Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 511 Ying Qi watching the drama in secret

Taibaijinxing and Sun Wukong can be said to be evenly matched.

The realm of Taibaijinxing is the peak of the ninth level of the heavenly fairyland, and Sun Wukong is not to be outdone, and he is also the powerhouse of the ninth level of the heavenly fairyland.

The struggle between the two left an indelible sign in the sky.

Ying Qi was hiding in the dark, watching this scene calmly~ the battle.

With his strength, although he entered this world for the first time, he was not weak enough to hide.


Ying Qi also had an idea in his heart.

He wants to help Sun Wukong enter the original process of this world and reap the benefits, otherwise he will be passive when other stronger people appear.

After all, there is a great Luo Jinxian in this world, and that is the powerhouse who truly controls the law.

Taibaijinxing took the lead to distance himself from Sun Wukong.

He swings the whisk, using the power of his own laws.

"The laws of space?

Ying Qi immediately felt what Taibaijinxing was doing.

The laws of space are the first few of the ten laws, and Taibaijinxing is only a person of the ninth level of heaven, how could he have such a good opportunity?

Although Sun Wukong does not know any rules, he is not afraid.

He turned the golden hoop in his hand and began to accumulate power little by little.

"Heavenly stove braised cauldron." Taibaijinxing accelerated the swing of the whisk in his hand.

In an instant, the entire Huaguo Mountain began to heat up.

The sky also darkened, and the generals such as King Tota also immediately avoided it.

After seeing this scene, Ying Qi understood why Taibaijinxing could master the laws of space.

He is an alchemist and can master such laws, which is excusable.

But using the space law in front of him is like making an axe at the door.

"Grandpa...Grandpa..." The monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguo Mountain began to cry.

They are not strong enough to resist such a scorching temperature.

"Old man, take your life." Sun Wukong took his weapon and knocked at Taibaijinxing.

Taibaijinxing did not hide, and even confronted him directly.

The power of the space law is that one can complete the transfer in space, and the other is that it can control everything in the space.

If one's own ability is strong, and the two are used flexibly, no one can meet the person who uses the law.

After the golden hoop stick and the whisk collided, the deterrent force spread rapidly around.

"Monkey, it's over.

Taibaijinxing pulled away the whisk and spewed a blazing fire towards Sun Wukong.

"Ah..." The flames spread rapidly on Sun Wukong, and he lost his resistance all of a sudden.

The instruction Taibaijinxing received was to wipe out the remnants of the entire Huaguo Mountain.

He opened the void and summoned his own three-flavored real fire of alchemy.

Use the entire Huaguo Mountain as an alchemy furnace to bake.

"Ah!" Sun Wukong kept rolling on the ground, but still couldn't extinguish the flames on his body.

"Grandpa, grandpa..." The monkeys in Huaguo Mountain wailed even more tragically.

Sun Wukong endured the flames and felt that his descendants were dying one by one, and suddenly his body began to undergo subtle changes.

"Old man!" Sun Wukong roared, directly drinking the 100,000 soldiers back ten steps.

"It's actually improving?" Ying Qi looked at the changes in Sun Wukong's body in the distance, it was incredible.

The spirit stone of heaven and earth is the spirit stone of heaven and earth.

It is truly unbelievable that he can improve his strength in battle.

Sun Wukong's body slowly appeared in front of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

The huge body is like a mountain.

"Ah, ah, ah." Sun Wukong roared, beating his chest towards the Heavenly Soldier and Heavenly General.

Ying Qi was not idle either, gathering his own strength to break the space law of Taibaijinxing and give the monkey the strongest help.

"How is that possible?" Taibaijinxing felt that Sun Wukong was free from the shackles of his own space laws, and it was incredible.

"Form an array." The four heavenly kings in the heavenly court hurriedly formed an array, preparing to kill Sun Wukong.

With such a huge body, Sun Wukong's speed remains undiminished.

Rumbling booming, lightning continued to chop down from the sky.

But when it falls on Sun Wukong, it has no effect.

"Three-flavored fire dragon." Taibaijinxing turned the whisk and gathered the three-flavored fire to form a huge fire dragon.

The fire dragon formed quickly, and wrapped around the monkey with lightning speed.

The monkey didn't take it seriously at all, just raised his hand and grabbed its head, biting down hard.

"Block him, block him." Tai Jinxing panicked when he saw this scene, and quickly hid in the team.

A monster, who is not afraid of the real fire of the three flavors, can no longer be described as strange.

Rather, it was described as horror.

The monkey threw a punch and directly knocked the neatly arranged wave of heavenly soldiers to pieces.

0.....for flowers...

"Who dares to be presumptuous here." A loud and heavy voice came out of the water curtain hole.

As soon as the sound came out, a black wind suddenly swept the entire Huaguo Mountain.

Just the sound can make the earth move, the mountains shake, and the sky pale. This is what Jinxian can do.

In this battle, Heavenly Court did not send a golden immortal.

Rampage monkey, unknown golden fairy.

Taibaijinxing made a decisive decision and immediately issued an order to retreat.

"You bullied us, want to leave so easily?" The black wind whistled, directly blocking the place where the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals retreated.

"Who is coming?" Taibaijinxing took the whisk and prepared to attack.

As soon as the black wind turned, a tauren appeared in front of them. "This king does not change his name, sit, do not change his surname, Great Sage Pingtian, Bull Demon King!"

"The mouth is mad." Tai Jinxing shouted, and once again used the law of space and the real fire of the three flavors.


"Childish." The Bull Demon King raised his hand and transformed into a banana fan: "Get rid of all of them."

The whirring wind swept in.

Not to mention Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, even Taibaijinxing was fascinated by those who were blown by the strong wind.

The fear of death made the soldiers of the heavens begin to run around.

The monkey goes down and the Bull Demon goes up, the two of them cooperate perfectly.

The Heavenly Soldiers had nowhere to escape.

There were only a few dozen of the 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals who finally ran back to the Heavenly Court.

In the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor looked at the disintegrating Heavenly Soldiers kneeling on the ground, his face extremely ugly.

"Your Majesty, this minister is willing to go to Huaguo Mountain again." Erlang Shen walked out of the immortal class.

"No, no." Taibaijinxing said quickly: "Then Bi Mawen is nothing to be afraid of, but the Bull Demon King is a golden immortal, we can't act so hastily.

"Jinxian? This true monarch sees that you have been beaten to death by your soul, right?" Erlang Shen said confidently: "He is a golden immortal, isn't this monarch?

"Don't be blind like this again." Taibaijinxing did not argue with Erlangshen, and told the Jade Emperor.

"You gentlemen, do you have any good countermeasures?

"Your Majesty, we can invite Sun Wukong to come up. 99

"What did you say?" Erlang Shen looked at the Heavenly Soldier behind him and was very angry: "Don't you know what happened last time?"

"Killing can only lead to killing. Why don't we invite you to enter the urn? Without Sun Wukong in Huaguo Mountain, it would be a tiger's minions."

"This plan is very good." The Jade Emperor also nodded and agreed with this method.

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