Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 474 In a flash of 3 years, the human race has changed greatly

For the human race of this world.

In the past, ordinary people might not have known the existence of demons and thought it was just a frightening trick in the legend, but after Cihang Purdue ordered the demon clan to destroy the human clan, the human clan in the whole world panicked.

The whole world can be said to be a dance of demons, killings and demons are everywhere.

For ordinary people, even for monks under the immortals, facing the demon clan is equivalent to a dead end.

But with the appearance of Da Qin, their fate changed.

The strong men in Daqin slayed demons and eliminated demons, and annihilated evil spirits.

With the expansion of the army, those harmful demons were killed. Even if the demons were good at illusion and hidden in the city of the human race, they were not allowed to hide. However, Daqin has a method to identify hidden demons. Once discovered, they will be directly killed. .


There are also very few demon races in this world who did not kill people. Those demons Da Qin would not deliberately target them, but they just needed to be registered with the government, otherwise they would be put in prison after being captured.

The demon clan who were escorted by the army all over the city were demons who had no blood debt, but did not register with the government.

"Kill these damn monsters, they treat our humans as food, and now they are finally unlucky. 35

"My whole family was killed by these damn demon clan, 013 now they finally got the retribution.

"Da Qin Wannian, kill all the demon clan."

"If there is no Daqin, we are afraid that we will all become food in the mouth of the demon clan. If there is no Daqin, we will all die."

"Da Qin is our reborn parents."

"That's right."

"Compared to the rotten court in the past, even our people can't shelter it, what is the use of it, the current Daqin is what we want..."

Seeing the demon clan being escorted, countless people were excited and scolded one after another.

For them.

When Cihang Pudu was there, bloodbathed the palace, and the demons danced wildly, causing the population of the entire capital to drop by 50%. How could they forget this kind of blood debt and this kind of hatred.

So for demons, they are full of hatred.

In the future, the human race will control this side of the world. For the demons in this world, their life may not be easy. Even if they have not been stained with blood debts, even if the human race does not dare to violate the laws of Daqin, they will definitely target the demon race in secret.

Blood debt is not so easy to forget (afbi) at all.

to this.

Ying Qi is not ready to change. Since he has done it, he has to bear it. Even if he did not do it, as they are the same family, they should pay the price.

"Brother Ning, this is the capital of Daqin. You can see whether it is prosperous or not. It can be said that we are fortunate to come to this capital." A scholar said excitedly to the scholar beside him, very excited.

It seems that this is the first time they have come to such a prosperous city.


"It took thousands of miles and it took so long to finally reach the capital.

"It's just that the country has changed, and the world has changed.

The scholar next to him sighed a little.

These three years have undoubtedly had an infinite impact on the human beings in this world.

In the past, although there were immortals, they were only seen by a few people, and the word of mouth was not so true.

In the past, there were legends of demons and ghosts, and many people did not believe them at all.

but now.

There's no reason why they don't believe it.

Because almost all the human races in this world have seen it with their own eyes.

Demons kill and eat people.

There are also strong men in Daqin who kill demons, release thunder, release flames, and fly to the ground.

This is the biggest shock.

For Ning Caichen, the impact was even greater.

I remember three years ago.

A man in black clothes murdered in the street, and he went to the government with justice, thinking that he was a prisoner of murder, but what happened later subverted his cognition of the world.

When the man in black waved his hand, the sky and the earth were torn apart, and in an instant, he burned a thousand-mile mountain range and killed a huge tree demon.

Since then, Ning Caichen has known that this world is not that simple.


The man in black transported him to an unfamiliar city. Fortunately, he was still a little bit entangled, so he didn't starve to death.

And after that, all the monsters and monsters came out, slaughtering wildly and eating people, which made him, who was righteous and thought that there were no monsters in the world, suffered a greater impact.

This world is not what he understands at all.

"Before me, I was just sitting there watching the sky.

"Back then, that person was really killing demons. He was an immortal of my human race who eliminated demons and defended the way. It's ridiculous that I am a mortal to question immortals." Ning Caichen thought to himself.

"Speak up.

"Brother Ning."

"We survived, and we are lucky compared to those who died tragically in the mouth of the demon, because we not only survived, but also entered a new era, the era of Daqin, the era when our human race ruled the world. "

"Before this world was dominated by demons, and we ordinary people were ignorant and ignorant, and we didn't even know that we were banned by demons, but now Daqin has appeared, defeated the demons, and allowed our human race to survive."

"My human race should be grateful to Da Qin, and as scholars, I should do my part for Da Qin.

"This time the capital is rushing to take the exam. Daqin has to pass the examination room to select officials. As long as we pass it, we can do our part for Daqin and restore the world that has been devastated by demons."

The scribe beside Ning Caichen said excitedly.

"That's right.

"This is the goal of my generation of scholars.

"It used to be to govern the country, but now my generation of scholars is to strengthen the human race and the Qin Dynasty."5

"In this way, the demons and ghosts can be slaughtered.

Ning Caichen also said with a determined face.

"There are countless immortals in Daqin, and the power of the legendary emperor is even more unpredictable. The reason why our human race can survive depends on the emperor to kill the powerful monsters. Otherwise, our human race will be finished."

"If you can enter the imperial court to serve the emperor, then Sansheng will be lucky." The scholar said with anticipation.

"The Great Qin Emperor.

"The strongest of my human race is the savior of my human race.

"I really hope to meet him." Ning Caichen was also full of expectations.

For today's human race, Emperor Daqin is the savior, and no human race is not grateful to him.

Countless people even erected a stele for the Great Qin Emperor.

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