Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 439 Stepping into another world, different from Ying Qi's imagination

Xianwu low-quality world.

It is also the moment that Ying Qi has come to the most powerful world.

in this world.

If it is divided according to the level, it is the strong person who has surpassed the fairyland.

After entering Wonderland.

Fairyland, Earth Fairyland, Heavenly Fairyland, Golden Fairyland -.

There is a stronger presence above.

But at this stage, Ying Qi can't reach that higher level.

But since this world is a low-grade immortal and martial arts, it may have a level that exceeds the fairyland, and the earth fairyland powerhouse.

in this world.

There is cultivation, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is also extremely rich, but there are also surprises.

Central Plains.

A remote town.

above the void.

Suddenly a hole was torn open.

A portal emerges without leaving a trace.

From this portal, a figure stepped out, dressed in black robes, with a sword on his waist, like a noble son from a noble family.

Step into this world.

Ying Qi's spiritual sense immediately enveloped the void in the city.

"This world is a little weird."

When Shen Nian probed, Ying Qi's brows couldn't help frowning.

Because this world seems to be a little different from what he thought.

"The spiritual energy of the heaven and earth in this world has indeed reached the level of immortal martial arts. In terms of quantity, it is more concentrated than the spiritual energy of Daqin, but why is there so much negative demonic energy mixed in the spiritual energy of this world?

"Is it possible that this side of the world has been invaded by the evil spirits?"

Feeling the aura of heaven and earth in the void, Ying Qi showed a look of surprise.

this side of the world.

It was completely different from what Ying Qi thought.

Even, it subverted Ying Qi's cognition of this world.

Originally, Ying Qi thought that this world is also a world where the way of cultivation is highly developed, just like the world of fairy swords and the world of Dou Qi, and there are endless cultivators.

But for now.

Under the glance of Ying Qi Shennian.

Right now, in this small town, there are no more than a thousand practitioners, and almost all of them are martial arts practitioners, and there are no immortal practitioners.

And none of them surpassed the Shattered Realm.

Broken Realm.

Once upon a time, in Daqin also belonged to the top powerhouse.

But with the promotion of the Daqin world and the enhancement of Daqin's national strength, the Shattered Realm can only be regarded as a middle tier now.

But now Ying Qi has set foot in a world with a higher level than Da Qin. No matter what, there should be many powerful practitioners, but now it is out of Ying Qi's expectations.


The key is.

In this small city alone, the population is only tens of thousands, but there are hundreds of evil spirits, strong and weak.

This illustrates a point.

"It seems that this world is just like what I knew in my previous life, where demons are in power and demons are rampant."

"So, it couldn't be better.

When he came back to his senses, a smile appeared on Ying Qi's face.

This side of the world's spiritual energy is full of evil spirits, which is not a good thing for practitioners, but for evil spirits, this is equivalent to a panacea.

this world.

There may be countless evil spirits, and these will also become the prey of Ying Qi.

Become Ying Qi's experience points.


Ying Qi's figure flashed away in the void and disappeared in the void.

Look again.

Ying Qi has already landed in this small town.

this side of the world.

No one seemed to know that a visitor from another world had arrived.

into the city.

into the crowd.

Even in broad daylight.

There is a kind of strange overcast wind, which makes people feel cold all over the body. Of course, it has no effect on Ying Qi. He has become an immortal, and his body is immortal.

"This era does not coincide with my Yanhuang. 39

Ying Qi looked around the city, surrounded by spiritual thoughts, listening to the conversations of the people in this city.

I also have a little understanding of the era of this coming.


this era.

There is also the existence of a unified dynasty, but this dynasty has reached the end of the year, perhaps because of evil spirits, demons and ghosts are in power. In addition to the evil spirit shrouded in this world, there are endless murderous and evil spirits.

The whole is a dark and chaotic world.

"What a natural aura, if you can eat him, you can definitely improve your cultivation.

"No matter how bad it is, if you dedicate him to the demon king, you will be able to get a great reward."

0.....for flowers........

That's when Ying Qi was walking slowly in the crowd.

Several pairs of greedy eyes fell on Ying Qi.

"Interesting. 99

The corner of Ying Qi's mouth twitched, and a sneer appeared.

A few little monsters actually hit him with their ideas.

This has to be said to be courting death.


Ying Qi was also very real, walking towards a remote street.

"Hahaha, this ignorant human race is courting death."

When the few demons saw Ying Qi walking to a remote place, they laughed even more and immediately followed.

When we arrived at this remote alley, there were very few people.

A few demons couldn't bear it any longer.

Immediately rushed towards Ying Qi, directly surrounding Ying Qi.


"Boy, even if your life is bad today.

"Hahaha, it's rare to encounter such a spiritual human race. 35

"You can't kill him, or it will affect the taste."

"Take him."

Several monsters laughed and looked at Ying Qi as if they were watching their prey.

"This world seems to be worse than I imagined, in broad daylight, the evil spirits dare to attack.

Ying Qi looked at these demons and said lightly.

"When death is imminent, what are you talking about?"

"For you despicable human race, this world is like this, you are just the ration of our demon race, if it weren't for this, my demon race would have wiped out your human race long ago.

Several monsters laughed wildly.

"A ration?"

Ying Qi muttered to himself, but murderous intent appeared in his eyes.

Although this world is not from any dynasty of Yanhuang, but the blood of the human race in this world is also the Yanhuang family.

The dignified Yanhuang clan has become the ration of evil spirits.

Really humiliating and pathetic.

"Then I will use you as food.

Ying Qi sneered and prepared to remove these monsters.

"What do you guys want to do?"

"In broad daylight, how dare you do this?"

"Believe it or not, I will report to the government?

At this time.

Suddenly a voice sounded outside, filled with righteous indignation.

Point to the monsters.


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