Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 460 Kill Another Demon Emperor

The moment Fantianyin volleyed into the sky.

Blow down at a speed that surpasses thunder.

For a moment.

It rushed directly to the top of the insect king's head.

Don't wait for him to recover.


The Fantian Seal directly turned into a giant seal that reached hundreds of feet, with the repressive power of the ancient times, ruthlessly toward the Insect Emperor Town.

This is like a sky-high-giant mountain rolling down.

The mutation between the tugs caught the Insect King by surprise.

Even if he underestimates the enemy, there is a sense of crisis swept under the pressure of this giant seal.

However, his strength seems to be stronger than the old demon of Montenegro. In a hurry, he mobilized the demon power and attacked Fantianyin fiercely.

The powerful demon power comparable to the powerhouses in the fairyland blasted out.

The void of heaven and earth has changed.

Many demons standing beside the Insect Emperor were shaken away by this force before they could react.

Thousands of demon shadows appeared, directly attacking Fantian Yin.

"That's it?

Ying Qi sneered: "Not enough. 35


All the power of Dantian was exerted, and Ying Qi's big hand suddenly pressed.

Fan Tianyin was like the wrath of the sky, ruthlessly suppressed.

The thousands of demon shadows cast by the Insect Emperor all shattered and shattered.


The Insect Emperor and the many demons around him were smashed by Fan Tianyin.

Screams resounded through the void.

Countless demons were killed by Fantianyin in an instant.

The Insect Emperor was also smashed to the ground, smashed out a huge pit, and was seriously injured.

In Ying Qi's ear, the sound of beheading demons continued, and the experience points were recorded.

see this scene.

All Shushan disciples were shocked.

They didn't expect Ying Qi to be so powerful.

"When did the demon be so vulnerable?"

"The Insect Emperor is one of the Four Great Demon Emperors, powerful enough to slaughter a country with the power of a single demon.

"How could you fail like this?"

"And those demon kings, all of them are powerful demons, but they died like this?"

"The old demon of Montenegro, - really died in his hands.""

No wonder the demonic barrier in the Black Mountain Demon Realm collapsed..."

The head of Shushan, the elders, and the disciples of Shushan were all shocked by this moment.

They were all horrified by Ying Qi's strength.

"Human race."

"You are courting death.

Insect Emperor wiped the corner of his mouth to donate blood.

Anger appeared on his face.

next moment.

The figure that hit the ground flashed in vain and disappeared directly into the pit.

appeared again.

The void where Ying Qi is located has been shrouded in demonic energy, and it seems that countless murderous intentions have locked Ying Qi.

"Dare to hurt the emperor.

"This emperor has made your soul fly away.

"The demon fire burns the sky."

The Insect Emperor's cold and silent voice appeared all over the void, and in vain, the endless demonic energy directly turned into a strange bright red flame, surrounding Ying Qi, and in vain, the flame overturned and went towards Ying Qi Ran.

Under this demon fire, half of the world was scorched by this flame.

"Go all out.

"Don't let this fellow daoist die, otherwise my human race is really finished."

"Kill the demon. 35

When the head of Shushan saw Ying Qi who was in the flames, he shouted worriedly.

"Kill the demon.""

All Shushan disciple Yu Jian killed the enemy.

The war intensified.

"The power of the law of fire.

Ying Qi, who was in the sea of ​​​​fire, looked at this strange demon fire, and immediately understood.

After stepping into the fairyland, you can communicate with the power of the law, and use the power of the law to kill the enemy.

"If you use fire on me, you are courting death.

Ying Qi sneered.

A wave of hands.

Emperor Huo appeared in his hand.

The spiritual fire of the Dou Qi world originates from the origin of that world, and it also contains the power of powerful laws.

The existence of Emperor Huo is the Emperor of Fire.


Ying Qi casually threw the Emperor Fire towards the incoming demon fire.

When the emperor fire and the demon fire came into contact, a change suddenly appeared.

That strange bright red demon fire seemed to be changing rapidly and was controlled by the emperor fire.

In an instant.

The bright red demon fire in the sky turned into a golden emperor fire.

"how is this possible?

When the Insect Emperor saw this scene, his eyes were full of horror: "If this Emperor's law of fire is not the law of water, and nothing can break it, how can you be a human race?"

"Use fire against me."

"I, give it back to you."

Ying Qi laughed loudly.

God thought a move.

The Emperor Fire that scorched the void carried the flame power that originally belonged to the wrath of the Insect Emperor, and blasted towards the Insect Emperor.

in a blink.

Fire shrouded.

0.....for flowers·

Instantly swept the void where the insect king was.


"How can this emperor's fire get out of control?

"No way. 99

The Insect King said angrily.

He summoned the power of the law of flames again and attacked the emperor fire.

But no matter how many demon fires he summoned, they were instantly annexed by the emperor fires and turned into power belonging to Ying Qi.

If the law he comprehends is any other kind, it is not so simple for Ying Qi to deal with him, but if he uses this law of flames, it is purely his courting death.

Win the fire of Emperor Qi Zhang, the emperor in the fire.

It is the palm of thousands of flames.

Even if it is the law of flames, Emperor Huo has nothing to fear.

"It's not bad to understand the law of fire and be burned by fire.""


Ying Qi sneered.

No more delay.

The Emperor Fire that enveloped the entire Shushan Void was overturned and rolled down towards the Insect Emperor, as well as the countless demons, and even the Shushan disciples were shrouded in this Emperor Fire.

But Ying Qi didn't hold back.


Emperor fire crushed.

Countless demons were swallowed up in an instant and turned to ashes by the emperor's fire.

"The emperor is unwilling."

The Insect Emperor sent out an unwilling anger, was swallowed up by the Emperor Fire, and gradually turned into ashes.

Wait until the energy of the Emperor Fire dissipates.

on the void.

Most of the demons have been burned to ashes.

But oddly enough.

"I'm not dead?"

"Why is this?"

"Could it be that this flame deliberately avoided me?"

Many Shushan disciples looked at themselves in surprise.

The demon in front of them was burned to ashes by the imperial fire, but they were not harmed by the flames.

This is surprising.


Naturally, it is also controlled by Win Qi.

Ying Qi locked all the demons and demons with Dihuo, and Dihuo only attacked those demons.


It was thanks to his own strength that he was able to kill the Insect Emperor with Emperor Fire, or Ying Qi really couldn't do it.

"Die under your own fire, you are also the number one demon."

Looking at the insect emperor who was scattered with ashes and had no soul, Ying Qi sneered.


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