"Open the third-order world selection opportunity." Ying Qi gave an order.

"The host's order is accepted."

"Start randomly choosing worlds. 99

"Successfully opened the Xianwu high-grade mid-grade world "Soul Ferry World". The system prompted.

Hear this prompt.

A smile appeared on Ying Qi's face: "Very good, in a modern urban world, in the future, I will be able to have modern fun in Daqin."

"This side of the world is not weak.""

"The human world seems to have mastered all the order of the world, but the one who really masters the order is the immortal gods hidden in the shadows."

Ying Qi also has a very deep understanding of this world.


The real key is that Ying Qi has a kind of intimacy towards the world.

Perhaps, this is also a world with a strong similarity in his "One Five Seven" previous life.

"Give me more than ten years of Daqin, and I just happened to go to this world to play. Ying Qi smiled.

Directly ordered to open the copy portal.

Void waves together.

A portal appeared in front of Ying Qi.

Ying Qi stepped into it without any hesitation.

The next moment was turbulent.

The portal disappeared.

The soul travels the world.

Xianwu middle class world.

In this world, it is a world with highly developed technology.

This world is thousands of years away from ancient times, has a highly developed civilization, and there are many countries in the world.


All belong to the mortal kingdom.

Although it is a world at the level of immortal martial arts, it is reasonable to say that it will be a world where heaven and earth are extremely rich in spiritual energy.

But the spiritual energy of this world is not so strong.

It does not seem to be a high-level cultivation world.

Above the void of this world.


A portal appeared in the darkness.

Let the void of this world have endless waves.


A figure set foot on this side of the world.

"Souls Ferry the World. 55

"Sure enough, it is the side of the world that I knew in my previous life. 35

above the void.

Ying Qi stared at the ground below.

Even in the dark.

It can also be seen that there are countless modern high-rise buildings on the ground, which are completely different from the ancient atmosphere of all walks of life in Daqin.

It's like two completely different eras.

"A bustling city."

"The bustling world. 35

"In the middle-rank world of immortal martial arts, the spiritual energy of this world is not even at the high martial level.

Ying Qi Shennian took a look, felt the aura of the void, and couldn't help but smile.

next moment.

Ying Qi's spiritual sense quickly swept away.

Ying Qi's divine sense overlooked the void of the earth for hundreds of thousands of miles.


"Although there are not many spiritual qi in this world, and it can't compare to the real level of this world, there are still many practitioners in this world, and there are ghosts in the underworld everywhere."

Divine Intent glanced, Ying Qi smiled slightly.

Sure enough, it didn't deviate from Ying Qi's expectations.

In this world, there are not only the high-rise buildings of the city in the previous life, but also hidden in the dark, at a level that mortals do not know, there are many strong practitioners, some from the underworld, and some who are not ghosts from the underworld.

"If this world is what I understand, then this world should have heaven and earth."

The world is not a single human world.


It also can't reach the world of the middle grade of Xianwu.

The world still has the underworld.

There is also the legendary heaven above.

Under the glance of Ying Qi's spiritual thoughts.

Within hundreds of thousands of miles, there are many cultivators, not only ghosts in the underworld, cultivators in the world, but also cultivators from the heavens.

Their existence seems to have a kind of dynamism in the world.


This seems to have some kind of special balance.

Although there are many practitioners in the underworld and in the heaven, they are indeed in the human world of this world, but they all suppress the cultivation base extremely well.

They don't show their cultivation in front of ordinary people. It seems that, apart from the cultivators in the world, those cultivators from the underworld and heaven are all subject to some kind of checks and balances.

"Could it be because of the power of luck?"

Ying Qi stared at the void, and when he felt it carefully, he could perceive a force of luck.  …

The power of luck.

It is from the manifestation of the human kingdom in this world.

When a country's luck has reached a certain level, and its national strength is strong, even if it has not condensed its fortune, it is enough to make evil spirits and immortals difficult to compete with.


This is the root cause of the hidden gods in the underworld and the heavens.

The power of luck.

If you don't really understand, you don't know how powerful the power of luck is.

In addition to the resources from all walks of life, Daqin can have the current strength, and it is because of Daqin's monstrous national luck.

It can be said.

If anyone dares to offend Da Qin.

Even the powerhouses of Heavenly Immortal Realm will be either killed or injured in the face of the rebound of Daqin's fortunes.

The fairy gods in this world may also be because of this.

Whether it is the underworld or the heavens, if you touch the fate of the country, the consequence is death.

Just as Ying Qi pondered.

Several tyrannical spiritual thoughts swept towards Ying Qi's location.

It seems that the arrival of Ying Qi has aroused the perception of the top powerhouses in this world.

"Good guy."

"There are so many Heavenly Immortals."

When Ying Qi felt those divine thoughts swept over, he was also slightly surprised.

Because there are actually four spiritual thoughts swept away, each of which has reached the level of the heavenly fairyland.

It seems.

This side of the world is truly worthy of the middle-rank world of Xianwu. There are such top powerhouses, and it seems that his 1.8 people did not come from the human world, but from another world.

But Ying Qi didn't think much about it.

Look at the divine thoughts that came from the scout.

Ying Qi sneered, raised his hand and slammed it out.

A violent force was instantly condensed in this void, and the entire void was shocked by this energy.

In an instant.

A palm slammed out, playing with an incomparably dazzling brilliance in this dark night.

The earth in the dark is brightened by this light.

under the earth.

Countless people were attracted by the brilliance that appeared suddenly, and looked up at the void in astonishment.

But Ying Qi didn't think much about it.

A palm is directed towards these divine sense seals.

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