After all, for Ying Qi.

He said that understanding is the law of time and space.

Although this kind of space is unstable, he can open it up with the laws of space.


Ying Qi directly reversed the law and slashed towards the space in front of him.

under the power of law.

The void in front of him directly opened up a passage to the underworld.


Ying Qi said to all the ghosts.

stepped into that passage.

I saw Ying Qi walk in.

Those ghosts were also excited and rushed in without any hesitation.

They have been trapped in this space for tens of thousands of years, and now they are finally going to escape.

"It's so big that it can only be transformed into a human form."

Xuehu looked at the passage helplessly, his body flashed with blood, and he directly turned into a burly big man.

And after Na Ji heard that the blood tiger changed into a human form, she did not hesitate, and directly transformed into a woman. Although she was not absolutely beautiful, she could be regarded as beautiful, and she had an extraordinary charm.

Seeing this, the blood tiger's eyes widened immediately.

"The proposal just made by the master seems to be not bad. Xuehu thought to himself.

"Stinky tiger, what are you looking at?

Di Ting snorted coldly, and rushed directly into the passage.

"I like this character too. 35 Blood Tiger is even hotter.

Yama Hall.

A channel suddenly formed.

The ghost demon emperor, the ghost human emperor, and all the ghosts looked over.

Ying Qi stepped directly out of the passage, and you stepped out of the passage along with hundreds of thousands of ghosts.

When you see these ghosts.

There was awe in the eyes of all the ghosts here.

The real master of this underworld seems to be coming back.

"grown ups."

"I don't know where King Yama is?

The Ghost Demon Emperor asked a little nervously.


"From now on, the underworld will be under my control.

Ying Qi said solemnly.

The Book of Life and Death and the Inquisitor's Pen appear in hand.

Seeing these two treasures, all the ghosts floated in awe.

"King Yama is dead."


Hearing the news of King Yama's death, the ghosts such as the King of Demons and Demons were relieved.

They have killed a lot of ghosts in their hands. If King Yama returns, it will not be a good thing for them.

"From today.

"The underworld is under my control."

"Everything and everything will be in order."5

"Are you willing to become a ghost in the underworld?

Ying Qi looked at the ghosts and other ghosts.

"I'll wait.

"See Your Majesty Yama. 35

All the ghosts knelt down, showing submission.

"I am the Emperor of Great Qin. From now on, you can call me the Emperor."

"Everyone in the underworld whose cultivation level is above the Broken Realm can be included in the ghost sequence. 95

"Another. 35

"Open reincarnation and let the ghosts in the underworld reincarnate.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

Officially start the change to the underworld.

Time is also passing slowly in this process.

And in this world.

The slaughter expansion of the Daqin Empire continued.


With the death of the demon clan's top powerhouse, Da Qin started to sweep the demons in this world, and Da Qin became more and more powerful in the process of annihilating the demon clan.

And the demon thief is getting weaker and weaker.


Five years have passed.

In the north of this world, the last city controlled by the demon beast.

The demon is making the last resistance.

"The Qin people.

"Do you really want to behead and kill?"

"My demon clan has been forced into such a field by you now, can't they give us a way to live?

An earth demon with unwillingness and anger said as he looked at the powerful Qin in front of him.

behind this monster.

Thousands of monsters stand in the sky, and there are millions of monsters in the city.

This is also the last resistance of the demon race in this world.

At this moment, they already carried a strong fear.

From the beginning of controlling the world, to the end, they have no way out.

in front of the city.

Dozens of immortals in Daqin stood in the sky.

Tens of thousands of Shushan disciples flying with the sword and tens of thousands of Kunlun disciples.

There are also hundreds of thousands of dragon knights in Daqin.

There are countless black armored armies all over the land.

A moment of decisive battle.

Daqin overthrew the whole country to annihilate the last demon clan.

"It's now.

"What's the use of saying that?"

"Before my Daqin came to this world, wouldn't you want to destroy the human race in this world?

"If the human race in this world stood in front of you and said this at this moment, would you let them go?

Bai Qi stood up in the sky with a sarcastic expression.

"Are you sure you want to destroy my demon clan?"

The last demon emperor of the demon clan said with a cold face.

"Nonsense is useless.

"Your demon clan will be destroyed today.

Bai Qi drew the sword from his waist and pointed directly at the city in front of him.

"Where are my Daqin soldiers?""

Bai Qiwei shouted.

"Kill, kill, kill."

Countless Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison, killing intent soaring to the sky.

The Daqin powerhouses in the void also burst into a terrifying aura.

"The last battle in this world."

"Destroy the demon clan and return in triumph.""

"The emperor is watching us.

"Cut down the demons and kill them.


White shouted angrily.

will fall.

127 Boom, boom, boom.

The entire void was suddenly shocked by countless terrifying energies.

Dozens of powers that reached the level of immortals instantly turned into light and shadows and rushed out, killing the demon, and the two strongest of them directly attacked the demon emperor.

"Kill the demon. 35

"Cut demons and eliminate demons.

"Kill. 99

Shushan, a disciple of Kunlun.

There are hundreds of thousands of dragon knights in Daqin.

All shot.

Countless divine soldiers were slashed with sword intent, and hundreds of thousands of giant dragons, with their scorching dragon breath, swept through the void of the city, frantically pouring out their dragon breath.

Countless monsters were chopped into pieces and burned to ashes under this offensive.

Such a great battle.

It's like a real fairy battle.

In the last city under the control of the demon clan, there may be human races, but it is very small. Under the balance of war, it is impossible for Da Qin to give up killing demons for them.

"After this battle.

"Da Qin has completely set this world."

"I can also return to the emperor.""

A smile appeared on Bai Qi's face.

Today's expedition will finally wipe out the last enemy in this world.

It's finally come to an end.

In Daqin's army of millions, under your power of many strong men, countless demons were destroyed.

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