But they fell silent.

Ying Qi squeezed in vain.

The dragon claws shrank instantly.

He directly turned these Terran traitors into ashes.


The head of Shushan looked at Ying Qi in horror, he did not expect that Ying Qi would act directly.

"The old demon of Montenegro, I have already killed. 35

"My army is already cleaning up the demon clan.

"You, don't be afraid.

Ying Qi said calmly.

"The old demon of Montenegro is dead?

The head of Shushan was stunned for a moment, with shock.

The powerful demon emperor is invincible in the world, how could it be so easy to die?

"This is the body of the old demon of Montenegro. 99

Win Qi smiled.

God thought a move.

The huge black mountain of the Montenegrin old demon body appeared in the void of Shushan.

see this.

The head of Shushan looked at Ying Qi with awe.

Being able to slaughter the powerful demon emperor is enough to prove that Ying Qi's strength is not as simple as it seems.

"The old demon of Montenegro was killed by me."9

"I'm here today just for one thing...

Ying Qi stared at the head of Shushan: "Lead you in Shushan and destroy the demon clan. 99

"The demon clan has four big demon emperors. Even if the old demon from Montenegro is dead, there are still three. Moreover, according to rumors, the demon clan still has 950 big demon emperors. He is the strongest demon clan."

"How can I, Shushan, be able to contend with this?"

Shushan is in charge.

"You don't need to worry about these.

"Just know that I have the confidence to deal with them."

"Today, I only ask once. 35

"Would you like to enter my Daqin, be loyal to me, and slay the demon clan with me?

"Let this side of the world be brought back to the control of the human race, and there will be no more monsters plundering?

Ying Qi stared at the head of Shushan, and his voice was unmistakable.

Hear this.

All the Shushan disciples could not help but look at each other.

In the end, his eyes returned to the head of Shushan.

"Fellow Daoist, this matter is very important, and I can't decide for a while.

"If I choose the wrong step, I, Shushan, will be doomed, and the human race will be doomed.

"To start a war with the demon clan is to tear up the agreement signed in the past." The head of Shushan said hesitantly.

"It's not your turn to consider.""

"Demon, have already attacked the human race. 55

"Shushan, it's too soon." Ying Qi said solemnly.

Just that voice.


The Shushan Mountain Protection Array was attacked by outside forces in vain, and the tyrannical energy made the entire Shushan Great Array tremble.


"Outside the mountain gate, countless demon clans gathered."

"We are attacking my mountain gate formation.""

"The visitor is not good.

A Shushan disciple who was guarding the formation came to the head in a panic.

"The demon clan really went to war with my human clan?

The head of Shushan looked at Ying Qidao.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different.

"It's now."

"Do you still think the demon clan will pity the human clan?"

"Don't think too much." Ying Qi sneered.

next moment.

"A bunch of trash."

"The mere human ant formation can't be broken."

"This emperor is here in person. 35

A cold voice resounded in the void.


A monstrous palm print swept down and slammed into the formation.

The Shushan Great Array, which had lasted for tens of thousands of years, was shattered and turned into a ray of energy that filled the sky.

With the big array broken.

The aura of heaven and earth eroded by the evil spirit also broke the paradise in Shushan that had been maintained for tens of thousands of years. The aura was mixed, and the entire Shushan became gloomy.

And outside Shushan.

Thousands of demons stand in the sky, and there are countless demons on the ground.

Demonic soaring.

Completely enveloped Shushan.

The leader is the insect emperor, one of the four emperors of the demon clan.

The many demon kings under his command all gathered here.

"What does the king of insects mean?"

"Why did you break my Shushan formation?"

"Could it be that your demon clan wants to tear up the old agreement?"5

The head of Shushan (afbh) rose from the sky, still holding on to the expectation of not doing anything.

"What a shit deal."

"In the beginning, this agreement was bluffed by the Great Demon Emperor Cihang."

"Do you really think that after this agreement is signed, my demon clan will not take action against your human clan?"


The Insect Emperor sneered.

This sarcastic voice made the face of the head of Shushan turn pale.


It seems that he thinks too much, and it is also the strong people of all generations who think too much.

"My demon clan sons."

"The Great Demon Emperor has an order to destroy all human races."

"To kill, to cut, to eat. 35

"Whatever you want.

The Insect King shouted loudly.


"The human race of this Human Race Immortal Sect has a cultivation base, and only after eating them can they make great progress.

"Eating one of them is more useful than eating tens of thousands of mortals.


The entire Shushan Void, countless demons were moved by it, madly rushing towards Shushan, every demon's eyes did not hide the bloodthirsty desire.

"Shushan disciple...

Even if the head of Shushan doesn't want to do anything, but the monster invades, how can he sit still, grit his teeth, and with humiliating anger: "Fight, kill the monster, and save my human race."

"Kill the demon."

"Save the human race."


Tens of thousands of Shushan disciples were also angry.

They have lived in humiliation for so many years, in order to keep the human race alive, and they have tolerated everything for the demon race again and again, but now the demon race is still here, and they still want to destroy their human race.

It is tolerable, and it is unbearable.

For a moment. ,

The entire Shu Mountain was shocked to see tens of thousands of fierce sword intents.

Divine Soldier volleyed the demon.

"That's not bad."

"At least, they still have blood.

Ying Qi watched this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched.

But his eyes have already turned to the insect king of the monster clan.


Fly away.

"Human Immortal."

"The one who declared war on my demon clan.

"The death of Montenegro seems to be because of him.

"But how can he be able to kill Montenegro as a mere immortal?"

Win Qi Yi move.

The Insect Emperor's gaze immediately locked on him. As a strong earth demon, his spiritual sense spread, and the entire Shushan movement was brought into his eyes.

As Ying Qi approached.

The Insect Sovereign was still watching coldly, not caring at all.

The monsters in this world have controlled the world for countless years, and each monster has developed contempt for the human race and arrogance toward itself.

The old demon of Montenegro died like this.

I am afraid that this insect king is the same.

"Fan Tian Yin."

When approaching the insect king less than a hundred feet away.

Just like dealing with the old demon of Montenegro that day, Ying Qi suddenly shot.

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