Ying Qi opens up space and establishes heaven.

in a short period of time.

The news has already spread all over the world.


Great Qin world.

Then he knew the existence of the Daqin Heavenly Realm.

The Ten Thousand Miles Heaven Realm is not too big for the real Daqin world, but it is not too small for a Heaven Realm that surpasses all realms.


Ying Qi will open the opportunity and threshold to enter the heaven.

Great Qin.

Not everyone can enter the heaven.

Only Daqin's courtiers and sects who are loyal to Daqin can enter the heaven and obtain greater resources.


The family members of the military can also enter the heaven.

These things.

Ying Qi has already left it to his son, I believe he will give Ying Qi a satisfactory answer.

Time blinks.

passed quickly.

These times are also very easy for Ying Qi.

With his own son here, all the government and affairs were handed over to Yingxi, but Yingqi didn't pay attention to it at all.

Taishang Royal Palace.

The father and son sat cross-legged on the void again, playing chess.

Play chess.

Ying Zheng couldn't help but said, "You stinky brat, throw everything to Xi'er, so you won't be afraid of tiring him?"

"Father, the conscience of heaven and earth."

"When you threw things to me, did I say a word of tiredness?"

"Now I also know that if I have a son, I don't need to worry about anything, I'm really at ease. 99

"If it weren't for this, how could I have been so unrestrained in these ten years?"

Ying Qi smiled proudly.

For his old father's teasing, Ying Qi was very happy.

"You kid.

Hearing Ying Qi's words, Ying Zheng was helpless.

"All right."


"After so many years, your chess skills have not improved at all, and you have lost again."5

Ying Qi smiled, dropped a piece, and Ying Zheng lost the chess game again.

"After playing with you for so many years, I have never won once." Ying Zheng waved his hand and the chessboard scattered.

"Father, don't worry."

"This time is the last time to play chess with you in a short period of time." Ying Qi smiled.


Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, then calmed down again, and said thoughtfully: "Why, are you going to go out again?"

"Have a long enough rest, it's time to go out."

"I didn't like this kind of peace, at least not now.

"Xian, it's not the end at all.

"Far from enough."

Ying Qi said with a kind of ambition.

"How is this world better than the one that fought last time?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Stronger, the immortal inside is stronger than me.

"But, this is just a starting point." Ying Qi said.

"Can you handle it?" Ying Zheng asked worriedly.

Now that he has so much, Ying Zheng is afraid of losing, especially his son.

If something happened to his son, there would be endless chaos in this huge Qin Empire, and the consequences would be unpredictable.


As a father, how could Ying Zheng not be worried.

"Don't worry, Father, I can't die. 35

"Daqin exists for a day, even if I die, I will still survive." Ying Qi said with a smile, he naturally knew the concern from his father.

"I know your character. Once you decide, no one can pull it back."

"Anyway, be careful."

"I, your mother, your wife, and your children are all waiting for you in Daqin." Ying Zheng said with some emotion.

"Do not worry.

In this regard, Ying Qi can only reply warmly.


He slowly stood up from the void.

"After procrastinating for so long, it is time for me, Daqin Yunchao, to be promoted."

"The luck of a world is enough for me to advance to Daqin again. 35

"This time, my Daqin will be promoted to the Celestial Dynasty.

"Step into the low grade of the Celestial Dynasty."

Ying Qi stared at the sky in the sky, with a kind of domineering domineering in the dynasty.


Ying Qi runs and casts the Holy Court.

"hold head high."

A thunderous dragon roared.

The Great Qin Guoyun Black Dragon rushed out of Ying Qi's body.


A black dragon with a height of more than 800 zhang stood on the top of the Tiangong.

The power of the national fortune brought by this black dragon put the entire Tiangong under the pressure of the national fortune.

"Devouring the luck of the world of Dou Qi."

Ying Qi gave a low drink.

Heilong looked at the world of Dou Qi, and suddenly, a force of embezzlement appeared, covering the entire beings in the world of Dou Qi.

All above the Qin territory.

Everything is for the people of Great Qin, and all the people of Great Qin belong to Great Qin.

next moment.

The qi luck from the world of fighting qi gathered towards the black dragon.

All were swallowed up by Heilong and by Da Qin.

This time.

Da Qin will be promoted to the Celestial Dynasty.

Reach another whole new level.

The national fortune of the Celestial Dynasty will bring greater blessings of national fortune to Da Qin.

Ying Qi's strength will also be greatly improved.

I saw the National Luck Black Dragon madly embezzling Qi Luck.

The 849-zhang dragon body is growing wildly.

860....865....876... A world's luck, allowing the imperial dynasty to step into the celestial dynasty, the level is rapidly increasing.

At this level, the difference is like a gulf.

But this time, the promotion must be without any accident.


The black dragon has grown to 899 zhang, which is only a zhang away from the Celestial Dynasty.

But it also happened to be this zhang, as if it came from a gap that was insurmountable.

The endless luck was swallowed up and turned into the national luck of Da Qin.

I don't know how much luck was swallowed.



The black dragon finally reached the level of 900 zhang, and a monstrous national fortune power instantly swept across the Daqin Tiangong and the heavenly realm.

Heaven, it is done.

"(Nuo's good) `〃The national destiny of the Celestial Dynasty, I don't know how much experience value it can bring to me."

A look of anticipation appeared on Ying Qi's face.

For him.

For the Qin courtiers.

This time Daqin is promoted to the Celestial Dynasty, and will usher in the transformation of the Daqin world again.

The reason why Ying Qi chose to be promoted to Yun Dynasty after ten years was to give the foundation unstable and stable after the growth of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, so that the ministers would rely on the national fortune to break through the cultivation base.

And now.

The time has naturally come.


Promoted to the Celestial Dynasty, the luck has not completely swallowed the scriptures.

Ying Qi immediately ran the exercises and continued to devour.

Time flickers.

The luck of the entire Dou Qi world has been swallowed up.

next moment.

The Black Dragon of the Great Qin State has grown to a height of 920 zhang.

It has reached the limit that this world can transform Daqin.

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