Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 465 Killing the Demon Emperor again, and breaking through again

on the void.

Suddenly there was a powerful wave of energy.

Kunlun Void was directly torn open with a huge opening.


This femme fatale fox emperor raised his head and looked at the suddenly opened passage in amazement.

"There is a human breath."

"Could it be that there are still human races who dare to come and die?" The Fox Emperor looked at him coldly.

It was in response to her thinking.

One after another sharp sword ~ ​​Qi was released from the passage.


Thousands of Shushan disciples rushed out of this passage, and when they saw the monsters ravaging Kunlun, they did not hesitate, - they shot directly,

"Shushan disciple.

"Kill all the demons. 39

"Tens of thousands of years of humiliation-, wash today,"

"Kill the demon."

All the Shushan disciples looked at the demon, full of hatred.

The sword qi lingered in the void.

Countless divine soldiers flying swords slashed towards the demon.

Unexpectedly, many demons were directly beheaded.

Moreover, the number of Shushan disciples rushing from the passage is not small, and every time one appears, they can't help but kill the demon directly.

"Shushan Taoist friend. 35

"How did they come?"

"Did they know about my Kunlun crisis in advance and came here to help?"

"How did they achieve such a large space channel?"


"The sky is endless, my Kunlun, the Shushan Taoist friends have come to help.

"My Kunlun disciples obeyed the orders and killed all the monsters, and I must not let down the kindness of Shushan Taoist friends for their help.


Shushan came to help and kill, Kunlun disciples were stunned when they saw it, and then showed excited smiles.

The hope that they had once again rekindled in despair.

The confrontation against the demon clan is even more crazy.


"Why didn't the Insect King get rid of them?"

The Fox Emperor looked at the Shushan disciple who had come to kill him with a puzzled look on his face.

She and the Insect Emperor got the will of Cihang Pudu at the same time.

Now she is taking the demons under her command to exterminate Kunlun, but why did Shushan come, this situation seems a little wrong.

"Don't panic, fellow Daoist Kunxu, the poor Daoist is here."

Qingyang rushed out of the void passage and charged directly towards Kunxu.

Together with him, he will face off against the two demon races at the peak of the Immortal Realm.

"Fellow Daoist Qingyang."

"You came on time.

"But the demon king is here, and this time my human race is in danger." Kun Xu responded with a voice transmission, his voice was mournful.

"It's okay.

"The demon race will be destroyed.

Qingyang laughed loudly.

Go directly to the monster of the same level.

The sword is sharp and sharp, and the sword slays the demon.

With the emergence of Qingyang.

Ying Qi's figure also walked out of the passage.


The huge passage also closed.

"Another human immortal.

The Fox Emperor stared at Ying Qi, who came out last.

And Ying Qi's eyes were also on her.

"The demon king.

"Kill her, slaughter the fairyland monsters here, and you can definitely ascend to the fairyland.

Ying Qi stared at the Fox Emperor as if he were looking at his prey.


Body swept away.

He rushed towards the fox emperor.

"How dare this human race attack this emperor?

Seeing Ying Qi rushing in, the fox emperor was shocked.


Compared with the old demon of Montenegro who died in the hands of Ying Qi, the Insect Emperor was much more cautious, watching Ying Qi rushing in.

She shot directly.

A strange bright red force spread out and instantly enveloped Ying Qi.

"Xiao Langjun."

"am I pretty?"

Alluring voices, with a seductive aura, rushed towards Ying Qi's ears and even his soul.

Fox demon, good at charm method.

Once hit, it will be controlled by it.


This fox demon is the way to comprehend the Law of Charm.

When this alluring sound struck.

Win Qi's body shape.

It seemed that he was hit, and his expression became hard and numb.

"No one in the human race can resist this emperor's law of charm.

Seeing this, a mocking smile appeared on the Fox Emperor's face.

"Xiao Langjun, come here.

The fox emperor hooked his finger at Ying Qi.

Presenting in front of Ying Qi at this moment, it seems that a stunning beauty with endless temptation is seducing her.

Ying Qi also approached the Fox Emperor numbly, as if he was really being manipulated.


When it was less than ten feet away from the fox emperor.

Ying Qi's originally bewildered eyes suddenly flashed Limang.

"Fan Tian Yin."

"Town. 35

Ying Qi waved his hand.

0.·Ask for flowers·

A golden seal volleyed out.

When it reached the void above the Fox Emperor's head, it directly turned into a giant seal of hundreds of meters, slamming down fiercely.

Sudden change.

Let this fox emperor completely unexpected.

Under the town of Fantianyin.


It was as if the power of the sky and the earth were torn apart on the body of the fox emperor.

Just like the first two demon emperors who died in the hands of Ying Qi, the power of Fantianyin and the power of acquired spiritual treasures.

Instantly hit the fox emperor.

crushed by a mighty force.

Almost made the fox emperor collapse.

Her body trembled in the void and was extremely weak.

"You...you are not charmed by me." The Fox Emperor looked at Ying Qi in horror.

"I am the Great Qin Emperor, with a stable state of mind, how could I be charmed by your fox demon's little tricks? 35

"This is what I deliberately pretended."

"Otherwise, how could it hurt you so easily. 35 Yingqi smiled lightly.

"You... despicable." The Fox Emperor looked at Ying Qi unwillingly.

"The winner is the king, and the loser is the bandit. 35

'That's what it is. 55

"Go find the old demon of Montenegro and the Insect King for company."


Ying Qi sneered, too lazy to talk nonsense.

A wave of hands.

Fan Tianyin once again descended towards the Huhuang Town.

This time.

She was hit hard and couldn't resist, and was directly killed.

Another powerful demon emperor fell into Ying Qi's hands.

"Lord Demon Emperor."

The fox king died.

All the demons under her showed panic.

Their demon emperor was actually killed by a human race.

This scene.

It also shocked all the Kunlun disciples.

They also looked at Ying Qi in the void in disbelief and couldn't believe it.

"The demon emperor of the demon clan, the strongest in the world, has survived since ancient times, and now he has fallen like this?"

"who's that person?"

Kunxu and all the Kunlun disciples looked at Ying Qi in awe, unable to return to their senses.

"Hahaha. 39

"Another demon emperor has fallen."

"Monster, your end has come.""

"You have bullied my human race for tens of thousands of years, and it's finally time to repay. 55

"Kill the demon. More

Qingyang laughed out loud with a carefree voice.


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