Chapter 117 Be smart, be confused for a while! (give a subscription support)

Temporarily received news from Feng Changqing’s Yamen, Meng Yi, who had gone and returned, reappeared in the temple, and then waited for the emperor’s verbal message to announce or not.

“Oh, a few envoys from the Huns.”

Hearing the sentence just now, Ying Che had no extra response except for a long sound.

At the moment, it was just right that the messengers of Loulan, Wuheng and other forces arrived in Xianyang, the capital of the country, and they used the Huns’ messengers to establish their prestige.

“Your Majesty, shouldn’t it be thinking-…”

Listening to a long tone from the emperor, Meng Yi couldn’t help but compare his previous tone, and found that he seemed more peaceful now.

The more calm it is, the more it reveals the dignified example, because it is a prelude to the arrival of the storm.

“Meng Qing”

Without staying too much during this period, Ying Che looked at the courtier Meng Yi in front of him and said slowly.

“Your Majesty, the minister is here.”

Withdrawing the speculation that had passed by before, Meng Yi stood up, waved away all the distracting thoughts in his mind, and listened to the next dictum from the emperor at any time.

“It’s not impossible for the Huns envoy to meet me in person.”

“Kneeling from the east gate to the west gate in the manner of three knocks and nine worshipping, and then kneeling from the west gate to the palace gate, one step away from the beginning.”

In a relatively unmoving tone, Ying Che gradually raised the tone and said lightly.

For all the faults that the Huns-like barbarians outside the Great Wall have committed at the border, an account must always be clear.

So, let’s start by charging a little interest now, as a prelude to the Great Qin’s going out of the fortress

“Meow, Your Majesty.”

I heard that Meng Yi didn’t feel anything wrong, but a wave of relief surged, and he happily led the way.

Immediately, Meng Yi took the emperor’s verbal order he had just obtained, and went to Feng Changqing’s Yamen as the Beiya imperial army.

“The Xiongnu and Yueshi, as long as those who have participated in the southward journey, no one can run away.

Staring at the leaving figure, many thoughts flashed in Ying Che’s heart. After all, everything needed strong national strength as support.

On the road to hegemony in the future, Da Qin needs a cavalry, an iron current that can sweep through any obstacles.

Before that, the internal affairs need to be governed well, so that the overall comprehensive national power of Ascension can be achieved.

“General Meng, when will your Majesty announce the Huns envoys?”

Seeing Meng Yi, the chief officer of the Imperial Army of the Northern Government, came personally, Wang Wan, the first in command of Feng Changqing’s office, asked with a strange hint.

“The envoy of the Huns can meet with your Majesty, but you need to kneel from the east gate to the south gate, and then kneel from the south gate to the palace gate of the imperial palace.”

“In addition, we have to do three prayers and nine knocks, but if you miss any step in the middle, you have to start from the beginning.

Meng Yi read it silently in his heart according to a spoken word previously explained by the emperor. After confirming that it was correct, he said it verbatim.

“General Meng, when this officer was just now, he did not make a mistake, right?”

Hearing such a passage, Wang Wan was stunned, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

Although the Xiongnu and Daqin sometimes fought, the other party was one of the two major forces in the grassland of Mobei, and it was easy to provoke a war by doing so.

“Master Wang, you didn’t make a mistake just now. That’s exactly what happened.

When I saw Wang Wan’s stunned expression, Meng Yi, who had been transferred from the Great Wall, felt a little unpleasant.

Do you still need to be polite to the Huns who want to go south to the Great Wall from time to time and kill the people on the border?

“General Meng, you were also transferred from the border to Xianyang, why don’t you persuade your Majesty, what should you do once the war is back?”

When he came back to his senses, Wang Xiao frowned instead, and he meant to question Meng Yi.

Just after the Jizi (Zaoyue) fresh war, the central government is nearing a deficit, and another big battle erupts, wouldn’t Da Qin be dragged down?

“Master Wang, do you have any understanding of the situation on the border? How many soldiers and civilians have died for this. What else do you need to be polite?”

Hearing that the other party started to excuse the Huns, Meng Yi almost coldly suppressed his own anger, and asked rhetorically.

“Since we know that the outbreak of the war will cause casualties to soldiers and people, we should also receive the Huns envoys well.”

When Meng Yi questioned herself instead, Wang Wan would not easily give in, and further counterattacked.

“If you have any questions about your majesty’s orally, Lord Wang can go to the Lizheng Hall, please.”

0……Look for flowers 0…

Meng Yi, who had nothing to say about Wang Wan, and was too lazy to continue, and in that tone, began to be filled with extremely cold.

It is already disrespectful to openly question the verbal message sent by the emperor, and then he said that if he receives the Huns envoys well, the other party will stop for this?

“Well, this officer will go to meet your Majesty in person, so there is no need to trouble General Meng.

Seeing the other party’s obviously cold tone, Wang Shuo didn’t have to say any more, and headed in the direction of Lizheng Hall.

The decision-making power is still in the hands of the emperor. Even if Meng Yi is persuaded, it is still useless in the end. It is better to meet the emperor directly.

“Ha ha!”

In this regard, Meng Yi directly gave a haha, and did not continue to say anything.


“This Meng Yi only knows how to fight and kill all day long, and he doesn’t understand what Wenzhi needs. That is peace!”

Hearing the huh from behind, Wang Shu shook his head alone, as expected, he couldn’t work with Takeo.

In response to this, Meng Yi did not continue to stay at Fengchangqing’s Yamen, and kept silent on the way, returning to the Lizheng Hall where the emperor was in the same way.

There is no doubt that the conversation just now brought disgust, and I don’t want to walk in the same palace with the other party.

“Wang Wan, Wang Wan, you are a clever life who is confused for a while, why don’t you understand the current situation, and your career is over.”

When he learned that Wang Wan and Meng Yi had a conflict, Wang’s first reaction was to shook his head, and the other party was completely finished.

Relying on being one of the founding civil and martial arts, and once followed the Holy Ancestor First Emperor, thinking that the emperor really can’t move?

Don’t make any jokes, as the authority in the hands of today’s son, it can be said that the present is not what it used to be.

“The old man can only say, sad!”

Thinking of Wang Wan’s bewildered death today, Wang Jian is even more convinced of his past practices, and there is always nothing wrong with being cautious.

“Masters, generals, have you heard of what happened today?”

Just as Wang Jian shook his head, the voice of Feng Quji, the right prime minister, resounded in the yamen of the right and left prime ministers.

Obviously, what came to mind like Wang Jian was very likely to come for Wang Shuo.

PS: Fourth! Seven.

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