Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 475 Ying Qi's domineering, directly smashed to pieces

Slap down.

Thousands of miles of void have been shattered.

Those spiritual thoughts that came to him were also directly shaken away by Ying Qi's palm.



I heard a few painful screams from the void.

"Want to spy on me?"

"I'm afraid you think too much.""

Ying Qidan laughed, a little speechless.

The strong people in this world are really big-hearted. If the deity comes, Ying Qi will be a little bit more afraid, but they are really not afraid of Ying Qi's spiritual sense exploration.


There are many countries in this world, and the luck is so strong that they are afraid that they will not be able to come.

Maybe that's the reason.

"Go to the world and see."

"Such a prosperous world. 39

"It's a waste if you don't come.

Ying Qi smiled, his figure flashed, and disappeared in this void.

And the one that Ying Qi played just now, with a golden light, naturally aroused the investigation of all the nations in this world.

All the countries in this world were shocked.

05 was shocked by the mysterious astronomical phenomenon that suddenly appeared.

But for mortals, perhaps they will never be able to find the truth.

Immortals and gods exist in this world, but they don't know about them, which is also a kind of ignorance.

With Ying Qi left.

The few divine thoughts that had just been shattered appeared again.

And this time.

They came with a precaution, and directly manifested the four incarnations in the void.

Two majestic women dressed in palace attire.

There are also two men with faces from the West.

However, their figures are all illusory, not the deity.

"Did you catch that breath just now?"

One of the two women, a woman wearing a palace uniform and a phoenix crown spoke out.

"That aura disappeared too quickly, I didn't catch it, but his aura has never been seen before, and his strength is probably not lower than ours. Another woman in a black palace dress said.

"There are other god kings in this world today?"


A man from the West Region dressed in a holy white robe said with a proud look on his face.

"Maybe it does.

Another man in the black robe, the opposite of the white robe, said.

"No matter who he is, if he dares to smash our spiritual sense, this is to be our enemy, and there can be no strong people above immortals in the world. Those who violate the order will be punished in all directions." The Fengguan woman said solemnly, With coldness.

"Not bad. 39

“The order we set must never be violated.35

"Unless that variable dies.

The man in the white robe said coldly, looking at the woman in the black dress from the corner of his eye.

"Hum. 35

The woman in the black dress snorted coldly, and with a flicker, the divine sense disappeared directly.

The others looked at each other and disappeared.


Another space above the human world.

With the technology of this world, even if it develops to the top, there is no way to find the existence of the heavenly world.

If we use the term of this world of human technology, the existence of the heaven is a space of a higher dimension, and there are stronger creatures living in it.

in heaven.

The aura of heaven and earth is far more than thousands of times that of the human world, and the aura is almost liquefied.

If a mortal takes a breath in this heaven, he may be able to prolong his life.

And in this heaven.

Strictly speaking, it is in the Eastern Heaven Realm.

It can be seen that countless quaint temples stand in various places in the heaven, and there is a kind of ancient coercion in the invisible.

It seems that all this is a product of ancient times.

in heaven.

It can be seen that many practitioners flying in the sky and swords, all dressed in ancient costumes, have a kind of immortal temperament.

Although this heaven is incompatible with the high-rise buildings in the world, there is an essence of detachment from civilization in it.

And in the center of this continuous group of palaces, which is also the center of this eastern heaven, a palace emitting bursts of golden light is located, floating in the void.


It is the most supreme palace of the Queen Mother in the Eastern Heaven.

The legendary Queen Mother is the god who lives in this palace, rules the eastern heaven, and rules the eastern heaven.

on the high seat of this palace.

It was the woman in the palace phoenix crown who had just been transformed by the divine sense, who was seated, revealing a wordless coercion.

When she opened her eyes, an extremely terrifying coercion emerged in the entire hall.

She is the supreme controller of the Eastern Heaven Realm.

Queen Mother.

Also known as the Queen Mother of the West.

With her waking up.

All the immortals in the hall all bowed to her: "See the Queen Mother.

"It's been tens of thousands of years.""

"The old man-god war is over.""

"But Chi You's remnant soul escaped.

"According to astronomical phenomena, Chi You will be born again, once he is reborn and resurrected.

"The war between humans and gods will start again, and the world will be doomed.

The Queen Mother looked at the gods in the hall and said with awe.

"Please show the Queen Mother."

The gods respectfully said.

"Xuannv, you are the strongest immortal in my Eastern Heaven. You seal your cultivation and go down to the world to find Chiyou's reincarnation."

"Once you discover Chiyou's reincarnation, kill him immediately.

"Otherwise, the world will be in danger, or even destroyed." The Queen Mother looked at a beautiful fairy in the hall.

In the Eastern Heaven.

There are many gods.

After all, this world is the world of the middle class of immortal martial arts, with a very high level, there are many gods in the heaven, and the genders are different.

But the most important thing to the Queen Mother is the Xuannv she speaks of. She wears a black palace dress and looks stunning, which can fascinate thousands of men. This appearance is enough to shock the world.

But her real strength is her strength, because she is the strongest person in the Eastern Heaven Realm other than the Queen Mother.

"Qi Niangniang, now the mortal world has no knowledge of immortals and gods, and has taken a different approach, which is extremely stable.

"The world in the world is a prosperous country. If I take the cultivation base above the immortals to the lower realm, I may suffer the impact of the powerful national fortunes in the world, but under the immortals, can I really deal with Chiyou?

Xuannv stood up and said with a sad look.


The majestic and stunning face of the Queen Mother was also tightly wrinkled together, as if thinking about what to do.

"It's okay."

"The luck of the world is not only for us immortals, but also for the underworld, and it is the same for everyone.""

"You can use the cultivation base under the immortal as the lower realm, no problem." After thinking for a while, the Queen Mother said loudly.

"Subordinates take orders."

Xuannv did not dare to refuse, and obeyed the order respectfully.

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