Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 438 Upgrade 2 levels in a row, cross the border

"Celestial destiny.

"My Daqin strength will undergo an earth-shaking change in the future.

Ying Qi smiled.


With a movement of spiritual thoughts, he announced to the ministers with the connection of the national fortune: "Today, I, the Great Qin, have been promoted to the Celestial Dynasty, and all my ministers of the Great Qin can receive the National Fortune of the Celestial Dynasty.

"I, in the name of the emperor, order him. 39

The sound fell.

Ying Qi's voice sounded in the ears of the officials of the entire Great Qin Empire.

Daqin all over the world.

Countless officials of Daqin were in awe, facing the heavenly palace in the heavenly world, and facing the Daqin world in other worlds, all bowed and bowed: "Xie Dijun Longen. 35

"National Luck, come down.

Ying Qi gave a pardon.

"hold head high.

The black dragon of national fortune descended the boundless national fortune and descended towards the ministers of the Great Qin.

Celestial fortune.

What a vast expanse.

When countless courtiers received the national fortune, it was dozens of times more than the national fortune they had once blessed.

a time.

From the Heavenly Palace, there were many auras of breakthroughs.

In a different space connected to the heaven, the space where Daqin worships.

When the vast national fortune came, the sword sage's face showed unspeakable excitement: "Immortal realm, this day I will finally reach it. 35903

next moment.

An aura that transcended the Tribulation Realm spread throughout the space.

The entire Daqin world ushered in a grand event of breakthrough.

Countless courtiers ushered in a breakthrough.

If it was said that hundreds of years ago, the Great Qin Grandmaster martial artist could still stand on one side, then now, it is completely different.

In the Daqin world, a grandmaster is equivalent to a cultivator who just entered the Daqin army. In the Daqin army, reaching the fifth level of the grandmaster is the threshold. If this threshold is not reached, there is no chance to enter the Daqin army.


"I didn't expect that I also reached the realm of tribulation. 35

Under the blessing of the national fortune, Ying Zheng laughed a few times, and a powerful aura emerged from his body, reaching the calamity that Da Qin can now call the realm of the top powerhouse.

And this time.

Ying Qi looked at the black dragon of national fortune in the void.

"National fortune is added. Ying Qi said solemnly.


A vast power of national fortune came and fell on Ying Qi.

"180 million experience points.""

"Upgrade experience points reached.

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 84. 35

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to level 85.""

The system prompts.


Golden light enveloped Ying Qi's body.

Two levels up in a row made Ying Qi's whole body strength increase crazily.

"It seems that I still underestimate the national fortunes of the Celestial Dynasty. I didn't expect that I would be promoted to two levels in a row." Ying Qi smiled, and the power possessed by his body reached a terrifying level.

Even if he didn't use Fantianyin, his strength was now enough to fight against the peak of the Immortal Realm.

If the title supernatural power is used, the effect of the representative is even more terrifying.

At the peak of the Immortal Realm, Ying Qi might be able to kill him with one hit.

After winning the Qi breakthrough.

Void cracked.

The figure of the Sword Saint appeared in front of Ying Qi, and at this moment, the aura of his body had surpassed the Tribulation Transcendence Realm.

He has completed his pursuit and reached the fairyland.

A true fairyland.

"My minister, Xie Dijun Longen.

"If there is no emperor.

"Even if I try my best, it is impossible to reach a true immortal.

"The kindness of the emperor, the ministers swear to repay each other, for Da Qin, for the emperor, the ministers, and forever."5

The Sword Saint looked at Ying Qi excitedly, and bowed directly in the void.


"You didn't let me down, you became the second person in my Daqin to become a fairy.

Ying Qi said with a smile.

wave your hand,

The swordsman was lifted up.

"If it is not given by the emperor, it is impossible for the minister to step into the fairyland." The swordsman said excitedly.

"When will Xianren Jie come?" Ying Qi asked.

"Returning to the (afbh) emperor, thirty years later, the immortal calamity will come. 33 The swordsman immediately replied.

"In my world, the immortal robbery is a test, but it will not die, you can use this to improve your own strength. Ying Qi is facing the Sword Saint Tao.

"Many thanks to the emperor." The swordsman immediately said gratefully.

In addition to winning Qi.

In the Daqin world, those who break through the immortals will be descended from the immortal robbery by Daqin Tiandao, which also avoids the situation of the immortal robbery faced by the Daqin strong.

The courtiers of Ying Qi naturally have special cases.

Daqin Tiandao will not really kill.


Under the power of Qin Guoyun.

Daqin once again ushered in a breakthrough.

Daqin has entered an era of full improvement.


Ying Qi didn't pay too much attention.

Now that the empire has its own son in charge, Ying Qi doesn't need to take care of it too much.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

"After I left, everything in the state will be handed over to you, Xi'er.

"If you are undecided, you can consult with your grandfather.

Ying Qi looked at his son and said.

After explaining today.

Ying Qi is about to open the world portal and go to another world.

after all.

Anyone has a chance to enjoy peace, but Ying Qi doesn't want to.

"Please don't worry, Father.

"My son understands. Ying Xi respectfully takes orders.

"All right.

"Tell your mother that I am in retreat, don't tell her for the time being, I have gone to another world. 99

"Apart from this, there is nothing else to do, you can step back. Ying Qi said.


Ying Xi nodded, no more words, and left Zhangtai Palace.

"Also for decades. 35

"This time entering this world, there may be stronger immortals and gods. This is my chance, a chance to become stronger."

A Chinese Ghost Story.

"I don't know if it's the one I knew in my previous life. If so, then I understand."

Ying Qi smiled.

A wave of hands.

"Open the world portal of "A Chinese Ghost Story". Win Qi Dao.

"Order accepted."

The system prompts.

A golden light shot out.

He directly broke through the space and turned into a golden portal in front of Ying Qi.

"I hope this world doesn't let me down, otherwise, it would be too boring.

Ying Qi smiled and stepped directly into the portal of this world.

The figure also disappeared in the Daqin world.

Enter with Ying Qi.

Door closed.

Look around.

another world.

A Chinese Ghost Story.

Xianwu low-quality world.

It is also the moment Ying Qi has come to the most powerful world.

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