Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 512: Win Qi, Steal Peach, Level Up

"Then who should I invite down to invite him?" The Jade Emperor swept his eyes around, and finally turned his gaze to Taibaijinxing, who was kneeling on the ground.

Tai Jinxing hurriedly shook his head: "I will go, no."9

"Why not?

"The resentment is too deep, I am afraid that if I go, I will die.

"To untie the bell, it is necessary to tie the bell, and it is most suitable to go to Taibaijinxing.

"Master Sunstar is trying to trap me to death?"

"Please, Your Majesty's holy decision." Sun Xingjun and the immortals requested.

"Taibai, I'll trouble you." The first candidate in the Jade Emperor's heart was also him. Now that everyone is pushing him, it would be very suitable.

"The minister takes orders." Taibaijinxing had no choice but to promise.

At the foot of Huaguo Mountain, the original banana party has directly turned into a celebration feast.

"Those guys in Heaven will definitely not dare to underestimate us this time.

"Brother, if it wasn't for your timely appearance of "Three Three Zeros" this time, it would be really difficult for us to completely wipe out those arrogant and domineering heavenly soldiers.

"This time, we are going to prove that our Seven Great Sages are not nothing. 35

The seven brothers fought together, they still had the ability, but they were too stunned.

Ying Qi listened to their conversation not far away, and laughed secretly in his heart.

They didn't fight back in time at this time, and they were still holding a celebration feast, so they really weren't afraid of death.

He can't be easily exposed now, otherwise he is likely to be surrounded and suppressed. After all, although Jinxian is not afraid, there is still the existence of Daluo Jinxian.

"King, King." Several monkeys ran in excitedly from outside.

Sun Wukong, who was already a little drunk, looked at his child and asked lightly, "What's wrong?"

"The old man you beat away is here again."

"What did you say?"

"Are you sure?" The Bull Demon King was so angry that he rushed out before Sun Wukong was ready to speak.

When Taibaijinxing saw the Bull Demon King, he also said with a smile on his face: "The Great Sage of Pingtian should not be like this. This old man is not here to cause trouble."

The Bull Demon King picked up the Taibaijinxing. "You old man, burnt many of my brothers to death, do you think I can spare you?

"Kill the old man, you can do it at any time, can you wait for the old man to come to the purpose and briefly state it?"

"I'd like to see what you can spit out of your dog's mouth." After the Bull Demon King threw him down, he waited for Tai Jinxing's reply.

"The Jade Emperor wants to give you and your brother an official title.

"Official? What official?"

"Of course it's a high-ranking official." Taibaijinxing held a scroll of imperial decrees and was snatched away by the Bull Demon King before he was ready to read it.

"Hey hey hey." Tai Jinxing was helpless when he saw this scene.

Looking at the above content, the Bull Demon King was also very happy, he didn't care about the Taibaijinxing in front of him, he took the imperial decree in his hand and flew back.

"Brother, is this true? They want to seal a few of us as real people?"

"Of course." The Bull Demon King swept away the things on the table and placed the imperial edict on the table, so that the brothers could observe it.

"Last time my old grandson went to heaven and was a horse manager, what is the real person this time?"

"Being a real person is much better than being a horseman." The Bull Demon King put his hand on Sun Wukong's shoulder and said, "The above also said that as long as we go up and get the seal, there will be a Peach Banquet to receive us."

"So do we want to go?" Sun Wukong looked at his brothers and hesitated. After all, he suffered a loss, and he really didn't want to suffer a second loss.

But if you don't go by yourself, you won't be able to seal the official seal. After all, it clearly states that you must go by yourself.

"Go." The drunk Peng Demon King suddenly sat up and said: "Our current position is played out, not blown out, it is worth going."

"The third one is right, our respect is earned." The Bull Demon King echoed.

The choices given by several other brothers are also to go.

Sun Wukong is also loyal, his brothers all go, how could he not go.

After Ying Qi took back his power, Peng Demon King went back to sleep again.

If you don't rely on this opportunity to go to heaven, how long do you have to practice before you can go up?

"Okay! Let's go get the seal." Sun Wukong raised his glass and drank with his brother.

The seven Monkey King brothers and a few more powerful subordinates followed Taibaijinxing to heaven.

Ying Qi also found an opportunity to mix himself into it.

As soon as he broke through the barrier of the heavenly court, Ying Qi felt how much the gap between the heavenly court and the mortal world was.

If the spiritual energy of the mortal world is 10,000 times that of Da Qin, then the Heavenly Court is 100,000 times that of Da Qin.

It is no wonder that among the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, just pulling one person is the heavenly fairyland.

With such a feng shui treasure, it is impossible to think badly.....

After more than a dozen people followed Tai Jinxing through Nantianmen, Ying Qi fell out of the team because of his stomach discomfort.

Because of the hidden strength, Ying Qi didn't get much attention, and Taibaijinxing didn't care so much, just let a heavenly soldier take him.

Controlling the Heavenly Soldier who was watching him, Ying Qi immediately swam around the Heavenly Court.

Coincidentally, he just walked a few steps before he got lost and came to Pantao Garden.

There are many fruits in the Taoyuan, and the peaches exude a powerful spiritual energy.

When Ying Qi stretched out his hand to get it, several female voices suddenly came from a distance.

"The few monsters here this time don't need very good peaches, just pick a few bad ones and serve them up. 39

"Yes." After the fairies received the order, they quickly dispersed to look for the ripe peaches.

After Ying Qi waited for them to leave, he picked it up generously.

With a bang, Ying Qi began to eat the first peach.

As soon as he took a sip, Ying Qi felt a great change in his body.

After one went down, the Golden Immortal realm, which was only one step away, was actually reached so easily.

Ying Qi secretly rejoiced, having no idea that he would have such a good opportunity.

Seeing that there are such good benefits, Ying Qi also devoured it frantically.

In order to increase the speed, Ying Qi actually threw every peach after just one bite.

After the cultivation base stopped improving as fast as before, Ying Qi started to pretend to be a peach using the Space 1.8 rule.

This time in Pan Taoyuan, Ying Qi successfully moved from level 110 to level 112.

The cultivation base also came to the second level of Jinxian from the ninth level of Heavenly Wonderland.

Ying Qi wanted to pick more, but was interrupted by the fairy who suddenly returned.

"Sister, elder sister, it's not good, there are a lot less peach on the peach tree, come and see, come and see." The voice of the fairy shouted, attracting a few fairies to come up.

Ying Qi also hurriedly used the laws of space and left here first.


The Jade Emperor felt that a different aura appeared in the heaven, and he was also using his spells to find the source of the aura.

I searched a few times and couldn't find it.

"Why is the aura this time so similar to the previous one?" The Jade Emperor frowned, his mind quickly speculating.

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