"The Insect King is dead.

"Shushan disciples obey orders."

"All the demons, not one remains. 35

Ying Qi said coldly.

Then waved.

A power barrier was instantly cast.

Covering the entire Shu Mountain for a hundred miles, within this barrier, no monsters or monsters should even think about escaping.

And this moment.

Seeing Ying Qi's powerful strength, all Shushan disciples were in awe.

Can not help but say.

Kill those monsters.

Originally, the Insect Emperor brought thousands of monsters to Shushan, and he was aggressive, but this momentary change made these monsters unexpected.

Their demon emperor actually died like this.

They panicked and fled in all directions.

And Ying Qi's eyes locked on those monsters at the level of the demon king.

"Clone ghost."

"Nine Five Three" directly displays martial arts.

Ten unconscious clones appeared, heading towards the fairyland, killing the demons in the tribulation realm.

How could Ying Qi let go of these great experience points.

With the addition of Ying Qi's avatar ghost.

These fleeing demons are rapidly destroyed.

The Shushan disciples have also been suppressed for many years, but killing the demon at this moment has allowed them to wash away the humiliation that has been accumulated for many years.

The entire Shushan was rampant.

Only this time it was Shushan disciple Tu Yao.

The peace of the entire Shushan land has been lost, and what remains is the blood of demons spilling into the void.

It didn't take long.

The entire Shushan realm was wiped out, whether it was the demons on the earth or those in the void, all of them were slaughtered.

Take a look.

The ground has been dyed red by the blood of the demon clan, and the corpses of the demon clan have recovered their bodies everywhere. Under Ying Qi's prohibition barrier, they have no chance to escape at all.


this battle.

Shushan disciples also fell a lot.

After all, the strength of the demon attack was not bad, and thousands of Shushan disciples died.

But it is the best result to be able to solve the intruder and avoid the destruction of the entire Shushan Mountain.

"Thank you for your help, senior, otherwise my Shushan Mountain will be destroyed by the demon clan.

The head of Shushan came to Ying Qi and bowed.

"Thank you senior for helping me."

All the Shushan disciples faced Ying Qi, all bowed and bowed, and everyone looked at Ying Qi with awe.

This is what great power brings.

"How does it feel to kill a demon?"

Ying Qi looked at the Shushan disciple and said.

"It's very enjoyable, and it has washed away the shame of my human race for countless years." An elder of Shushan said with murderous intent.

"The demon clan bullied my human race, if it wasn't for my human race that couldn't compete with it, how would my human race suffer from this humiliation.

"Today's battle, killing countless monsters, is very pleasing.

"But this all depends on the help of the predecessors, otherwise my Shushan will be destroyed.

"Senior's great kindness, my Shushan will never be repaid."

All the Shushan disciples looked at Ying Qi with a kind of invigoration.

Kill the monster today.

What a joy.

Kill the monster today.

It is to wash away tens of thousands of years of humiliation.

"The demon clan has already started to destroy the human clan.

"I believe you have seen what happened today.

"Now, I'll ask you to wait again.""

"Would you like to be loyal to me, follow me, kill all the monsters in the world, and revive the world of the human race?""

Ying Qi stared at all the Shushan disciples and asked again.

this question.

It was Ying Qi's last question.

If they do not agree, Ying Qi will not ask again, but let them fend for themselves.

in this world.

Although they are of the same clan, Ying Qi is not the Virgin.

If you want to protect the foundation of Shushan in this world, you should join the Daqin service like other worshippers in Daqin, and their sects can also depend on Daqin and enjoy eternal existence.


All Shushan disciples looked at the head.

Under the strength shown by Ying Qi.

They all know that if they want to survive in this world where demons are rampant, they can only rely on strong men like Ying Qi. Otherwise, if another demon emperor strikes, their consequences will be unpredictable.

"Dare to ask the seniors.

"If I refuse, what will happen to the seniors?" The head of Shushan raised his head and asked Ying Qi.

"I won't do anything to you, but if the monsters attack, I won't help you again." Ying Qi calmly said.

Hear this.

The head of Shushan nodded.

"Dare to ask the seniors, do you have the power to wipe out the world's demon clan and return the universe to my human clan?" The head of Shushan asked loudly.  …

"I can." 9

Ying Qiwei said, no doubt.

"How to wipe out the demon clan?"

"Although the seniors are strong, there are endless demons and beasts all over the world. Some of them are in the mountains, some of them sneak into the human race, and even the strength of the senior can't kill them all.""

"Dare to ask the seniors, how can we do it?"

The head of Shushan asked.

"You want to know my methods?""

Ying Qi smiled.

"Senior, please give Shushan a reason to surrender to the seniors. It is what I, Shushan, and even the human races in the world want to completely eradicate the demon clan." The head of Shushan said firmly.

"it is good."

Ying Qi laughed loudly: "I will satisfy you."

The voice fell.

Ying Qi Shennian moved.

Open the copy portal directly.

next moment.

The waves in the sky were shocked.

A huge portal appeared from the sky.

"This....this is?"

All the Shushan disciples raised their heads and looked at the sky in astonishment.

The portal that appeared in front of them made them feel heart palpitations, which they had never seen before.

"Is this the gateway to the fairyland?"

"This kind of power is simply not something mortals can possess."5

"Could it be that this portal was summoned by this senior?"

Many Shushan disciples stared at the giant gate that appeared in the sky, and they were all guessing at the bottom of their hearts, but their eyes were all turned to Ying Qi, full of awe.


As long as they are not stupid, they will understand why this portal appears.

Absolutely because of Ying Qi.

"Is it possible that the seniors are coming to the fairyland?"

The head of Shushan couldn't help asking at this moment.

More awe in his eyes.

If not fairyland.

Talking about the power to easily kill the powerful demon emperor, if it is not the fairy world, how can such a stalwart portal be summoned.

"Da Qin Ruishi, come.

Ying Qi stared at the portal of the void and shouted loudly.

next moment.

The giant gate descended from the sky and stood in the mid-air of Shu Mountain.

Countless rays of light descended on the land where this side had just experienced the war.

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