Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 464 In the cemetery, Ying Qi's moving face

Daqin Yinghun Cemetery.

Countless burial places for the soldiers who died in battle for Daqin.


It is located in the heaven, and it is also in Xianyang.

over the years.

In this cemetery, millions of Daqin loyal bones have been buried.

They have warriors who died for Daqin on the battlefield, generals who died for Daqin, and loyal bones who died for Daqin.

There are also loyal souls who have given their lives to die for Daqin.

They are now buried in this cemetery.

If it is said that Daqin's current power is known to everyone in the world, then those heroic souls who created Daqin's power are all in this cemetery.

The cemetery is huge.

Inside the cemetery.

Countless tombstones stand.

Each tombstone represents a heroic soul of Daqin.

There were many family members who came to pay their respects all over the cemetery. There was a silent yin qi in the entire "One Four Zero" cemetery, but this yin qi did not make anyone uncomfortable.

This is the breath of the heroic soul.

But those family members couldn't see it with the naked eye. Above this cemetery and above the tombstones, there were countless souls of the great Qin heroes floating. Although their bodies were dead, their souls were still there. ,

As a servant of Da Qin.

Ying Qi can't guarantee that each of them is alive, what can guarantee is that their souls can still exist in the world.

This is the only thing he can do as a lord.

after all.

Before Daqin, there was no existence of hell reincarnation. Once a living being died, the soul would be swallowed up by the power of heaven and earth, and eventually it would fall into nothingness.

As Qin courtiers, they can keep their souls immortal, and they can be immortal in this cemetery.

Waiting for the day when they can be reincarnated.

At this time.

In this cemetery, a figure in a black robe came, the moment he set foot.

Everything in the entire cemetery seemed to be disturbed.

Countless Yin Qi suddenly moved suddenly.

If the family members who worship the heroic souls here can see the souls, they can see the figures of heroic souls floating out from the tomb. They are all the appearances of their lives, many wearing battle armor, many wearing official robes, they They look different, but they all have the same aura.

And this moment.

They all appeared, mortals can't see them, but as long as they have a certain level of cultivation, they can see them.

Millions of mausoleums are buried with a loyal bone.

At this moment, their eyes are all in one direction, it is the man in black who entered the cemetery.

When the endless Yin Qi gathered to a critical point.

All the heroic souls faced the man in black, bowed their bodies and bowed, as if they were alive, and let out a roar of souls: "I will see the emperor."

The cry from the soul resounded through the underworld.

Even the family members who worshipped in this cemetery seemed to hear something and raised their heads in unison.

"Da Zhuang, is that your voice?"

"Mother heard your voice, are you still there? 35

"My big man is not dead?

"Xianggong, I heard your voice, come out quickly, come out to meet me.

"Bear, Daddy misses you so much..."

The voice of the soul came out.

Countless family members in the cemetery seemed to have heard the voices of their relatives, and they all cried out for a while.

In this world, only the pain of separation is heartbreaking.

And they lost their relatives forever.


see this scene.

Ying Qi was also a little worried.

But on the battlefield, death is unavoidable.

"That's it.

"I will fulfill your last meeting with your relatives.

Ying Qi said in a deep voice.

The official book of the Celestial Dynasty appeared in his hand.

All the information about the loyal bones and heroic souls buried in the cemetery appeared in front of Ying Qi's eyes.


"Open up a space channel and lead."

Ying Qiwei shouted.


Suddenly, millions of space passages appeared in this cemetery, which was what Ying Qi consumed the origin of the world and ordered Heavenly Dao to do it.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to do it with Ying Qi's strength.

"Reception. 99


With a move of Ying Qi's divine sense, with the power of the dynasty, he summoned all the people in the cemetery who had kinship with Heroic Soul.

Almost only momentarily.

Millions of family members of heroic souls came to the cemetery.

The moment they were summoned, they were all surprised.

But after seeing that they were in the cemetery, they were all shocked again...

They were still thousands of miles away just now, even in another world, but now they actually came to the cemetery where their relatives were buried.

At this time.

Ying Qi soared into the air.

"My people.

"Your relatives died in battle for Daqin and fought for the country, which is a great achievement."9

"I, grant you to see them one last time.

"That's the only thing I can do."

Ying Qiwei said to all the family members of the heroic soul.

sound together.

Ying Qi's thunder sound spread throughout the cemetery.

"It's the emperor. 35

"I am the emperor of Daqin.""

"See the emperor now.

Hearing Ying Qi's voice, millions of family members bowed to Ying Qi with respect.

The entire cemetery is filled with the voice of visiting the emperor.

"I grant you to meet."

Win Qiwei said.

A wave of hands.

A halo shot out.


A power appeared in this cemetery, and all the souls that mortals could not see were manifested.

Millions of great Qin Yinghun, all floating in the air, all looked at Ying Qi with gratitude.

"I'll give you half an hour to meet." Ying Qi said.

"Chen and so on, see the emperor.""

"Xie Dijun Longen.

All heroic souls thanked Qi for winning 1.8.

After they died for the country, they were separated from their relatives, and now they can meet each other, which is like reinvention for them.

next moment.

All the heroic souls fell in front of their families, and with years of guilt, told their relatives.

Many of their heroic souls have not even had the chance to see their parents again, and some of their relatives have passed away, after all, so many years have passed.

Ying Qi watched this scene without saying a word.

Apart from that.

Ying Qi couldn't do anything else at all.

Today is to give them a goodbye.


Send them to the underworld.

Dust to dust, dust to dust.

Everything about them will also be isolated from the world, this is the order that belongs to Da Qin.

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