"Clone ghost.

After solving the fox queen, Ying Qi was still the same as before, and his spiritual sense locked the demon on this side of the battlefield.

Perform martial arts.

Ten clones volleyed out, each with 50% of Qi Quansheng's strength, killing the demon.

as always.

When they shot, they locked down those demons who had reached the level of immortals.

The magic shadow shot, there is no life or death.

After the fox emperor was killed by Ying Qizhen, he lost the only demon emperor-level combat power, which also had a great impact on the demons here.

Under the joint efforts of the two great human races, the demons and demons retreated steadily.

Some demons wanted to escape, but how could the human disciples in anger let them go, and the killing continued.

The situation has changed drastically.

Time a "nine five seven" shaking.

Just like the previous Shushan.

Kunlun has also become a scorched purgatory under the war, with corpses everywhere.

The corpses of demons piled up like mountains.

Within a few hundred kilometers of Kunlun, there are no more demons.

"Killing demons is really fun. 35

"For many years, we have not dared to offend the demon clan, let alone attack the demon clan, but after the end, the demon clan will never let us go.

"Today, the new hatred and the old hatred are over.

"Monster clan, be punished."

"The demon clan deceived people too much, and finally they paid it back..."


After killing all the demons.

Just like the previous Shushan disciples, all Kunlun disciples have a kind of joy from their hearts, and it seems that they have vented the anger that has been accumulated in their hearts for countless years.

Their human race finally doesn't have to live in such a hurry anymore.

From now on.

They don't have to be afraid of the demon anymore. Since the demons want to destroy the human race, the human race will accompany them to the end.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang, this time is really thanks to you."

"If it weren't for you, Shushan, to come to the rescue, my Kunlun would be finished."

Kun Xu came to Qingyang with a grateful expression on his face.

Just now.

If it weren't for the killing of the Shushan disciples, the consequence would be that his Kunlun Mountains would be destroyed.

"Fellow Daoist Kunxu, you are thanking the wrong person.

Qingyang smiled.

"Why is this?" Kun Xu didn't understand.

"Actually, not long ago, my Shushan Mountain was almost destroyed by the demon clan. If it weren't for the emperor's action, my Shushan Mountain would have been finished. Qingyang carried a few words of the rest of his life.


"Is it?"

Kun Xu looked at Ying Qi in the void, with awe in his eyes.

The scene where the two seals killed the fox emperor just now was seen by Kun Xu, and it was a blessing for the human race to have such a superpower.


"He is the emperor."

"If it weren't for the emperor's action, my Shushan Mountain would have been destroyed by the demon clan, and there would be no chance to come to your Kunlun Mountains." Qingyang said.

"The demon clan actually attacked Shushan and my Kunlun at the same time? Could it be that he really wants to destroy my human clan?" Kun Xu said in surprise.

"The Insect Emperor brought the demons to attack my Shu Mountain and broke my great formation. If the Emperor hadn't taken action to kill the Insect Emperor, my Shu Mountain would have been destroyed. The situation is the same for your Kunlun. If it wasn't for the Emperor's action, the Fox Emperor would have destroyed Kunlun."

"The demon clan has completely torn apart with my human clan, and is no longer ready to coexist with my human clan." Qingyang said.

"Damn the demon clan. 35

"He is forcing my human race to fight them to the death." Kun Xu said coldly, full of hatred for the demon race.


When he came back to his senses, he suddenly thought: "Fellow Daoist Qingyang, you said that you have surrendered to the emperor? The whole Shushan?"


"Shushan has surrendered to the emperor and entered Daqin." Qingyang nodded, then looked at Kunxu and said, "Today the emperor is here, in addition to saving you Kunlun once, it also means pulling you Kunlun into Daqin, such as if the emperor is here. Open your mouth, you must not refuse, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, as long as you seize it, not only my human race will destroy the demon race

"It will re-create the prosperity of the human race in the world, and the immortal gate will last forever."

"Fellow Daoist, what kind of existence is Daqin? Why have I never heard of it before?" Kun Xu said in surprise.

"I can't state the specifics, but the existence of Daqin is not in our world, but in..."

Saying that, Qingyang raised his finger and pointed to the sky above.


Kunxu's expression is startled 0.....

"All in all, you must not miss this opportunity, the emperor will only ask once, if you refuse, you will not have another chance in the future, and you may stand on the opposite side of Daqin, and then I, Shushan and Kunlun, will be enemies. , I really don't want to see it." Qingyang still persuaded.

"Friend Daoist, I understand." Kun Xu nodded solemnly.


"Fellow Daoist accompany me to visit the emperor.

After the explanation, Qingyang said to Kunxu.

Then he rose into the air and swept towards where Ying Qi was.

"Emperor, all the demons have been slaughtered, please show the emperor. Qingyang respectfully said.

"Kunxu, the head of the Kunlun faction, thank the emperor for his kindness."

"The great kindness of the emperor, I, Kunlun, will never forget it." Kunxu also bowed to Ying Qi with awe in his eyes.

And this time.

Numerous Kunlun disciples also gathered, looked at Ying Qi in the sky, and then bowed: "Thank you for your help, senior.

"You, Kunlun, have an old relationship with me. 99

"Do you know Yan Chixia?"

Ying Qi smiled and looked at Kun Xu.

"Yan Chixia is my Kunlun elder, but she has always been daring and secretly sneaked out of Kunlun many years ago and entered the secular world.

"Did the emperor meet him?" Kun Xu replied honestly.

"He is loyal to me now, and 1.7 is my minister of Daqin, just like Shushan." Ying Qi laughed.

"So, it's really Yan Chixia's blessing." Kun Xu replied respectfully.

"I came to Kunlun, firstly to save you Kunlun, and secondly, Qingyang should have already told you that Shushan has already entered my Great Qin and worked for me, I wonder if your Kunlun is willing?" Ying Qi looked at Kunxu and directly asked rightly.

To the present situation.

Ying Qi really didn't want to waste time.

Solved the demon clan of Kunlun.

Next step.

Ying Qi will be upgraded to Earth Immortal.

At this level, Cihang Pudu Ying Qi has no fear.

After all, Ying Qi possessed so many treasures that he could definitely suppress Cihang Pudu.

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