Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 466 The Great Court, World Promotion

Time passed gradually.

in a blink.

Just ten years have passed.

For Da Qin.

Ordinary people have passed a lot of years, but with such a strong spiritual energy in Daqin, ordinary people who have never stepped into cultivation have also benefited and extended their life.

Ordinary people in the Daqin world can live to be at least a hundred years old now, which is still uncultivated. If they live a little longer, they can even reach the end of their life at the age of two hundred.

It can be seen what kind of changes Daqin's rich heaven and earth aura can bring to Daqin.

Inside the Palace of the King of Qin.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"The other world has been completely controlled by my Daqin, and the demons are evil, and now they dare not invade my Daqin territory again."

Bai Qi stood in the hall and said excitedly.

"Awaken the emperor.

"In ten years, the law of my Daqin has been fully implemented in the other world, and the law of Qin has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people." Li Si also said loudly.

"Awaken the emperor.

"The other world has been ravaged by demons and beasts for tens of thousands of years, and now it has completely surrendered. My Daqin has taken control of the alien world, and there will be no more disasters.

"All the resources of the other world have been brought under the control of my Great Qin, the spiritual stone ore veins, and all kinds of genius and treasures, all belong to my Great Qin. 35 Feng Qu loudly stated.

above the high.

Hear the three ministers' report.

Ying Qi nodded in satisfaction.

Ten years is not a long time, but for Da Qin's national strength, it has grown tremendously.

The value of a world of immortal martial arts is far greater than the other worlds that Daqin controls now. The resources are endless, and the growth brought to Daqin is even more.

"Your Excellency.

"My Daqin has completely controlled this other world."

"This is enough to celebrate.""

Ying Qi laughed.

"The emperor is holy.

"Chen and so congratulate the emperor on accepting another world.

The ministers shouted in unison.

"Okay." 9

"I won't say anything extra."

"If you want to celebrate, let the whole world celebrate.""

"Send my will.

"For my great Qin ministers, the annual salary will be tripled on the original basis."

"The pension for my fallen warriors in Daqin will be increased tenfold from now on. 99

Ying Qi smiled and said loudly.

He doesn't like to play tricks.

Now that Daqin is included in the world, he has obtained endless resources, and these resources are useless for Ying Qi alone. After all, those resources have not brought much help to Ying Qi.

But for the subordinates, the promotion brought by these resources is great.

Only by improving the strength of his subordinates, will he be able to achieve corresponding results in the future expedition to other worlds.


After hearing Ying Qi's words, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were moved.

The will is issued, these are the real favors.

For them, this is definitely a big boost, and fighting for Daqin is what they want.

"The emperor is holy.

The Manchu civil and military chanted in unison.

"Initiate the father emperor."

"The defenses of the soldiers on the foreign expedition have all been completed. 95

"All the soldiers and soldiers who went on the expedition have all returned to Daqin, and the soldiers and soldiers guarding the other world have been dispatched from all walks of life. 55

Ying Xi turned around and said respectfully.

"well done.

Ying Qi praised Ying Xi.

"Awaken the emperor.

"About the other world, there is one more thing that needs to be dealt with."

"There is a negative atmosphere in the spiritual energy of the world of the world. Even if I, Qin Wuxiu, absorb the spiritual energy of this world, there is a danger of going into trouble, but for my grand Qin ministers, having the national fortune to protect themselves can prevent them from being negatively affected by the aura. However, it is only limited to the addition of the national fortune of the fifth rank and above, and the power of the national fortune below the fifth rank cannot resist the negative aura too much.

"So, this matter still needs to be decided by the emperor.

Bai Qi started playing again, with a solemn expression on his face.

If this is not dealt with.

It is also a hidden danger for Da Qin.

"After this other world is incorporated into our Daqin, the negative aura of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will be disintegrated.

Ying Qi smiled and said.

The reason why the other world has a negative atmosphere is ultimately because of the way of heaven. This is also because the practitioners in that world have reached a certain level, so they will be deployed, and then the catastrophe will be brought down, so that the two clans can annihilate each other, so that those creatures can be swallowed up. The aura of heaven and earth returned to heaven and earth.


The reason why the other world will change greatly, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will release the negative aura, is also in the sky. Of course, the fundamental reason is because of all living beings living in that world.

"So, this minister understands." Bai Qi respectfully replied.

"In ten years, the other world is completely under control.

"It can also be pulled into my Daqin.


"`" to go. "

Ying Qi smiled and slowly stood up from the dragon chair.

The figure flashed.

Appeared directly outside the hall.

The ministers did not dare to neglect, and followed them one after another.

"Use the power of confinement to imprison "A Chinese Ghost Story". 35

Ying Qi said solemnly.

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.

next moment.

The copy portal suddenly appeared.

A golden light rushed into the dungeon portal, directly imprisoning the heavenly way of the other world to Daqin.

Look at the eye of heaven on the void.

Everyone is used to it.

Daqin's courtiers are also used to it.

Because they have seen with their own eyes many times the Heavenly Dao of the other world was swallowed up by the Daqin Heavenly Dao.


Daqin moved towards promotion and improved national strength.

"The Way of Heaven." 9

Ying Qi glanced at her face without any turbulence, and immediately called out.


Daqin Tiandao turned into a giant eye and appeared above the Tiangong, as before (is it good), when he saw the heavenly Dao of another world, Daqin Tiandao was full of scorching heat.

But it was still waiting for Ying Qi's order.

If there is no order, it will definitely not dare to devour it.

"Swallow it.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

The way of heaven in one world, the existence that controls all living beings in the world, is so powerless in front of Ying Qi's eyes.


Without any hesitation, Daqin Tiandao turned into a black hole and devoured this otherworldly heaven.

In an instant.

The consciousness of this otherworldly heaven was easily suppressed.

Turned into the purest source, it was swallowed up by Daqin Tiandao.

"This time, Da Qin can be promoted to the world of Xianwu."

"My overall level of Qin Dynasty has also made a leap forward, but it has swallowed up the luck of this world. I don't know if I can make further progress in Daqin's fortune." Ying Qi thought thoughtfully.

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