Half an hour is fast.

"All right."

"Yin and Yang are separated, and order cannot be violated. 99

Ying Qiwei said in a loud voice.

"Thank you Emperor Longen for giving us a chance to see our relatives again."

"Xie Dijun Longen......99

All the family members of the people are very grateful.

For them.

Seeing this today is enough to give them a lot of peace of mind.


Ying Qi waved his hand.

Send everyone back.

It is also fortunate that Ying Qi's strength is already in the fairyland, otherwise this kind of immortal energy consumption would not be possible at all.

"In the future, you don't need to stay in this cemetery anymore."

After all the family members were sent back, Ying Qi looked at the heroic soul of the cemetery and said.


"Is there a chance for me to reincarnate?"

All the heroic souls looked at Ying Qi with anticipation.

Hell reincarnation.

It has always existed in myths and legends, but it does not exist at all in the Daqin world.

Great Qin officials did not know until they died.


Emperor Longen, give them a chance to save their souls, otherwise, their souls may be destroyed by heaven and earth like enemies, and their souls will be scattered.

"Da Qin, there is a cycle of hell.

Ying Qi smiled and said to all the heroic souls.

"Chen and so congratulate the emperor."

"All beings in the Great Qin Dynasty will thank the emperor Longen. 35

All the heroic souls were extremely excited.

For them, as officials of the Great Qin Dynasty, they can still preserve their souls, but for all beings in Great Qin, and their relatives, they cannot preserve the existence of their souls.

This is also a great event for them.

"Daqin has the reincarnation of hell, and I will give you two opportunities to choose.

"The first one, but entering reincarnation, reincarnating, and reincarnating as a human being.

"You died in battle for me, Daqin, with great merits, and the underworld will also give you reincarnation based on your merits.

"Second, you can enter the underworld to become ghosts and deal with ghosts in the underworld, but you are not allowed to enter the underworld again, and you must not have any contact with your relatives."

Ying Qi said to all the heroic souls.

Hear both options.

All the heroic souls were silent.

Once they enter the reincarnation, they will have nothing to do with the previous life. Unless the cultivation base reaches the immortal, the memory of the previous life will be difficult to wake up.

Although they are dead now, their souls are still there, and they can still get along with their comrades, Pao Ze. Once they enter the reincarnation, all this will be gone.

This is what they don't want.

It is also the most difficult thing for them to give up.

"I'll give you time to think about it.

"You don't need to worry. 99

Seeing countless heroic souls with embarrassed expressions on their faces, Ying Qi did not urge.


The figure flashed.

Leaving the cemetery directly.

when it appears again.

Ying Qi has reached the heavenly palace.

With Ying Qi's cultivation base today, Daqin can go anywhere in the world, at the ends of the earth, in an instant.

Taishang Royal Palace.

"See the emperor.

When Ying Qi walked to the entrance of the palace, the guards on duty immediately bowed and bowed.

The voice also immediately attracted Ying Zheng in the palace.

"Qi'er, everything is settled?"

Seeing Ying Qi's figure, Ying Zheng smiled slightly.

Ying Qi has come to the palace once since his triumphant return. If he says he doesn't want to, it is naturally false.


"It's all settled. 35

"How is your father? How are you? 35

Ying Qi smiled and sat in front of Ying Zheng.

"The day is not bad. 55

Ying Zheng replied with a smile.

Every time he sees his son's triumphant return, Daqin becomes stronger and stronger, which also has a kind of sigh for Ying Zheng, fortunate.

"Where are they?" Ying Qi asked.

"They are still the same as before, bringing their young children and grandchildren, or what else can they do today. Ying Zheng also replied somewhat helplessly.

"Now that Daqin is so big, you don't know how to go out for a walk.

"Could it be that the beautiful scenery of the world in Daqin can't move your father and you?" Ying Qi teased.

"I want to go too, but your mother and the others only want to take the younger generation, what can I do?" Ying Zheng said helplessly.

over the years.

In addition to staying in the palace to cultivate, there are few opportunities to go out.

It's not that Ying Zheng doesn't want to go out, it's that his wife doesn't want to go out.

"How about it?"

"A game?

Ying Qi smiled and looked at Ying Zhengdao.

"Come on."

"You kid won't let me at all."

"I'm too lazy to play chess with you."

"I heard that you imprisoned that stinky boy Xi'er in the Palace of King Qin for three days?" Ying Zheng laughed.

"This stinky boy actually handed over everything to Wu'er, and it would be incredible not to punish him." Ying Qi replied.

"You stinky boy, although Xi'er was lazy, he didn't delay the state affairs, and Wuer handled it well, didn't he learn from you." Ying Zheng said.

"It makes sense."

"But I don't want that stinky boy to be too comfortable." Ying Qi replied with a smile.

That stinky boy didn't learn, but he learned to leave government affairs to his son, which made Ying Qi very upset.


"It's true that Xi'er touched you." Ying Zheng smiled helplessly.

"This kid actually came to complain at 143, it seems that the lesson given to him is not enough. 35 wins Qi Dao.

"Come on."

"Why don't you think about it when you are lawless."

"I only know how to bully my grandson. Ying Zheng's eyes widened and he was very upset.

"Is this protecting the calf?" Ying Qi looked at Ying Zheng with a funny look.

"Get it."

"I'm too lazy to tell you,"

"I heard that the world you conquered this time has hell reincarnation? Ying Zheng came and asked with interest.


"This time, my Daqin finally has the reincarnation of hell, and all living beings can have an afterlife." Ying Qi nodded.

"That's really a good thing."

"Hell reincarnation, eighteen levels of hell."

"I didn't expect that the legendary places have now reached the reality of my Daqin."5

"If it wasn't for what I saw, I really couldn't believe it." Ying Zheng said with a sigh.

Every time his son returns from an expedition, it brings great changes to Da Qin.

"How long are you going to rest this time?" Ying Zheng asked.

"do not know.

"Let's wait until Daqin's overall strength improves."

"I also have a good rest.

Ying Qi replied with a smile.

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