Ying Qi has determined the most important things, and has also relaxed a lot about the later things.

"The minister has the original play."

Li Si walked out and handed over to the report: "Whether the control of the powerful cultivators in Daqin is still governed by Qin's law, please also ask the emperor to make it clear. 99

"The world has changed, and there should be quite a few cultivators in my Daqin cultivation base above the Shattered Realm.

"How many people are there?

Ying Qi suddenly asked back.

"Back to the emperor. 35

"Now there are countless strong people above the Shattered Realm of Daqin, and of course they are insignificant compared to the commoners of Daqin. Li Si replied respectfully.

"In that case, what do you want?" Ying Qi looked at Li Sidao.

"The minister begged the emperor to set up the authority for the practitioners in the world on the basis of the black ice platform, and to balance and control the immortals of Daqin. 35 Li Si respectfully said.

"What's the meaning?

The court was originally in harmony, but Li Si's words caused an uproar.


Ying Qi slapped the dragon chair angrily and scolded, "Li Si continues."

"Father, let go of his anger. Yingxi led the officials to bow and bow.

"We are clearly rewarded and punished, as long as anyone makes merit, we will reward them, but if anyone dares to violate Qin's law, no matter who they are, we will strictly deal with them according to the law.

"Emperor." Bai Qi stood up and said, "Now that the world level of Daqin has improved, and there are many powerful practitioners in the empire, Li Si said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

"Li Si, tell me your thoughts first.

"The country is now prosperous in Daqin, and powerful practitioners are also under the control of the emperor, and there is a steady stream of practitioners, but some people, relying on their own cultivation, do bad things." a feeling of.

It's good to have arguments in the court, but now Ying Qi doesn't have so much energy on it.

"Xi'er. 35 Yingqi waved his hand and asked his son to stand up.

"My son is here.

"Did the court discuss this matter before?"

"Report to the emperor, yes."

"What do you think?""

"What Li Si said is not wrong. Now my Daqin is full of spiritual energy, and it is true that there are many unrestrained powerhouses. Yingxi replied.

"Then what state are you in now?"

"My son is not talented, and over the years, he has become an immortal." Ying Xi replied respectfully.

"Very good."9

"In the future, the Black Ice Terrace will add another authority to control the world's cultivation base to reach the Shattered Realm, which is the Immortal Pavilion.

"Then you will be the pavilion master of this immortal pavilion." Ying Qi said immediately.

"Ah?" Yingxi was stunned, but she quickly thanked him.

If the Immortal Pavilion is established, it can indeed act as a check and balance against immortals.

And why Li Si suddenly raised such a thing at this juncture, the result is already obvious.

He is helping Yingxi so that Yingxi can take the initiative in his own hands.

It also allows Yingxi to better manage those stubborn powerhouses.

The most difficult thing to do is those who have fought with Ying Qi for many years. If the other party did something wrong, Ying Qi was not there at that time, and Ying Xi was not as strong as the other party. To be reasonable, there is nothing like this. significance.

Having said so much, it is actually a simple truth. They only accept Ying Qi, and others do not.

And Ying Qi has been fighting outside for these years, and he really doesn't have much energy to manage all things in Daqin.

If Yingxi is given more power with the help of the immortal pavilion proposed this time, it can also achieve a good transition.

Nowadays, there are many strong people in Daqin, and Ying Qi can still suppress them now, but the more he goes on, if Yingxi does not establish authority, then Daqin is likely to die from internal worries.

Now that Ying Qi ordered, how could Daqin practitioners dare to be disrespectful.

Xianren Pavilion established Lishan, and the first pavilion owner was Yingxi.

When Ying Qi ended the court meeting, he deliberately raised the status of immortals.

Anyone who enters the Immortal Pavilion can have the status of a hundred households at least.

Ying Qi's purpose is very simple, to let more people in Daqin practice, so as to improve the realm in terms of strength.

"Father, what are your plans now?" Ying Xi, who followed Ying Qi, was very curious.

Ying Qi turned around, patted him on the shoulder and said, "I want to close up in the Heavenly Palace, and the burden of Daqin will fall on your shoulders again. 35

"Is your father not going out?"

"Of course not, I just want to make the most adequate preparations for the expedition."

"The minister there first wishes his father Real Madrid success.

"Xi'er." Ying Qi suddenly grabbed Ying Xi's hand and said solemnly: "The way of the emperor, you have to study hard, the art of mastering people, the art of restraining... You must also study hard, and don't be fooled by today's The prosperous world is numb."5

"What my father taught is that my son will always remember it in my heart."

"Take care of your health, I will leave first." Ying Qi disappeared in the Forbidden City along with the wind.

Entering the Heavenly Palace, Ying Qi immediately contacted the system after meditating.

"Hello, host, what can I do for you?" The mechanical voice of the system sounded slowly.

"I want to use the chance to choose a fourth-order copy."

"Okay, please wait a moment." After the system finished speaking, it began to search for a copy that matched Ying Qi's strength.

"Hello, host, now I have found a world of the middle grade of divine martial arts for you.

"Oh? Could you let me know?"


A white light descended from the sky and shot directly into Ying Qi.

In an instant, Ying Qi's mind flashed all kinds of dungeon worlds.

Journey to the West, but he knows what kind of world this is.

Bai Guang got out of Ying Qi, and Ying Qi was instantly pulled back to reality.

To be honest, this world of the middle grade of divine martial arts is really amazing.

In this world, there are definitely golden immortals, and there will even be stronger Daluo golden immortals. With his current strength at the peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he can only deal with the eighth level of golden immortals. If he encounters stronger ones, it is really hard to say.

"Host, this is Journey to the West, do you want to open it?"

"I have to try to analyze it, but I'll talk about it later."5

"Okay. 35

The big adventure is what Ying Qi has been doing all the time, but facing the world of golden immortals, he really does not dare to deal with it lightly.

Ying Qi thought about it for a long time, and finally chose to go to the muddy water first.

"System, open the copy." After Ying Qigang finished speaking, a suction force directly sucked him into a black hole that appeared in an instant.

Ying Qi, who opened his eyes again, felt an incredible aura of heavenly spirit.

"Can it be so much stronger?" Ying Qi tried to mobilize his space laws.

It turned out that the space to go back could not be opened.

"`" What's going on?" Ying Qi hurriedly asked the system.

"Host, the aura here is different from that of Daqin. They are ten thousand times stronger than the aura of Daqin."

"Then how do I go back?"

"At present, with your strength, it is still difficult to go back, so please try to break through the Golden Wonderland.

"Then what am I going to do?"

"The main line of Journey to the West is the monkey in Huaguo Mountain."

"Is it Sun Wukong?"

"Yes, he can help you sort out all the relationships in this world.

"Then can I ask any other questions?"


"Who is the strongest person in the world?

"There are three strongest people in this world, one is the Tathagata, the second is Taishang Laojun, and the third is the Jade Emperor.

"What are the strengths of the three of them?

"It's all Da Luo Jinxian. 95

"Daluo Jinxian?" Ying Qi took a deep breath of cold air, incredulous.

He is now the strength of the ninth-level peak of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, and there is a golden immortal among the golden immortals.

"Then what is the realm of Sun Wukong?"

"Golden Immortal Seventh Layer. 99

"That's about it.

"Does the host have anything else to ask?"

"it's gone now.

"Then take care of yourself." The system shuts down, and there is no breath.

(Okay Zhao) Ying Qi came from the world of Daqin to the world of Journey to the West, which caused a lot of fluctuations.

The powerhouses of Journey to the West tried to perceive, but they couldn't find any breath at all.

As soon as Ying Qi landed, the system blocked his breath at the fastest speed.

Ying Qi took a step forward and started heading towards Huaguo Mountain.

At this time, a lively meeting was being held in Huaguoshan.

Sun Wukong was sitting on the seat of the Water Curtain Cave, eating bananas, sulking.

"Brother Xian, Brother Xian." Outside the Water Curtain Cave, a bull head flew quickly from outside.

"Big brother." Sun Wukong quickly stood up and greeted his sworn brother, the Bull Demon King. "How did you come?"

"I heard that you were tricked by the old Jade Emperor, and the elder brother deliberately brought a few pots of wine to relieve your anger.

"Bad luck!" Sun Wukong waved his hand, very angry. "Old Jade Emperor is a man who doesn't keep his word, if I see him next time, my grandson will definitely pull out his beard.

"Xie Qi, Xiao Qi." The Bull Demon King took out his own wine and poured it on Sun Wukong.

"Big brother also stayed after the wine. My grandson arranged a banana party."

"Okay, the virtuous brother's place, eldest brother still has to support." The Bull Demon King patted his chest very boldly.

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