Even with Ying Qi's current cultivation base, it took several hours to arrive at Huaguo Mountain.

Ying Qi stood on a mountain and looked at Huaguo Mountain in the distance.

The Banana Festival in Huaguoshan is very lively.

All the famous monsters have come to Huaguo Mountain to gather.

The most famous among them are several sworn brothers of Sun Wukong.

"I'm going to sneak in too?" Ying Qi smiled slightly.

A little monster is sent to the next world, and those big monsters are not gifted with innate treasures?

The world is too rich.

Ying Qi put away the jewelry and hurried to Huaguo Mountain.

In the Water Curtain Cave, Sun Wukong and his six brothers were sitting together.

After three rounds of drinking, the Demon King clapped his hands and asked his subordinates to bring up a few boxes of sparkling treasures. "Brother, this is something I have kept for a long time, you should cherish it."

"Brother, what's the use of treasures?" Peng Demon King also whistled, and all of a sudden, a dozen people came up with a few jugs of wine from outside. "A few of us brothers, we won't go home if we don't get drunk, hahaha..."

"I'm ready too.

Among the seven brothers, Sun Wukong ranks the lowest among 330.

But also because of the lowest, the other brothers took good care of him.

"Brother, what's so good about heaven? Isn't it good for us to be free in the lower realm? The Bull Demon King hugged Sun Wukong and was very happy.

"Yeah, it's not good to seal you up, but you dare to seal you a horse!

"It's better to be in Huaguoshan, be free, and don't worry about everything.

"Old Jade Emperor!" Sun Wukong was even more angry when he said this by several of them.

He threw the bowl and cursed: "Bi Mawen asked him to be the one, grandpa wants to be the Monkey King.

"Okay, Great Sage Equalling Heaven is good."" The Bull Demon King took the lead in applauding: "You are your Great Sage Equalling Heaven, and I will be my Demon King of Confusion. 35

"Brother drink, brothers drink." Sun Wukong didn't think about it so much, he raised the jar and poured it out.

Those monkeys and monkeys also move fast.

Sun Wukong had just finished saying that he wanted to be the Great Sage Equalling the Sky, and they made a banner and hung it on the top of Huaguo Mountain.

The Monkey King became the Great Sage Equalling Heaven, and was also seen by the Heavenly Court.

"Who wants to go down and catch him?" The Jade Emperor was very angry at Sun Wukong's unauthorised release of the Heavenly Horse.

Now seeing him stand up as Monkey King, isn't this provocation?

"The last will be willing to go." Taibaijinxing stood up and recommended himself.

"Okay, if Jin Xing can capture him, I will reward him heavily.

Taibaijinxing received the order and raised 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and rushed towards Huaguo Mountain.

Although most of the monsters in Huaguo Mountain are miscellaneous soldiers, there are still some strong ones.

Therefore, in order to be fast and stable, the Jade Emperor gave the Taibaibaixing 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals.

Ying Qi, who had just climbed the mountain, saw the flag of Monkey King fluttering in the wind, and felt a little nervous.

Do you really have such a coincidence? Can you encounter such a thing?

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..." Several monkeys and Sun Huo rushed in from the outside.

"What's wrong?" Sun Wukong turned over from the table and jumped down.

"Suddenly there are many people in the sky, and they are shouting." Just as Monkey Monkey Sun finished speaking, he heard Taibaijinxing's shouting outside.

"Bima Wen, get out of this seat..."

"Brother, let me meet him." Peng Demon King took a pot of wine and rescued Takong and left.

"Who is coming?" Before Taibaijinxing could speak, an extremely fast figure flew out.

"This king is the Great Sage of Huntian, the Peng Demon King. 35

"What a bastard!" Nezha took the weapon in his hand and killed the Demon King Peng.

Demon King Peng is still drunk, and he really doesn't care about the little furry boy in front of him.

Relying on his extremely fast speed, he quickly avoided Nezha's attack.

Nezha couldn't beat him in more than a dozen rounds (afbi), and he was also angry, and he directly revealed all his magic weapons.

Ying Qi, who was watching the battle in Huaguo Mountain, was inexplicably strange to see that their fight was so simple.

"Are you sure this is a general strength?

"Come on, King, come on, King..." The subordinates of King Peng on Huaguo Mountain kept cheering them on below.

Huntianling, Hot Wheels, and the Three-pointed Spear all played together, and they quickly stabbed Demon King Peng.

The Peng Demon King, who was in pain, woke up instantly.

He was extremely fast and disappeared in front of Nezha in an instant.

By the time it reappeared, it had already begun to dive.

Ying Qi off the field could see at a glance that Peng Demon King knew the law of speed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to have such a fast speed.

Demon King Peng was so fast that Ying Qi didn't catch him for a while.

呲La life, the space appears distorted.

Because of the speed, the space was distorted, and Ying Qi was really seeing it for the first time.

Nezha, who fell to the ground, was also unable to get up immediately.

"I'm going!" King Tota flew out of the crowd in a rage.

"Eighth Layer of Heavenly Wonderland?" Ying Qi saw the strength of King Tuota, and immediately hid away.

This world is incredible.

Golden Immortals and Daluo Golden Immortals both exist.

Ying Qi still needs wretched development.

"No one will do it." Peng Demon King knew that the person who came was of good strength, and directly turned into a real attack.

"One Layer." King Tota used his pagoda to release a powerful impact towards the Peng Demon King who was charging up.

Bang Long, Peng Demon King relied on the law of speed, but he didn't dodge the trick of King Tota.

He himself was also hit by this move, directly into the mountain next to him.

The mountain was hit and shattered directly.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals also immediately arrested King Peng Tian, ​​who could not afford to be seriously injured.

"Who dares to make trouble on the site of the Great Sage Monkey King!" A golden light flew directly out of the Water Curtain Cave.

"Wuzhongtian." King Tota immediately mobilized his abilities and attacked the sudden golden light.

Under the golden light, the golden hoop rod directly ignored its power and pierced the magic weapon in his hand.

"Great King..." Monkey Monkey Sun shouted all over the mountain.

"Bima Wen." Taibaijinxing asked others to slay the thieves, and confronted Sun Wukong by himself.

When the two confronted each other, the heaven and the earth were sensational, and Huaguo Mountain instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Ying Qi took the Xuanyuan sword and immediately confronted the divine soldier.

The other big monsters in Shuiliandong also bravely resisted.

A melee, just like this suddenly appeared.

The strength of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, any one pulled out is Heaven and Human Realm, which is also brought by the rich spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Ying Qi can't help but sigh about the background of this thousand worlds.

Sun Wukong and Taibaijinxing were also very lively.

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