wanted to sarcastic own.

“No, no, this official and Prime Minister Feng are the same, go to the Lizheng Hall.

Slowing his own pace, Li Si turned his head and said leisurely.

“Prime Minister Li, this officer can warn you, don’t mess around today, we will see each other in the future.”

Wherever he could not hear the other party’s meaning, Feng Quji’s face suddenly went dark and his tone became very unfriendly.

Even if Wang Wan made any political mistakes, in the final analysis, who belonged to their forces, where would it be Li Si’s easy mess?

PS: First!.

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